Preserved Sheet Czylle Marie Everhardt

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Jun 21, 2017
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York, UK
Czylle Marie Everhardt

"You can not fear what might come to pass. Embrace it, look forward, and leave the past behind. Looking back can be destructive."

♥ Basic Information
Full Name: Czylle Marie
Formerly: d'Vaud, Ravenstad, Baleford,

Nickname(s): Czys
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Ailor

◦ While her family are Alt-Regalian/Leutz, Czys takes some if not most of her culture from Anglia.
Sexuality: Straight

Main Ambition:

◦To settle down once again,
"I am tired now. I just want to be comfortable. I want to regain my love for Regalia and, I want to change."


♥ Skills
Total Points: 24 (10 entered into Turall, which results in 30 to distribute accordingly.)
Point Distribution - School and Combat:

◦ +10 Dagger (10 from School of Turall),
◦ +11 Acrobatics (10 from School of Turall, 1 from Points),
◦ +11 Short Sword (10 from School of Turall, 1 from Points),
◦ +6 Battle Command (6 from Points),
◦ +6 Military Theory (6 from Points).
◌ Point Distribution - Cultural:
◦ + 12 Smithing
"I have one major skill. One major passion. This is it."

◦ +4 Carving
"I work with wood often when I smith. It is a basic skill I know."

◦ +2 Cuisine Cooking
"Having a child forced me to learn how to cook basic meals and desserts."

◦ +3 Drawing
"I sketch my commissions before I get to making them. I can also inscribe basic things into metal."

◦ +5 Husbandry (from Anglian background)
"I grew up on a farm. **** me, right?"

◦ +3 Literature
"I have always loved reading. Perhaps I will one day write a book."
◌ Known Languages:
◦ Common,
◦ Leutz-Vixe - <L-V> - Learned from childhood,
"I was tutored in Leutz from an early age. It is our families main language."

◦ Anglian - <Ang> - Learned from childhood,
"I was raised in this language. My first words, or so I am told, was in Anglian."

◦ Alt-Regalian - <A-R> - Learned in young adulthood,
"A language that shares similarities to Anglian. It is my families second language."
Describe your character's position in Regalia..
From Anglia she came some years ago now, shipped over by her brother after he had settled within the capital. He wanted to make a name for their family again and had chosen Czylle to be the first to accompany him. She currently is employed as a soldier and a smith, as well as a house guard for the Everhardt family.

Describe your character's upbringing..
Raised on one of the many farms within the empires grain-barn, Czys resided in Anglia for the majority of her life. Seperated from her brother due to her families downfall, she was aware of the several siblings she had as well as cousins, extended family and what not, but had very little contact and instead sought family in her "adoptive" parents and her caretakers. Those she resided with had been named friends of her family, and did their best to provide the young woman with what comforts she needed, as well as offering her the strict teachings for farm work.

♥◌ Secondary Ambition(s):

◦ To excel within the military.
"All I ever wanted was to fight. Now I have the skills, I need to make a name for myself."

◦To further learn her skill as smith,
"I want to learn how to make something other than swords."



♥ Appearance
Artwork: [Link]
Eye Color: Azure Blue,
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde,
Hair Style: Long and often braided in some style. Usually, it was secured around her head,
Skin Color: Pale Pink and blemish free,
Clothing: Varying. From sparring gear to gowns,
Height: 5 foot 7 inches,
Body Build: Ripped,
Describe the Character's facial features..
Her hair was at least waist length and well looked after though it was difficult to tell, given it was either braided or clipped on or around her head. It was rarely decorated, left plain to draw the least attention to herself as possible. The colour was strawberry blonde that bordered a honey yellow in certain lights, and on days of war or on returning from such, it was not uncommon for her hair to be left untidy; braids having been left in place for weeks at a time.
Her face still retained a fair youthfulness and was without notable scarring. Her eyes that once glittered with childlike wonder instead were shadowed by dark grey bags brought on by stress.

