Preserved Sheet Cyrus Liss Goodwin | The Foolish Sihndar

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Jul 11, 2018
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"I burn with rage in my heart lass." -Russie

  • Full Name: Cyrus Liss Goodwin
    • Nicknames: Russie
  • Age: 105
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Sihndar - Tribe of Gladrin
    • Was formally an Apostle Manathar
    • Was formally a Maritime Altalar
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Preferred Weapon: daggers

Total Points: 60 from age. This equals to 60.

  • Combat Proficiency:
    • +15 Fast Blades Combat Skill
    • +15 Unarmed Combat Skill
  • Arts Proficiency:
    • +10 Theatre Arts(From hobby points)
  • Body Proficiency:
    • +10 Athletic Training
  • Special Ability Proficiency:
    • +20 Sorcery

  • Physical stat: 15 fast blades Combat × 1 + 15 Unarmed × 1 + 10 athletic training × 0.5
    = 35 Physical Stat
  • Muscular Body Shape
  • Low Body Fat

  • Common | 10/10 | Learned in childhood
  • Sihdar Dialect | 10/10 | Learned in Drowda


  • Racial Ability: Residues of Cataclysm
  • Racial Ability: Embrace of the Spider Queen
  • Racial Ability: Embrace of Tainting
  • Racial Ability: Lordings of the Demand: Markht

  • Sorcery Spell: Self Control
  • Sorcery Spell: Beastly Connection
  • Sorcery Spell: Your Will is Mine
  • Sorcery Spell: Overwhelming Force
  • Sorcery Spell: Healing Grace

  • Eye Color: Grey
  • Hair Color: Maroon
  • Hair Style: His hair reaches to the middle of his back.
    • He will sometimes put it into a messy bun, or braid.
  • Skin Color: purple to almost black
  • Clothing: Cyrus will wear anything given to him, that fits him and suits him well. But Cy prefers to wear stylish vests over all, with some nice pants and boots.
  • Height: 6'3"

  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Entrepreneur ESTP-A
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Evsrenllir-Mullontavan | 10/10

Cyrus Goodwin was born on July 9th, 235 AC. He was born in the Daendroc Landmasses to a family of Maritime Altalar. He is the 2nd oldest of four siblings, and two step-siblings.

Cyrus's biological mother, and father divorced in 238 AC(3yrs old). His father was left to raise him, and his other siblings. His father is single, and with children. Seeked out a wife to help him raise his children. Cyrus's father courted a Central Altalar, who already had two children. Thus bringing together a bigger family. Cyrus' father, and now known step-mother had gotten married in 243 AC(When he was 8yrs old).

They did not have any more children. This family of Maritime Altalar, and Central Altalar were decently around middle class. However this family was far from pitch perfect. The family had been known for void worship and the slavery and dominance of their foe.

Cyrus followed up training with his father by the year of 245 AC(10yrs old). Gaining his known combat points in time by 275 AC(40yrs old).

He left home to seek out to find a more suitable life for himself. He did indeed love living at home, but he wanted to make his own. So he came to Lusits. He became easily angered with people around him, however this was dulled down after a few years of wandering the streets of Lusits.

However Cyrus was forced to drink the blood of a Mivver in an alleyway in Lusits after being fed on. Thus being in 296 AC(61yrs old). He was held captive until he was fully turned. Not being released for a month, he was starved gratefully and tortured every once in a while. But Cyrus found this more enjoyable over a month, he's a sadistic and masochist weirdo.

He struggled with Vampirism at the beginning once he was released. Either by killing his prey by accident, or not being able to feed himself half of the time. But he did not go long enough without feeding to leave him feral.

By 297 AC(62yrs old), he had a hold of his hunger issues. However one night he had gotten high with some buddies. They were all at the docks at the time, and they had played around with the shipments. But Cyrus being high, had gotten into the crates and closed the lid as a joke. But, as he did that. His buddies were chased off by a few sailors, and guards.

Cyrus being high, he fell back into the crate and fell asleep shortly after. Before he knew it, by the next night he was being shipped away. He had to break out of the crate that was luckily below the deck at the time. He had to feed off the workers that worked on the ship, that wandered too close to him below the deck. Either killing them, or scaring them to not come close to him again.

