Preserved Sheet Daenalia Heria

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doves <3
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
Somewhere boring
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Rahel 'Dae' Daenalia Heria
  • Age: 35 years old
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ailor/Cielothar halfbreed
  • Main Ambition: Knowledge
  • Special Permission: Expert Ellon Mage
Skill Information (Optional)
  • School: Ellon Magic
  • Level: Expert Ellon Magic
  • Source: Jinger, an expert Ellon mage from her Cielothar tribe.
  • Daenalia currently lives with a small pension from her family, having recently reconnected with her cousin about opening the family's store. Recently, a smaller Los Hilos de Lino shop opened, and will be another source of Regals. Her main reason for having even come to Regalia was for opening this shop, though it failed quickly. Through her new determination, she is planning on rebuilding what little she had . Now, she lives alone in a house near the park, somtimes taking in visitors to curb her loneliness.
  • Daenalia first was raised in Daenshore by Derrick and Leena Heria. At the age of ten she ran away with Leena to her mother's former Cielothar tribe. There she lived for 22 years before migrating to Ithania, then to Regalia.
    • Mother: Leena Requague
    • Father: Derrick Heria
    • Sibling(s): Tinlef Requague
  • Daenalia's current aspirations are to open up another small shop in place of her former failed branch of Los Hilos de Lino. A dreamer's goal is to hopefully convince her mentor, Jinger, to leave the Cielothar Tribe and bring her child to Regalia. With this, she counts on her mentor's loving attitude, though there is doubt. Daenalia only hopes she will have the words to convince her when she sees her again. And of course there is the challenge of hiding her powers within a state that would look down upon her. From this constant fear and need for change, another far more ambitious goal has manifested itself in her head: to get rights for mages, to find less demeaning ways to collar them, or perhaps not collar at all. She has no idea how to get this though. Lastly, she wishes to participate somehow in the rebellions against Freya, believing her to not even be human, let alone a good ruler.

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Light green
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hairstyle: Short, curly, parted in the middle
  • Skin Color: A bit lighter than usual, though still a dark Daendroque pigment
  • Clothing: Cheap fabrics cut into a compilation of several different cultural styles. A loose shirt, brown cotton pants, an apple red sash at her waist, and leather gloves and shoes.
  • Height: 5'8''
  • Body Build: Lanky
  • Weapon of Choice: Ellon Magic; Fox Ellon
  • Head: Daenalia has an oval face with a rounded-tip nose and an elegantly curved bridge. She has high cheekbones. Her light green eyes are partially downturned and deeply set, framed with thick, yet nicely-shaped eyebrows. Her lips are moderately thick. Her age shows itself on her face in the form of faint laughter lines and slight crow's feet.
    • Hair: As a result of a recent cut, Daenalia's once long hair now only reaches just past her ears and falls in loose ringlets to frame her face. She keeps the brown strands parted to the side, and will wear a pin to keep it from falling into her face.
    • Tattoos: Tattoos are present on Daenalia's face in the form of small black inkings. One of them is the elven word for "Fox" that rests under her right jawbone, and the other a rune for Ellon Magic on the left.
  • Body: Daenalia has a proportional build that includes a medium-sized bust and average hips. One might say she has an "hourglass" shape, but not as defined. Her arms and legs are lightly muscled, but what fat she can put on tends to build on her thighs, occasionally giving her wide and squishy legs. Because of her fairly inconsistent diet and erratic eating schedule during winter, her average weight of 137 lbs. is a bit under what it probably should be for her 5'8"frame.
    • Scars: Daenalia's body is full of scars, many of them small and only an inconvenience at this point in time. There are a few that still hinder her though, those being scars at her stomach and her thigh. These were acquired when she was impaled by a pitchfork, and give her a slight limp. Other scars include a branding on her back, shackle scars on her wrists and neck, mangled stitching scars on her lower arms, and bite marks on her right leg.
    • Tattoos: Daenalia has one last tattoo across her abdomen. It is of a simple tree, done in the Elven style.
  • Clothing: Daenalia's clothing choices are fitted more towards cheap fabrics cut into trendy cultural styles. Her main outfit is loose; it is composed of a green blouse, tucked with a corset, baggy pleated pants, a layer of fabric that resembles a skirt above her pants, and brown leather shoes. Her formal wear is much more elegant, and is made of richer materials and fashioned in a D'Ithanie style.
    • Accessories: The one accessory Daenalia wears is a thin red ribbon on her neck. It is not tight, and doesn't limit movement, but it hides and conceals her shackle scars.
  • Speech: Daenalia speaks slowly when she is careful about approaching a topic or when she is offering advice, otherwise, she speaks quickly and fluently. There is a certain lilt that would be identifiable as an Elven accent. Over the years, she has been exposed to many languages and has learned Daendroque, Common, Elven, and has dabbles in D'Ithanie to better communicate with her cousin.

