Preserved Sheet Dagna D'vaud

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A Corgi Mom
Feb 19, 2017
Reaction score


  • Full Name: Dagna d' Vaud

  • Age: 23

  • Gender: Female

  • Race: Leutz-Vixe /Ailor (Human)

  • Sexuality: Straight
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 23
  • Medicine Knowledge: 15
  • Threads Arts: 10 (culture)
  • Alchemy Science: 8

Body Shape

  • Physical Stat: 0
  • Body Shape: Average
  • Body Fat: Moderate

  • Common
  • Leutz-Vixe

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Powder Blue

  • Hair Color: Blonde

  • Hair Style: Curly and long

  • Skin Color: Pale

  • Clothing: Always changing, but in fine blues and whites.

  • Height: 5'5''

Personality and Abilities

  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?

    • Depends on the fear. If it is fear itself, she either stands up for herself and makes it known that she can conquer her fear, or at least she tends to fight back what scares her at the time. As for bigger fears, well she gets quiet, shakes, and cries afterward when no one is seeing her.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?

    • She is the type that would do something to either better someone else or to push through for her family. Though since she has only her siblings and her parents left, she does what she can for them by letting the stress be as invisible as possible. When it overflows, she then consoles people she trusts and then asks for help.
  • How would your character express feeling Happy?

    • Dagna is like an open book for the most part. If she is happy she will let the world know it by smiling as bright as she can! She laughs and hums and sometimes dances when she is feeling joy and happiness.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?

    • She respects the Law and Authorities as she works with them and tries to abide by the letter of the law while also being zealous with her duties as being a doctor. The Oath she took is very important to her.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?

    • Non-Ailor creatures and beasts interest her, but she doesn't go more than friendship. She finds them oddly appealing but keeps her distance for the most part. As she is friendly to nearly everyone and thing. /NEARLY/.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves and other faiths?

    • Dagna respects those who walk in the Spirit at the same time she gives space and respect to those who are in the Old Faith as well. As long as they are not preaching to her to become someone or thing she isn't she feels content.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?

    • It is one of the things she fears. Unless it is witchbloods, which she works with and is learning how to handle them. Other magical things she thinks is from the pit of the Void and should be cast out.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?

    • To the von Rahm family that disowned her, she hates the Patriarch. She thinks he is going to ruin the family and all that it stands for by throwing people away and or about. She loves and misses her cousins she was so close to. As for her family back at home, she loves them greatly as she is a family-orientated woman.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?

    • Herself around men. She feels like a slab of meat to most of them and feels unclean and dirty when eyes and hands go to where they shouldn't. She also blames herself for the act as the Patriarch of the von Rahm supported the man who tainted her so long ago.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?

    • She is proud of her work. Of putting smiles on people's faces and does everything in her power to try and make things right in other's lives. Usually putting herself before others, unless pushed into the corner herself.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?

    • Her dream. Her dream of becoming a mother and Regalia's most reliable healer. Parts of her dream is small, sure anyone can become a mother, but she wants to be a good mother to her future children. As for the healing part, she believes that unlocking doors in the medical field will open possibilities for everyone and anyone.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?

    • It used to be letting her family down, but she got over that fear rather quickly. Her biggest fear of all is men. Most men that is, she recently learned that not all men are just after her goods, but actually do have a heart and mind.

Life Story (Required)

[Age 0-16]

Her parents Cerridwen and Emerentius, had a manor overlooking a baronial town and were stewards over it, and were very much involved in its day to day affairs as statesmen, being the youngest child, Dagna was taught and educated under similar principles through her hobbies were in fine arts of drawing and painting to tailoring and which in tells it, which she fully enjoyed. She had her older sister by a year named Minreva, who she didn't really bond with as she was just a baby when she was little. Both were that is and they didn't really grow up together as one would hope, but she knew of her just like she knew of family. They were short timings with her and though they tend to get along, not much time has spent with each other unless it was political or rare occasions of having time together.

Though her respect for her family grew through her loving parents who held elegant events and a good rapport with the people. This also made her open her eyes to the fine things in life as well as the not so fine things in life however, she had a good head on her shoulders and would help as her mother and father did in ways she could. When she was alone, she would draw the wildlife and the surroundings of the town. It wasn't the best, but it struck her parents into sending her off to school in the arts and eventually tailoring.

However, her parents did not find this as productive as she did. They wanted something better for their daughter so they sent her to medical school and learned alchemy from her mother. At first, she did not believe she would ever find herself to stomach the blood and gore that she had to face in school, but eventually, it stuck onto her and she enjoyed the thought of helping people. The sick, wounded and lost with both her art in making clothing and healing.