It had felt like ages before the ship had docked in Regalia. He now hates boats, and drugs. He had left the ship the night it arrived. He hasn't bothered to return to Lusits, seeing he had found himself a new home in Regalia.


He had been cured many times while in Regalia. But during all this time he had met a woman named Veira Rose Eliphas after he joined the Bear Legion a few months from when he arrived in Regalia. He had paid a ransom on the young alior lady, saving her. But this had caused her to like Cyrus and fall in love with him over a short span of time. The relationship didn't last long due to Cyrus's work and involvement with human trafficking. But the couple had a child named Grace. Cyrus loves his little princess.

Cyrus had quit The Bear Legion after almost all members left to Good Company.

After which, he spent the next few years in Regalia in the underground dealing with human trafficking. But in these years he began to question his religion. He became more agnostic, questioning and wanting proof of his current religion. He has also been wondering about other religions.

At the age of seventy-nine he had met an Isldar named Sivna. Cyrus and Sivna had a tight friendship. After a few months of knowing each other, they had gotten matching tattoos of a snowflake with devil horns and a tail.

Nothing has ever really been able to bring the two apart. Even through the hardest times. There has been a few tugs at their friendship. Seeing both had loved each other, but they both were in denial at the beginning seeing they were both just friends. This had caused Sivna to seek out another lover that wasn't his best friend. But this had caused Cyrus heartache.

So this had caused Cyrus to seek out himself a lover as well. He had met a sweet isldar priest named Zesure, however the two never became a couple.

But in the mix of all this love, Cyrus had been having issues with multiple vampire hunters and had ended up beaten almost everyday due to them. But he had ended up cured eventually, and now doesn't wish to return to vampirism unless forced. Veira doesn't let him see Grace often when he is under the blood curse, and the curse has also been causing issues with other relationships.

Once Sivna caught wind of the two getting closer, he came to the realization that it wasn't love he was feeling for Covas. It was just that he grew to genuinely like Covas but it had been mistaken for love. But seeing he realized Zesure was trying to possibly sweep Cyrus off his feet, he didn't want to stay in a loveless relationship with Covas and had broken up with him for Cyrus.

After which Sivna had moved out of Covas's home and had moved back in with Cyrus. Sivna had gotten Cyrus a bottle of gin as a 'thank you' for letting him move in on the first night of him being there. After which Cyrus had gotten drunk and secrets were spilled between the two. In the morning Cyrus had remembered most of the conversation they two had, and he had to regret what he said when he was drunk. The two's relationships were mended back together, but they were closer than just friends. They are now lovers.

Cyrus and his lover held a meeting with two manathar that had told them both of Xenophane and how one can worship themself to better themselves. This had changed Cyrus's view on many things, mainly on the fact that there is no good or evil and that kindness can come from anywhere. He wanted to begin a new path. Something to better himself from his past actions and beliefs.

Him and Sivna became manathar days later after they had decided to do the ritual to become one. He had left behind a golden hoop that one around one of his vampiric rams like horns. Leaving behind his past of being a vampire. They had walked in together, and came out together. Cyrus stepped out. His vampiric features had disappeared. His skin had turned red, and his hair had turned blond while his eyes turned to a golden color. He had felt the horns on his head, that were more like stumps. He had a new tail, that had a hook on the end. The sub-race of Manathar he became was an Apostle. His lover, Sivna had stepped out with purple skin and silver eyes. His lover became a Lector Manathar.

After a few weeks of being manathar, they both had found themselves joining the Gilded Templars.

During this whole process, Cyrus found his new path beside his lover. But he had also realized how different himself and his lover actually is.

Sivna and Cyrus broke up due to a nasty argument between the two. Cyrus had not been bothered to try and re-friend Sivna, nor has he tried to get back into a relationship with. Mainly because he felt as if he didn't deserve Sivna no more, seeing he had gotten drunk with a young isldar girl and ended up doing the nasties with her. Cyrus kept this from Sivna, and Sivna hopefully will never know. However, once him and Sivna broke up. Women were all over him, and his ex lover Veira Rose Eliphas even tried to get back with him. But he had told her he was not ready for any new such relationships to be formed.