Personality and Abilities
Personality Traits
  • Patient: This trait, one that formed later in her life, was preached to Daenalia by the Cielothar, but most notably, Jinger when she began learning Ellon Magic. Daenalia is extremely grateful to have this trait, as she knows how useful it is in social situations. Patience allows her to be a better listener, and waiting for results doesn't bother her. She is never really in a hurry, and she knows that sometimes the best way to information is to befriend a person. Even if she plans on just abandoning her "friend" she will inch closer for months, and never become impatient because they are taking too long to open up.
  • Curious: When she was small, Daenalia was always curious about the world. Through reading she would find out little facts and details about the world, and she loved it. Her mother was the one to truly ignite this curious flame inside her with secret lessons on music, history, and the arts that were performed right under Derrick's nose. This desire to know more never ceased, and instead it only grew stronger with age. Now though, it is more of a curiosity for people.
  • Determined: This trait is the newest one to have attached itself to Daenalia, it being the main result from recent trauma. After being impaled and losing some mobility as well as being attacked and having her fingers chopped off, Daenalia felt something change within her. She found herself with a new drive for something more than what she had at the time. Now, she is unwavering once she decides on her goals. Only when she sees something as impossible or highly improbable will she stop.
  • Calculated: Most everything that Daenalia does is carefully thought out beforehand unless she is upset. Her actions are carefully planned and her words are all thought out before she speaks. This trait developed in her time training under Jinger as she learned the basics of casting magic. The idea of always thinking out actions and their consequences was ingrained in her mind, the aim being to hopefully deter Daenalia from casting without thought and potentially killing herself. This trait keeps her in line. Again, this only applies when she is in a good mood. If she is fuming, depressed, or otherwise affected by a strong emotion, her calculation is lost.
  • Loyal: Once a strong connection between Dae and another individual is made, she becomes extremely loyal and protective of them, trusting them greatly with her fears and worries. This trait is a rare one to be expressed because of her inclination to push people away instead of trying to become close to them. The only people she is loyal to now is her husband, Jinger, and Marie. Truthfully, she wishes to make more friends in Regalia, but this goal is suppressed in her subconsious and has not been realized thus far. When Daenalia is loyal to someone, she can seem like a whole different person. She no longer has bad intentions or uses sly language to manipulate them. She is simply an ambitious woman.
  • Escapist: Ever since she was young, Daenalia has always been an escapist. She constantly dreamed of better things; she dreamed of a life without Derrick and abuse. The trait was nurtured by Leena, who would lie on the roof with her and do the same. She has had many ways of escaping reality: reading, writing, daydreaming, watching plays, etc. Today, Daenalia still dreams, and when she does, it usually leads to an emotional breakdown as she realizes her place in the world will never be as good as she muses.
  • Deceitful: Daenalia is terribly deceitful. This trait, handed down from both her father and her mother, causes her to somewhat manipulate others constantly, even if she doesn't desire to. She does almost anything to get her way, often calling upon lies and faked feelings to aid her. She is calculated without even thinking, pulling information stored from other past friends and acquaintances in order to get what she wants from the next. This trait can place large dents in her relationships when those who are manipulated figure it out, causing her to become isolated from others.
  • Over-Emotional: Daenalia's moods are always very extreme, sadness especially. A single word can make her sob, and a simple jab can cause her to go into extreme rage. Sometimes this can disrupt her everyday life since her anger can come flaring out of nowhere, but she tries to control it best she can. Some would like to call her a "Drama-Queen", but she cannot help it.. Her mother was the cause of this trait, as she was the one to pass it down to Daenalia. Luckily, she is learning to control these unpredictable emotions as best she can.
  • Cruel: When she lived on the streets, Daenalia learned that the worst thing to be was empathetic. It is something that could be manipulated. Slowly, the idea of being ruthless was ingrained in her, and it became permanent. She shows no mercy towards those who have wronged her, and she feels nothing when she does something morally wrong. Perhaps she doesn't have morals at all? Some say she is sadistic, but she receives no pleasure from hurting others. There is only a certain numbness to their pain.
