Preserved Sheet Démenche Atozaïs - The Elder Lich

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Bonesy Ol' Boy
May 12, 2018
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
The Allar Embassy


  • Full Name: Démenche Atozaïs
  • Age: 236 (206 as a vampire)
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ithanian Ailor
Skill Information

Total Points: 60 - 30 = 30
  • +30 Rogue Training (from vampire)
  • +20 Magical Knowledge (from points)
  • +10 Body Care (from racial boost)
  • +5 Fast Blades Skill (from points)
  • +5 Perception Training (from Points)
Body Shape Category
  • 0 Physical Stat
  • Skeleton
  • No body fat
  • D'Ithanie (Native Language, taught by parents)
  • Common (Taught During Youth)
  • Modern Elven (Self-Taught)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Vampire: Survival Tree Mutation
  • Vampire: Vampiric Healing Mutation
  • Vampire: Usability Mutation
  • Vampire: Command Undead Mutation
  • Vampire: Mind Wall Mutation
  • Vampire: Mind Feeding Mutation
  • Vampire: Spirit Shift Mutation
  • Vampire: Arcana Vampirica Mutation
  • Vampire: Dragonica Vampirica Mutation
  • Vampire: Vitila Vampirica Mutation
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: N/A
  • Hair Color: N/A
  • Hair Style: N/A
  • Skin Color: Bleached White
  • Clothing: Dark Loose Robes
  • Height: 5'7

To The Inferior: On the outside, Démenche is a strange and macabre corpse. To most, if not all, non-vampires, Démenche appears as a simple marrow golem, as he shambles about cloaked in dark robes at almost any given moment. When given the chance however, Démenche is more than willing to expose his rather melancholic personality, to even the newest of acquaintances. His dramatic speeches are met with similarly dramatic body language, all but his face, which eternally stays an emotionless bone mask. In his most raw moments, though, a very different Démenche can be witnessed. One who appears to be saddened by the eternal loneliness of his skeletal state, for no real apparent reason.

Thoughts of Grandeur: Pitying the un-gifted, Démenche sees all who are unlike him as a weak and imperfect version of true existence, someone who is without the Gift, and someone who should be either converted or bled dry and made use of, decided purely by Démenche's own discretion. He believes his own form to be the definition of a pure existence, although, his superiority goes further than his Vampiric mindset. Démenche considers himself such a superior being, he lacks the ability to truly fear any so-called "enemy", considering them nothing more than entertainment and fodder. This is also the main reason Démenche seemingly cooperates willfully with certain living individuals. Lacking any doubt in his own power, Démenche is willing to cooperate solely because he believes that at anytime he could take control, and squash them with ease. Like a child, Démenche enjoys playing with his food, never truly respecting or ever adhering to any non-vampire.

To Subordinates and Kin: Among the few beings that Démenche even bothers to consider, his subordinates and other Vampire will discover a rather respectful, and friendly person within Démenche. To those who follow Démenche's commands, be it willfully or forcibly, they will be met with a friend, rather than a ruler. Démenche believes only those who see his undead form in the same light as he does are worthy of his kindness. And of course, anyone who believes otherwise will be subjugated and commanded to accept this belief as fact. To those who are among the Gifted, Démenche simply enjoys their company, and wishes to make friends and connections within the Vampiric network.

Morality: With no moral code whatsoever, Démenche simply does as he pleases. He perceives none of his own actions ever as evil or wrong, for he considers himself perfect, and so his choices must be the same. Subsequently, those who follow his will are also considered morally just in Démenche's eyes. Because of this absolute idea that he can do no wrong, Démenche has no qualms with committing acts that others might see as evil and heinous, or even criminal.