He had met a Von Kerle named Oscar who had bit him and returned Cyrus back vampirism.

Cyrus Liss Goodwin had gone rogue from the Violets, after a few days into his infection.

Since he turned two weeks ago, Cyrus being easily influenced by basically anything, he found himself talking and interacting more often with a crimson witch that goes by the name of Kasula, having Cyrus return to his voidish ways and wanting to take rule over his life once again. He wanted more power, be it given by belief, or by him working for it.

Later he and his friend Nilsa became lovers and they married. Having a child named Amber.

Cyrus ended up cured in the long run, but months later after his curing and him focusing on his family- Cyrus was reinverted from a manthar, to a new race- unexpectedly he had Sihdar on his mind and became a Sihdar at the time.

He was confused at why he wasn't a manthar no more. But coped with it. He seeked out a Sihdar mentor to teach him of The Sihdar ways seeing this was his new life. He ended in Drowda with his mentor for a few months. Gaining his current sorcery spells and other proficiency points. The animal that Cyrus chosen for Beastly Connection was a dire wolf. Feeling a form of connection to them. He thinks he is as clever as a dire wolf..

Cyrus and Nilsa divorced in this time span.

He later returned to Regalia after his studies. Once he reached Regalia, he had issues with his sexuality. Figuring out he was strictly more attracted to females he declared himself as straight.

He became a house guard for House Haagenvig after a short time of being in Regalia.
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Approved, however, I highly recommend and would rather you remove the twenty year timeskip due to the Manathar still being a new concept to Lore as well as IC events and this will not match up at all with the ongoing timeline.

He was confused at why he wasn't a manthar no more. But coped with it. He seeked out a Sihdar mentor to teach him of The Sihdar ways seeing this was his new life. He ended up going to spend twenty years in Drowda with his mentor. Gaining his current sorcery spells and other proficiency points. Cyrus and Nilsa divorced in this time span of twenty years.
Approved, however, I highly recommend and would rather you remove the twenty year timeskip due to the Manathar still being a new concept to Lore as well as IC events and this will not match up at all with the ongoing timeline.

You right, you right. I'll fix that in a lil while.
@Katiesc I know it is frowned at to change sorcery spells. But I did it anyway. I wanted something that felt like it matched Sihndar. So I picked more combatant spells.

I also took it upon myself to void his hounds seeing I have been told by a few people that is it also frowned upon having NPC pets that are meant as a form of protectors. So I gave him beastly connection to make up for it. I have also updated his proficiencies to my liking along with his body shape :>

PS. it's now a 5 year time skip if that's ok <3 sorry I didnt change it quickly- theres also an addition to his IC thingy :>>>
Cyrus ended up cured in the long run, but months later after his curing and him focusing on his family- Cyrus was reinverted from a manthar, to a new race- unexpectedly he had Sihdar on his mind and became a Sihdar at the time.

He was confused at why he wasn't a manthar no more. But coped with it. He seeked out a Sihdar mentor to teach him of The Sihdar ways seeing this was his new life. He ended up going to spend five years in Drowda with his mentor. Gaining his current sorcery spells and other proficiency points. The animal that Cyrus chosen for Beastly Connection was a dire wolf. Feeling a form of connection to them. He thinks he is as clever as a dire wolf..

Cyrus and Nilsa divorced in this time span of five years.

He later returned to Regalia after his studies. Once he reached Regalia, he had issues with his sexuality. Figuring out he was strictly more attracted to females he declared himself as straight.

He became a house guard for House Haagenvig after a short time of being in Regalia.
Bare in mind that the current events regarding the Manathar exist within recent years. It's very awkward to timeskip any process after this or jump years that haven't occurred yet. In addition, try to avoid changing up your spells from now on.

Bump-up- anddd-. Ok I just took out the time skip- and replaced it with months. If that's ok?
Approved, but remember again, this timeline will not match up with many and will place him into an awkward spot.