  • Regretful: Daenalia has many things that she regrets, and many times she dwells on these for hours at a time. Because she has so many regrets, Daenalia also is unsure of her decisions at some points, wondering if she will hate herself for them later. Although she is determined, the unsure aspect of her makes reaching goals challenging. To outsiders, it is like two parts of her that are battling another. On one side, she is ambitious, but on the other, she is afraid of mistakes and doing something she will later regret. This trait takes a toll on her mental health and causes her great distress.
  • Sneaky: Daenalia snuck out often when she was younger, past Derrick and Leena to fight in the streets, and that skill has stuck with her since that time. It was especially helpful when sneaking out of the tribe. Her footsteps are always light, and her shadow unseen - as long as she doesn't want it to be. She had almost perfected this art before her recent impalement, but now has to adjust to being sneaky with a limp. Thus far, she is adapting well.
  • Sly: When compiling Daenalia's traits as a whole, one will find her greatest self-benefiting strengths to be her slyness. She is cunning, thoughtful, and able to get what she wants. She isn't afraid to use underhanded tactics and illegal methods. There is danger in this, but she is careful. While there is a great advantage in her abilities, there is also the factor of danger, of which she continually casts aside. She thinks she has nothing to lose.
  • Good Memory: Daenalia was gifted with impressive memory capabilities. She doesn't know where she got it, possibly from her father, but she is grateful for the skill all the same. She is able to remember most of what she reads, and can recall small details about people easily. It is a great asset both on the streets and in the political world where little tidbits of information can sway the tide immensely.
  • Low Stamina: Ever since she was young, Daenalia has always had breathing problems. Too much running or exertion can cause her to huff and puff, though it is less bothersome now than it was when. The least amount of effort she can put into a chore, the better for her. That rule was created when she was a little girl, and still sticks as truth for her, even though she can now jog fair distances without having an attack.
    • When in her Ellon form, her lungs only seem to worsen since all she does is run. Every so often she will have to take lengthy breaks, and if she does not adhere to this little rule of hers, she is likely to have an attack and end up falling to the ground without oxygen to support her muscles. As breathing becomes harder, she finds her body weighty, her fur stifling. Overall, it is not much different when she is in fox form, but it still seems to affect her more just because of how mobile she is when changed.
  • Moody: Daenalia's moods are more unpredictable than a teenager's. She can be happy and joking one moment, then have steam blowing from her ears in the next. She cannot help it, she was born with it. It sometimes confuses those she speaks to, and can set her away from others if she turns to the wrong mood. Sadness was something she never covered up until recently, and she would cry freely in public at the mere mention of something depressing, but since crying is seen as weak, she has tried to stop herself. Anger as well is something she is learning to stifle.
  • Conflicted: Although many of her traits align well together, certain ones conflict with the others and make life more difficult for Daenalia. Most prominently, her over-emotional and regretful traits conflict with other aspects of her personality. Her tendency to be over-emotional disrupts her calculation and determination, as her emotions get the better of her. It is not rare, but also not common, for her to momentarily back away from a goal due to her extreme and quick-shifting emotional state. As for her regretful side, she doubts herself. This also distrupts her goals for if she worries for too long over if what she does next will become another regret, she may not do it at all and become stagnant for a while. Overall, her personality conflicts at some points, and causes her hardships including another hurdle when reaching for her goals and further emotional issues.
  • Selfish: When combining all her traits into one, it is quite plain to see that Dae is a selfish woman. Most of the things she does are for her own benefit (although people she are loyal to occasionally recieve the gift of her actions being for their benefit). Her selfish streak is plain to many people who encounter her, so many possible relationships are cut at the roots when they realize her intentions. Being selfish also has the impact of lonliness for Daenalia. Because she thinks only of herself, she does not often find time for others, and when she is free, she finds herself alone. After all, who would want to be around a woman who only uses them?
  • Bad Fighter: Swords, as well as knives, never were her strong suit, and neither were punches or kicks. Bows and other long-range weaponry don't fall into this category though; recent training has actually shown a type of affinity. Daenalia trained herself to fight with her hands when she was younger, but she lost a lot of that skill when she began studying magic. In districts and towns where many own weapons and can wield them with ease, she is at risk. If she gets into a fight with a large opponent, she will likely try to run off as soon as possible. She knows when she is at a disadvantage, although this usually kicks in long after she herself has attacked or been attacked.