Unlike her sister, Dagna kept at it with the sewing and making cloth for some time, even embroidery to the point where she wanted to make it into a business, however, her parents had other plans and so she often left home only to learn more about medicine through the school in Regalia. Though as she finished, she took a break and went home once more on the odd news.

She heard about her cousins Runa and her twin brother along with the older brother vanishing after just meeting them and Ida on their way towards the wilderness, or at least that is what Ida said to her parents and what she picked up. Eventually, the children came back and as they did, Ida was still missing. This didn't really bother Dagna too much as she remembered Ida having a bit of a crazy look in her eyes. She knew the lady knew how to survive.

She found her love in making tapestry art of wildlife as she failed to express herself fully on paper and more with a needle and thread. Her skills lay more with the medicinal field as well as her sewing which inspired her to want to open and run a tailoring shop where both the lower-middle class people and higher class people can shop at. Although that did not happen at her home as she furthered her proper etiquette mannerisms. With her parents looking over her shoulders and throwing lavish parties for her to learn and align herself with getting used to people and important figures.


Finishing up her schooling, her family wrote to her from Regalia and her mother and father suggested to go and visit them. It took some time of softening her heart to the idea as she wanted to travel the seas to map out other areas and places nearby, not only did she not want to go at first she had strong ties with her town. The people adored her and she was nervous about the thought of going to the Empire's city to live there. Her parents coaxed her with ideas of owning her own tailoring shop and ideas that she could make a difference if she just put her foot down before the other and eventually find her way to Regalia. It wasn't until famine and the acts of the people that drove her away with the determination to help about mist that plagued them. Her destination ended up being Regalia where she will continue her goals and curious journey in life.

It has been a month since she has come to Regalia and so far it has been very overwhelming. From starting and opening a business, to making connections and proper political friendship to even the Vander Veer incident where she was one of the victims he preyed on. Eventually, things settled down where she could breathe and sit down with one of her best friends she recently made named Noelle Peirgarten. They agreed to revamped her business into a small retail-like store selling luxury goods and the likes at affordable prices. All while drama seems to seep through the background.

As things slowed down, Dagna found herself visiting home more and more. Her mother teaching her more about herbs in their free time as most of the time she was there to take care of her father who has dementia. Supporting her mother and her father as best as she could, she took a break from that and came back to Regalia to further her studies in medicine and try to join the Regalian guard as a medic.

After a few mishaps and rumors that flooded her life to the point where it ruined her, Dagna von Rahm was disowned without a word between her Patriarch and herself. She never got the chance to justify her actions. She now roams about the streets of Regalia as Dagna d'Vaud. Taking up an old name that was once held power in her family though now has fallen to commoners. As for her next plan? Who knows. So many doors opened to her once her family deserted her. So, for now, she would head to her homelands to prepare herself for the new life she truly wanted.
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Peer review copied from discord
- Might be good to reformat it for aesthetics but that's not a requirement (Bullet Points are a bit messy and all over the place)
- You can remove the paragraph under skill information that belongs to the template
- Take another look at your Body Shape section, it should be:
Physical Stat
Body Shape defined by your Physical Stat
Body Fat you want
- You'll probably be asked to expand on your personality paragraphs
- It's an Empire not a Kingdom
- A very big one is you need to incorporate things in your life story that shaped her personality, some random examples:
~ Why is she conservative about herself and her surroundings? What kind of environment did she grow up in that gave her that trait
~ Why does she have so much respect for her elders? Where does this respect derive from?
~ etc
Hi, sunshine, sorry it took me so long to get back to you!
  • Please specify where your points are coming from for clarity sake.
  • Please change 'Hourglass' to 'Slim' or 'Average.' You can use 'Hourglass' as a side-description on her body fat score.
  • Delve more into her personality, expand on all of the personality traits. She feels very cookie-cutter for a noblewoman. Add more spice into her paragraphs so she doesn't come off quite so bland.
Make these changes in blue and tag me when you're done.
I will be marking this application as rejected on the 27th for inactivity if the edits have not been made by then.
@Athelois Love your profile picture! But just letting you know I updated her history/bio and changed out her points and what she had points on.
Approved. Make sure you update her personality paragraphs to match that of the current template at some point.
@Athelois Made changes to Personality and Abilities as well as added recent info to her bio and changed her last name to d'Vaud.