Born to a small aristocratic Ithanian family, Démenche Atozaïs lived an easy childhood. Démenche's family made most of their wealth by adhering to a larger and more powerful family, and to compensate for their support, they were given money. The Atozaïs family lived in a solitude manor, not far off of a small town, on the cold northern shore of Ithania. Besides a basic education in Ithanian and Common, Démenche spent most of his time away from his family and their manor, more specifically on the shore, in a tower. When he was only 6, Démenche chanced upon a strange, ruined tower. He fell in love with the crumbled structure, and began to play and run around its interior, and most of all, he enjoyed reading the numerous books on strange things in the library atop the stoney pillar. Démenche spent 2 years with his tower and library before the peace were to be disturbed, until one day, when he was approaching the old structure, he heard a racket coming from inside. Fortunately, Démenche had the good sense to call his father to aid. As they both ascended the tower, the loud noises seemed to be coming from the top of the tower. When the pair finally reached the stair's end, their gazes fell upon a strange man, rummaging about and throwing random books across the room. Démenche could tell, almost immediately, that this man was not normal. HIs movements seemed sporadic and instinctual, like an animal. His teeth were sharp, and his eyes were darkened. His hands had strange, bloodstained claws in place of fingernails. Suddenly, the man/creature saw them, and, to Démenche and his father's surprise, it flung itself out of the highest window, and vanished as soon as it hit the ground.


Still plagued by thoughts and visions of the strange beast-man, a fourteen year old Démenche was scouring his library for any books that described a creature like that man. He landed on a book titled: Observations on Sanguine and Various Aberrants. In the book there was a diagram of a creature labeled Sanguine, and it shared similar traits with the man, only, the creature depicted in the book was deformed, and grotesquely large. Over the next few years, Démenche would slowly become obsessed with Magic and Aberrants, specifically this Sanguine creature. However, after another fourteen years of relative peace, Démenche would be interrupted yet again. As he peered out the window in his library, gazing upon the shore and frosty landscape below, he noticed a strange gathering of people near the base of his tower. When he stepped out to confront them, he noticed something peculiar, something he had only seen once before. The same strange man he saw all those years ago stood amidst a pack of several other figures, all with similar appearances to the man. Within seconds, they were on top of him, and as he felt their sharp teeth pierce his body and drain him of blood, he had thoughts of his home, the manor in which his family resided, before falling unconscious.


Démenche was left bleeding out, and all alone to deal with his new infection. He managed to drag himself into his tower, when he fell unconscious yet again, this time for nearly a day. Démenche rested in his tower, as he went through the five days of manifestation, whereupon the fifth night he set out, to observe the damage of his old home. He saw the bodies of most of his family, and without remorse, he meekly fed upon the remains of his father, who became his first meal as a Sanguine. For the next 20 years, Démenche lived in that coastal tower and scoured the lands near his old home, always searching for his next meal. By the 20th year, Démenche had gained near complete control over his vampiric powers, and had raised a small army of undead, which he used to patrol the grounds and hunt for his food. Of course, as soon as he started amassing his arming, he was found out. And as the guards from the nearby town swarmed his tower, and cut him down quickly, Démenche gripped a strange ceremonial dagger found in the tower, his only weapon, and cursed the world for his miserable life. Then, as he was lifted out of his own fleshy corpse, Démenche began to see what he truly was; a perfect being destined for ultimate control. He was reborn as a Lord of the Undead. Lord Atozaïs, as he and many others began calling himself, resumed the completion of his army, and with the help of local covens who had decided to join his cause, wrought his revenge on the townspeople who had once slain him. With almost an entire town of undead revenants, Lord Atozaïs became a driving Vampiric force in Ithania, and his small undead reign lasted for nearly two-hundred years. But Atozaïs had bigger plans. He turned on his fellow covens, whom he had deemed weak and easy targets, sending his armies to destroy them all. The small scale war he had set into motion was one he had not originally believed to be unwinnable, but the longer he fought, the more he realized his hopeless situation. Abandoning his undead soldiers, Atozaïs used the last of his family's coffers to smuggle himself onto a ship headed straight for the Crown City of Regalia.