Describe the Character's body..
The woman stood at a height of five foot and seven inches, and her appearance was nothing if not average. She had the curves of a mother and the build of a soldier. Her Turall training demanded a certain amount of strength and build, and over ten years of training had left her muscular to meet this requirement. Sparring and fighting had left her with various nondescript scars across her arms, chest and legs.

Describe the Character's fashion appearance and accessories..
There were three common styles of clothing the woman wore.
Outfits of military influence. Leathers, smart jackets, boots and gloves. These were usually worn day to day when she intended on sparring or training.
Simple dresses were the second. More commonly now red of colour though previously she had sported the d'Vaud blue, white and black.
Elaborate gowns were the last. She saved these for formal events.
To accompany these she had began to wear simple silver ear studs; one in each lobe. This joined a silver hair piece used to secure her hair in place and, finally, they had been made to match a necklace of silver and blue, given to her by her former husband.

Describe the character's voice..
The once sweet sounding young woman now spoke with a distasteful tone of voice. One which suggested she took a dislike in just about everything and anyone. She was stern sounding, like a teacher whom was not pleased with their student.


First Paragraph..
There were two states in which Czylle could be perceived by the outsider. Commonly, she showed hesitation and judgement to those she had not ever met before. She was slow to trust, and that came across as potential hostility toward the person or people in question. When introduced, they were lucky to achieve anything other than a nod and a grunt. However, should she be surrounded by her loved ones or those she considered close, the ginger woman was more willing to socialize and to welcome the stranger(s) into her company. At a glance these mindsets were very contradicting; on one hand she came across as an unapproachable woman no one wished to speak to, and on the other she was simply a regular Ailor.
When she spoke to a stranger, she did not mince her words and opted instead for a blunt manner of speaking. To those who did not know her, this came across as downright rude.

Second Paragraph..
Czylle was a character who had faced many varying degrees of emotions. She had faced learning harsh truths and she had faced the separation of herself from her most treasured family. Though now, in this stage of her life, Czylle had come to accept that one could not simply dwell on what was lost, on the past.
She had grown a thicker shell. She refused to allow herself to think back sadly on those things that had once hurt her, and instead took solace in knowing that things could get better. Things would not always need to be bad.
The woman had grown confident in herself and in her abilities. She had finally found a skill she was good at that was not warring related. She had settled again to some degree after the loss of Erwald and Bastian and, despite the barrier still inplace between herself and the d'Vauds, Czys felt closer to her family than she had ever been. She was in a happy place.

Third Paragraph..
Czylle had been very up and down with her family, her friends and her relationships. She was very much unstable when it came to forming bonds. Though, despite the separation that lingered between herself and the d'Vauds, she had found a new sense of love for her kin. She had learn to appreciate them for their faults and for who they were.
She was also beginning to value friendships more, though she was not quite ready to trust them with her secrets; as she had recently found out.
On lovers, Czylle trusted them wholeheartedly. She had entrusted her heart to her former husband and had been blessed with a son in return. Once she had settled on a partner, she knew that she could lean on them for anything.

Fourth Paragraph..
The womans morality was currently very skewed. Outwardly she did not risk breaking laws. To the general person she was a good, law abiding citizen of Regalia.. Until she was pressured to do otherwise. She did not know, or rather, was not willing to hold her tongue. If she had opinions she would share them and, that might risk insulting people that she should not insult, or it might risk instigating fights where not needed.
She endeavored to be as good as could be to everyone except those she disliked. So, to most she was a decent person- if they could look past her hostility. To those she disliked, she was a foul woman who was willing to ignore the laws set in exchange for being to insult, or harm those that crossed her.

Fifth Paragraph..
Czys stance on faith had changed considerably throughout her time in Regalia. Outwardly, she still appeared as your generic Unionist. She prayed when needed, and thanked the spirit when expected, but privately she held no love for the faith. On nobles, she still held a hatred for them. The way they functioned, or rather, the way the majority functioned. One or two she could respect and love, but the rest she had no care for.
♥ Weaknesses
◌ Callous
◦ Those who knew Czylle were no strangers to the hostility of the woman. She rarely smiled in public, often spoke to strangers and family with a tone which suggested she was not overly too pleased and, overall she came across as stoic. Stood straight, with a neutral look about her face. It usually meant she came across as unwelcoming.