    • Daenalia's tendency to be a bad fighter follows her as her body changes forms, but definitely not as strongly. While in the form of her fox, she is simply a creature as she fights. There is no true skill behind her fighting, but she is quick and can employ instinctive moves to help her. Many of her nips depend on sheer luck.
  • Quirks: Daenalia, when thinking, has the tendency to bite at her lips or the inside of her cheek. Another quirk, one she exhibits often, is that she likes to pull her hands back behind her, hiding them from view of those speaking to her. This habit developed when her fingers were lost.
  • Skills:
    • Woodcarving: This skill is one that Daenalia was exposed to at a young age. At first, she was only shown how to make smooth, gentle curves. With time, she expanded upon this until she had the ability to make delicate carvings with immaculate detail. Now unfortunately, she is unable to do so because of her missing fingers.
    • Music: This affinity was cultivated from a young age, back when Daenalia was first learning the family trade. It is not something that gives her great happiness, but had been her family's way of earning currency, so she was forced into learning. She has composed a few music pieces, though they sit unused, played only by her when she could play.
    • Gardening: Gardening, being one of the few skills Daenalia possesses that she actually enjoys, is something she does often and with careful delicacy. She gardens all year, growing plants that keep hardy during the winter months. This skill was first nurtured in the Lothar tribe when Jinger taught Daenalia the basics of healing and herbs.
  • Talents:
    • Singing: This skill, though having been present all throughout her life, has not been used up until recent times as Daenalia has lost ways of performing music in other manners. Now, she works to improve upon her natural talent, hopefully being able to profit from it with Los Hilos de Lino.
    • Mathematics: Daenalia always seemed to have a skill with numbers. She quickly caught on to them when she was young and was able to do all basic math with ease by the age of nine. She is excellent at accounting, though this natural talent is squandered by her lifestyle. It is almost useless for her at this point, as Marie takes care of family transactions.
  • Rumors: Upon hearing of someone else's woes, Daenalia will find herself almost giddy with excitement. The exchanging of rumors and secrets is a dear enjoyment she flaunts often in her speech, openly speaking of the current actions of nobles, their scandals, etcetera. She attempts to collect and fabricate her own rumors at times. When she found spying was a good way to earn Regals, she jumped on that immediately, saving herself from back-breaking labor with her ears.
  • Birdwatching: Since birds are her favorite animal, Daenalia has always took some time out of her day to sit and watch the birds flit by. She will whisper their names to herself under her breath and if she doesn't know it, she will make up her own way to identify them. She loved to drag Jinger to the Forest Wall and make her sit by her quietly, and sometimes, she would bring spare seeds to feed the birds. If there is an opportunity to go and wait to see her favorite animal, she will, and it often calms her down in a way nothing else can.
  • Yanar: Ever since being introduced to Yanar in the Cielothar tribe, Daenalia has had an immense fascination for them. Seeing one will get her excited like most nothing else can, though she tries her best not to let this show. She desires to learn as much as possible about this race, and often tries to find books on them, even writing her own journal passages from time to time. She has a goal to meet as many as possible and to expand her knowledge through friendly interrogation.
  • Winter: Daenalia has always loved the warmth and the feel of the sun on her face. In the winter season though, she takes on her seasonal depression. Nothing can excite her like it does in summer, and she tends to lose quite a bit of weight due to her not eating. Sadness envelops her and keeps her in its grasp until she can hear the sounds of birds chirping when she steps outside. She becomes a lot more vulnerable, and as much as she hates to be like that, she cannot help how she feels about the coldest season.
  • Small Children: Daenalia thinks of all children under the age of about six to be a complete and utter bother. They scream and cry, and she has no idea how to handle them, let alone care for one. She somewhat dreads having more children, but she still loves older kids. Although she is very patient, she finds teaching children to be a pain just because they are so different from adults, and would much rather leave that to a person who could handle them.
  • Needles: This fear was acquired from a young age, back when she cut herself constantly while learning to carve wood. Her father would try to patch up the worst of her cuts as her mother looked on. Daenalia remembers the mistakes Derrick had made in stitching clearly, and how he mangled parts of the skin on her arms and hands. Still, the scars are there, misshapen, a reminder of her father's negligence and cruelty. Ever since then, she has had a terrible fear of needles, and especially stitches.