◌ Stubborn
◦ Following this, if she did not wish to do something, she would do her best to not do it. If she disagreed, you would know about it. It was a childish trait she should have grown out of but unfortunately, it stuck around.

◌ Quick to Anger
◦ With age and work came a change in personality. Gone was the patient, gentle Czylle and in came the hot headed, fierce one. She tried hard to offer patience to her close friends and kin, but likely, every little thing pushed her swiftly to anger. Be it constant interruptions in a social setting, to bad manners, to crimes at war. An angry time bomb waiting to blow in someone's face.

Describe any number of character quirks your character has..
It was noted that whilst Czys was idle, or whilst she spoke with people whilst stood up, she swayed idly from side to side. She did not seem aware that she did such a thing until it was pointed out to her. She was also a daydreamer, and would often zone out whilst in a group setting.

Describe your character's skills..
Reading and writing were the most basic skills, yet she was most proud of them. She was fairly decent at shorthand, which helped in taking notes on various other tasks. She had a dull enjoyment of tailoring, a pastime which she developed, skill wise, whenever she could find a moment.

♥ Likes
◌ Family
◦ Despite how the d'Vauds were raised, family was ingrained in their minds as being one of the most important things you could ever have and whilst Czylle might not show the love and care always expected of her, family is deathly important.

◌ Reading
◦ Ever since she was a child she had been taught to read, and her love for books had not faltered as she arrived in Regalia. It had only grown. There she found books on war, of songs, of history and the world. She loved each and every one of them.

◌ War
◦ With her family being so driven with military, it was to no surprise that Czylle had a love for warfare. Sitting through discussions on military was something she thoroughly enjoyed. She also loved taking part. That was, however, something she was taught to do.

♥ Dislikes
◌ Animals
◦ A fear turned dislike. Despite her being raised on a farm throughout her childhood, an incident involving a work horse and a dog had left her actively avoiding each and every animal, no matter how small. She had found ways to justify this without admitting the real reason. They smelt bad, they were loud, they were too excitable and so on.

◌ Politics
◦ The woman had always been one for acting rather than talking. Actions speak louder than words, after all. Politics created, instigated squabbles between her and those she loved and she found it all petty and overly dramatic. Czys was glad to avoid politics as much as she could, and actively avoided meetings, audiences, gatherings and what not that might have the potential for chatter involving it.

◌ Magic
◦ This stemmed from the belief that magic was evil, dangerous and suspicious. This did not mean however, in her slightly more accepting state, that she hated the caster. Czys hated what mages, witchbloods and so on did, including any healing magic they might cast, but she was beginning to find it possible to still enjoy the person, as long as they cast no magic around her.


♥ Relationships
◌ Spouse: Roland Everhardt,
◌ Former Spouse: Erwald Charles Ravenstad [Marriage Post]
◌ Child(ren):

◌ Siblings

◦ Hamelin d'Vaud,
◦ Agnette d'Vaud née Ignace,
◦ Ida Krupp née d'Vaud,
◦ Solaine d'Vaud (twin).
Extended Kin
◌ The d'Vauds,
◌ The Everhardts.

Other Family
◌ The Balefords (NPC family for backstory.)
Friends/Notable People
@Eronoc / Augustin Reinard - A man who had changed Czylles view of the world. Who had showed her kindness, and friendship, despite her hostility. The two had bonded over alcohol, and over a love of books, and Czylle truly was grateful for his company.

"I miss you- Augy. I miss our talks and our laughter."

@Battlebrawn / Erwald Ravenstad - A drinking partner turned lover. Czylle and Erwald bonded over a mutual love and appreciation of war and alcohol, but that relationship had simply flourished and grown over a short space of time. With the blessing of their respective patriarchs, the two had began courting and much later on, had married. After several years of togetherness and a child, the two came to a mutual decision to part, with Erwald returning to Brissaud with Bastian, to raise him alongside the Ravenstads there.

"I do not know enough eloquent words to describe how special you are to me. How much love there is in my heart for you."

@MarquisAlex / Gazini (Garon) Sfiso - A former slave to the house d'Vaud and turned friend of the woman. Garon watched over Czylle as she grew and in turn, she taught him common and of unionism. Arguably, Garon was Czys first 'friend' in the capital.

"You were my first true friend in the capital. Despite how we first met- I hope you know that I will always cherish you, and pray you are safe."

@Miss_Confined / Elizabeth Black - Czys took Elizabeth for what she was. A kind hearted woman who had more patience than she could ever imagine. Whilst Czylle disliked children, and was not the most charitable person there was, she had to idolize Lizzy for what she did and rather liked her, even if she avoided a tea date with her as best as she could..
"If I ever wish to learn how to be a lady, I know who to come to."

@SkullScrub / Barrulf Blackmyre - With a mixture of common interests, polite words, friendly interactions and from working together, Czys was happy to say she had taken a liking to the half sighted man. She thoroughly looked forward to their interactions.

"I could come to you with anything, and you would offer me help with open arms. You are a true friend, Barrulf, and I love you for that."

@jarebear24 / Roland Everhardt - A man the d'Vaud had only recently come to know. There was something she could not explain about the Baron, something that she found familiar and interesting. He was easy to bond with, and she was quickly finding herself curious to know more. Eventually, and after a period of drama, the two married.

"You are too nice, you do know that yes?"

@Optimalfriskies / Darius - Despite her dislike for other races, and those of magical ailments, Czys found herself drawn to Darius after being offered some advice and a shoulder to cry on. She was hesitant to consider him anything of a friend, but she certainly felt at ease around the Imperialized elf.

"You made me rethink everything I've held onto. All my beliefs and sadness- how dare you.

@Brycea111 / Warren Howlester - Czylle was not one to get on with many of the peerage, but she found something friendly in the Howlester bloke. He shared her love for alcohol, and had a sense of humour that matched hers.

"We are on first name terms already? My, we are practically married. Best not tell your wife!"

♥ Story
◌ Early Childhood
Czylle was born the youngest of four: Hamelin, Ida, Solaine (Czylle being younger than Solaine by a few minutes) and herself in order to their mother, Catherine and father, Henrique. The siblings lost their mother during the birth of Czylle and Solaine and not long after, likely due to this, their father turned to a life of drunkenness and whoring. This brought on debt and led to the children facing an uncertain future. Either they would fall into poverty, or be forced to work at a young age. Neither of which would have been what their mother wished for. And so the children were scattered amongst other family and friends who were willing to care for one or the other. Czylle was sent to Anglia, to reside with close friends of the family. Who had known her mother. She was sent with what could be spared of the maids and caretakers, to ensure she remained safe.

◦ Born in Opper Calem,
◦ Mother died giving birth to her and Solaine,
◦ Brought to Anglia as a baby - her family were otherwise scattered,
◦ Sent to live with friends of her mother's, alongside family maids.
◌ Childhood
This was the family she had grown to truly know. A young couple; perhaps of their early thirties, who had been unable to have their own child. They resided on a farm, a quaint little thing which they had to work hard to produce what was needed to support themselves. But they loved that life, nonetheless. The couple raised Czylle as if she were their own, and offered just as much love to the maids, who the took on as siblings almost. Czys was taught how to read and write, and about the culture of her family through these caretakers, and from her adoptive parents she learnt hard work and respect. It was a comfortable set up, and Czylle grew to love it. This was where she developed her interests, and began learning certain skills. Her caretakers taught her tailoring, dancing and songs whilst from Anglia she learnt smithing, farming and how to fight. When she grew to a suitable age, she was enrolled into the combat school of Turall. Throughout this time she had maintained some little contact with her kin. Hamelin specifically, was the one she wrote to the most.