Life Story

Early Childhood

Rahel Daenalia Heria was born to Derrick and Leena Heria in the town of Daenshore. From that point on, she had two traits already attached to her; her ability to manipulate and her extreme emotions. Derrick schooled her, introducing music and composition, several basic instruments, math, reading and writing, language, and some personality exercises. Nights sitting up on the roof with Leena became Daenalia's daily escape, thus cementing another trait early in her life. Her sneakiness also integrated itself in her, Leena having even encouraged it when she would ask Daenalia to go sneak out after dark to purchase them a treat from the bakery.

At ten, she and Leena ran away from his abuse to her former Cielothar tribe, and was introduced to her mother's closest friend, Jinger. She lived there two years before beginning training in magic.


Daenalia's life was slow during her teenage and early adulthood years as she practiced magic each and every day. When exposed to the life of the Cielothar she became hooked, taking on their faith, culture, and language. Her curiosity peaked at this time, as there was always something new to explore. Her faith in Estale was rocky though, for she was first raised as a Unionist.

Her Ellon revealed itself with time, and Jinger began drilling the idea of both patience and calculation into Daenalia. Her Ellon was first a common housecat. At the age of 17, Daenalia became pregnant with a fellow tribe member. He was never told, and the child was kept close to Daenala and Jinger. When she, named Faunalyn, grew older, Jinger took claim to her. Daenalia was often busy and did not get the chance to bond much with her child. She regrets it even now.

This regret grew with time, eventually leading to doubt in herself and a remorseful psyche that follows her today.


At the age of 31, long after reaching the feat of becoming an expert in Ellon Magic, Daenalia left the tribe, sneaking away after a fight with Jinger about Faunalyn whom had recently come of age to learn magic. Her disappearance was caused by her anger, and her extreme flaming hatred for her mother. She had practically disappeared from her life entirely, absorbed back into the tribe.

She sailed to Arvost, living on the streets for three years. She learned some basics of fighting that were needed for survival, though she found herself injured more often than not. Despite having been surrounded by pacifism for most of her life, cruelty came forefront as she was molded by the hands of poverty, constantly lying, stealing, and manipulating.

After these three years, she was fed up. She moved to Ithania after saving up what money she got from performing on the street corners, and eventually came into coincidental contact with Derrick. She was returned to the family home, where members she had never met were mingling. Although she got a harsh punishment from Derrick, she was allowed back into the Heria family, and became close to Marie, her cousin.

For a year, she stayed there. Upon Derrick's sudden death by disease, she was sent to Regalia to do what he didn't ever want: spreading the business into the Holy City.


In Regalia, soon after the Qadir were driven out, Daenalia met a man named Seph and had another child. Seph left her, disappearing without a cause or even a note left behind. Daenalia was devastated, and shipped the child away to an orphanage. This is another regret she carries around. Her Ellon changed to a wolf, a reflection of the aggressive and conflicting feelings she held inside.

In the time following she did as her family asked, them taking advantage of her grief. She opened the branch. As she healed, she fell back into her old routine of criminal activity and joined La Ganga.

During a trip to Daenshore with the gang Daenalia was impaled, and upon returning, she was attacked. She lost several fingers on both hands, losing her ability to play instruments. Something changed, though. She didn't break down and become placid like before. Instead, her personality shifted and she became determined, driven. Her Ellon changed again into a fox, somewhat like a mixture between feline and wolf. It has stayed as a fox since.

She worked to reopen the lost branch, this time with a focus on singing. After her marriage to Helfarme Orthamann, she aimed more towards bettering herself, further practicing magic to calm her. Although she was already an expert, she knew she was not yet perfect.