◦ Raised on a farm,
◦ Began to learn: Tailoring, Dancing and Smithing,
◦ Entered the school of Turall.
◌ Early Teens
Czylle had been around thirteen when she first heard wind of her brothers intentions to head to Regalia. It was not until she was close to fifteen however, that she received an invite to join him. The two had been particularly close, as far as could be given their lacking communication, but she idolized her brother already, and was quick to accept the invite to the capital. After saying her goodbyes and what not, Czys headed on boat, overseas. It took her some time to settle into city life. Never had she seen such a place, and that was quite daunting. She had no idea how to socialize, how to fit in, and she felt rough in comparison to the regal members of Regalian society. She tried her best, however, and did as much to fit in as possible from a fifteen year old girl. Throughout this time, family members began to trickle into the city. Solaine, Ida.. cousins.. One by one an invitation was extended, and each took it firmly.

◦ Received word from her brother to join him in Regalia,
◦ Struggled to fit in,
◦ Eventually, family joined them.
◌ Late Teens
Czylle had her ups and downs throughout this time. She spent the next few years feeling as though she found something, to realizing she had not. All she wanted was to be able to help her brother and her family and yet, when Hamelin offered her tasks, she was unable to complete them. She exhausted herself; with her training and these tasks, and the need to form a social life, Czys often found herself tired and falling asleep in the worst of places. Taking some time to herself then, Czylle returned to Anglia. She did not visit her family however, or tell them that she was returning. She felt a failure, and did not wish them to know. Instead she resided close to the Turall Academy, and focused her next few years towards combat. In what off time she had from the Academy she attempted to distract herself with her pastimes; smithing and tailoring. These skills developed at different rates, and she found herself more willing to visit the smith than she did pick up a needle and thread. With this came a new group of friends. People she would never truly bond with, but people she shared a mutual interest with. This was around the time Czylle was introduced to the art of drinking until blind drunk. It did not take her long to realize that Alcohol made her feel better. It lifted her mood, however temporary, and it caused her to seek it out more and more on days she felt she could not cope.
Even after her return to Regalia, this habit stayed with her, and became only worse.

◦ Czys couldn't handle Regalia. She felt a failure,
◦ Soon after arriving she returned to Anglia in an extended visit,
◦ She honed her skills; combat, smithing and tailoring,
◦ Developed a drinking problem,
◌ Adulthood
Everything that happens after this point is current events.

◦ Eventually helped out of her drinking problem by her lover,
◦ She got married,
◦ She joined her brothers army,
◦ Had a son,
◦ Many more minor details; years passed,
◦ Erwald and Czylle parted on friendly terms, with Bastian and Erwald returning to Brissaud,
◦ Czys opted to return to the d'Vauds, to once again help her family.
◦ After a period of recklessness after Erwalds departure, Czys found herself at rock bottom once again. However, after finding an unlikely friend, began to slowly recover, piece by piece.
◦ Czylle decided to branch off from the d'Vauds, after a period of deliberation.
◦ She adopted the surname Baleford,
◦ Married Roland Everhardt.
Last edited:
Ignore the spoilers. They're not formatting correctly. I'm just going to leave it as is. They just wont co-operate.
@AptlyRatley I didn't lose my tag when editing but, points have been redistributed given the addition 10 to proficiencies and culture that we recieved.

Made some changes to Czys.

  • Aged up by one,
  • Changed combat school to Tural from Griffer
    • Changed body type and skills to match,
  • Changed cultural point focus,
  • Added bullet point summary to story sections,
  • Re-wrote sections of the story.
Changes made in red.
@Bagley_ Requesting a check over.

  • Rejigged proficienty and cultural points,
  • Added sexuality
  • Have kept ambitions, even though they have been removed,
  • Re-wrote paragraps 1 to 5 entirely.
For Paragraphs 1 & 2, I want a little more meat on this paragraphs. In particular, consider how these points will impact her in roleplay; how will either you as a player or others, perceive who this woman is?

Do that and tag me, and I see no reason not to approve this. Nice formatting.