At the fall of Regalia to the Lo Queen, Dae fled the city, and has since returned in hopes of things returning back to normal. Unfortunately, she and Helfarme got into a fight about a slave and the two have since split apart, Dae taking on her old surname in response. She was distraught for a time, but there are more interesting things going on at the moment to keep her busy.
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I will be reviewing this fine character!
  • Thank you for the considerate warning! But I'll warn you back, I'm struggling to come up with criticism that isn't overtly petty.
  • Her four likes are, for lack of a better word, -too damn typical-. Readying, fauna, I expect you to say picking flowers while the birds chirp. To break that, have Roshia fancy something that contrary to everything else about her, leaps from nowhere. An opium obsession, a giggle-inducing joy in watching people trip, a love of canons, something.
  • Same complaint for dislikes. Throw in something cray. "Can't stand Chien'ji" or "Loves all other flowers, but will trample a poppy if she sees one.
  • Make it clear what level of mage you're applying for. Then tag me when you're done @MourningDoves
Your Progress: Pending!
I put her level and magic type in the first line of the Basic Information tab, if that's alright. I also switched out the like "Reading" for Moss and "Flora and Fauna" for Rumors. I changed her dislikes "Uselessness" and "Indoors" for "Heavily Spiced Foods" and"Very Small Children" .

Hi there @MourningDoves
Although you're just going for the re-review of the magic, I hope you won't mind me just giving you the full works. Your application looks to be incredibly indepth and well written, so there won't be many points at all for you to edit upon. Please carry out the edits in RED font.
  • (Basic Information) I'd like you to expand on her ambitions a little. For example, explaining how she intends on convincing Jinger, or on how she intends on setting up and carrying out her singing lessons after such a failure. Is there perhaps any bad 'press' (That is to say chatter) about her that she might have to overcome in some manner? And if so, how exactly might she move to do this, and in fact would she even notice or think in that much depth? I'd like you to go into as much detail about her life goals as you can, because naturally this is the driving force behind the character. If you can, give her goals and ambitions that ultimately are things that can be rp'd at least in part, so as to give you and other further connection with the character. Ultimately the characters that have the most drive are the ones people enjoy rping with the most. If your character has nothing to do all day, then they become stale and boring, and rp quickly dries up. So go wild!
  • (Basic Information) You've stated her living off of funds from her family, which is all well and good, but at the age of 22 does this not affect her psyche at all? Knowing that she must rely on her family to keep her afloat? Could you mention the psychological effects these things have on her in some manner?
  • (Weaknesses) What are the effects of Low Stamina and Bad Fighter, on her when she is in her bestial form? You should definitely outline exactly how she is affected by her weaknesses when she uptakes her Spirit form. You'll probably want to write at least three or four sentences for each one, please don't hold back on account of being brief for the reviews sake.
Alright, please get these edits done and tag me!
  1. Expanded: Explained Jinger and singing lessons in a bit more detail, added magic-related ambition.
  2. I've completely edited that out. Looking back, I don't think it was a good choice to stick that in there and her funds from El Beneficiado would be enough, especially when considering that her fiane brings in regals as well.
  3. Expanded
I hope this is sufficient! And thank you for reviewing.~
Perfect, approved. I like how you've adapted your goals particularly, and removing mention of her family funding her. @MourningDoves
I don't know if this was just a little mistake or not, but the box in the title hasn't been changed to "Approved". Thanks again for reviewing! I'm glad to have Dae up to date again.
Cruel: When she lived on the streets, Daenalia learned that the worst thing to be was empathetic. It is something that could be manipulated. Slowly, the idea of being ruthless was ingrained in her, and it became permanent. She shows no mercy towards those who have wronged her, and she feels nothing when she does something morally wrong. Perhaps she doesn't have morals at all? Some say she is sadistic, but she receives no pleasure from hurting others. There is only numbness to their pain.
You should make her a psychopath, this personality fits in really well. It would be great development,
You should make her a psychopath, this personality fits in really well. It would be great development,
I'm trying to stay away from that extreme just because...
  1. It's kind of overused for these types of characters, in my opinion.
  2. I've played around with several other aspects of psychopathy disorder, but I decided that they aren't something I want to play.
Thanks for the suggestion though!
Heya, @MourningDoves I've gone and looked over your changes. Seeing no issues with them, I call this sheet re-approved.