Cyrus Cassandan

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by IreliaRamora, Sep 18, 2021.

  1. IreliaRamora

    IreliaRamora The 5.5 hour shitpost.

    Jun 26, 2021
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    ༻⋆⸙͎۪۫。˚۰˚☽----------------------------------。・:*̊ *:・。----------------------------------☾˚۰˚。⸙͎۪۫⋆༺


    What's the harm in a little fun?

    ༻⋆⸙͎۪۫。˚۰˚☽----------------------------------。・:*̊ *:・。----------------------------------☾˚۰˚。⸙͎۪۫⋆༺

    Character Information
    • Full Name: Cyrus Cassandan (Marble Satyr)
    • Race: Wylathar Kathar
    • Age: 42 (Looks 20)
    • Sex: Male
    • Gender: Male
    • Sexuality: Leans heavily gay, but down for most anything.
    • Eye Color: Silver eyes, Black Sclera, Slightly darkened eye sockets (Blood Eyes 5)
    Core Concept
    • A whimsical follower of the Exist Colossi Calaan-Toraan, and idolizer of the Exist Arkens of Compassion, Wanderlust, and Glee.
    • Cyrus is an Aphar Cahal and marksman, seeking to spread joyful times to others while partaking in his past-time of hunting alongside his familiar.
    Proficiency Information
    • 20 Light Ranged
    • 4 Hunting Art
    • 10 Leatherworking Art (10 Hobby)
    • 4 Singing Art
    • 1 Woodcarving Art
    • 12 Sorcery
    • 6 Roguery
    • 3 Linguistics
    • Physical Stat: 10
    Ability Information
    • Aphar Cahal Kit (12 Abilities)
    • Sorcery:
      • Magic Sight 1
      • Wall Climb 3
      • Darkness 3
      • Spirit Familiar 1 - Hunting Class Cauruvos
      • Super Self 2 (Wylathar Tribe Sorcery Skill)
      • Darkness 1 (Aphar Cahal Exist Gift)
    • Roguery:
      • Rogue Gift 4
      • Honed Skill 3
    • Kathar Racials (Wylathar Tribe):
      • Age Control 1
      • Mutation Manifest 1
    • Common (Free)
    • Kathar (Parent)
    • Sulvaley (Linguistics)
    Appearance Information
    • He is extremely mutated, having the following: Silver eyes with dark grey sclera, red glowing tips of hair, silvery scales on his shoulders and ears, a spaded tail, sharp claws, wolf-like teeth and eyes, numerous tribal tattoos on his body, deer antlers, wisping fingertips, and two clashing skies on his back, one bright and starlit, and the other dark and nebulous. His blood runs like water, and he has a large mouth on his chest that he oftentimes keeps closed.
    • Cyrus is a 5'5 and fairly lithe Wylathar, with an undercut+ponytail styled white haircut, and while unmutated has dark grey skin with green eyes. He wears a loose toga-like clothes with his chest exposed, sandals, and a large amount of jewelry.
    • Cahal form - A Marble statue with cloven hooves partially dug into the dirt as vines crawl up it's legs. It's head, ram-like horns, and shoulders are covered in moss, with a marble-colored bow and quiver are strung across it's back. The statue's left hand is pressed to it's chest, right hand held aloft with the satyr's bearded face staring wistfully at it. From this hand drips an unknown source of water, slightly tinged blue and faintly glowing. When moving, the joints crack and flake, revealing lines of gold underneath.
    Life Story
    • Cyrus was born as a set of twins to two mundane Wylathar parents in the warpwoods, ending up on his own at an early age and separated from his thought-to-be-dead brother due to an opposing tribe wiping out his own.
    • He met an Elen Cahal, named Llaveya, who took him under her wing and taught him how to survive and thrive in the woods, eventually introducing Cyrus to Cahalism once he could receive the gift.
    • Eventually he broke away from his mentor, seeking to sate his wanderlust by travelling the world in search of new sights, sounds, and people.
    • After meeting and converting the Isldar Eilauver to Cahalism as well, Cyrus sought to continue his path of exploration by sailing and alighting upon Regalian soils.


    Full Name: Cyrus Cassandan
    Nicknames: CC, Cy, Cassa
    Ailiases: Marble Satyr, Emo punk-rock hairdresser wannabe
    Age: 42 (Looks 20)
    Gender: Male Presenting
    Race: Kathar - Wylathar
    Sexuality: Leans heavily gay, but down for most anything.

    TBD- He's just vibin right now.

    He was born in the Warpwoods to two Wylathar parents, being the only child. They got separated at a point when they were young, unable to find their way back home. As such- they were adopted and raised by a lone Cahal, which ended up warping their original void-worshipping mentality into an exist aligned one. They took on the mantle of Cahalism themselves, going to run with it and search for a clan.

    Sit back, relax, and have some fun. B)
    Find a large group of friends. Push them all out of their social comfort zones at once.
    Continuously bring people happiness!
    Set someone up on a blind date. Watch hilarity unfold.
    Find a clan to join! The more friends- the merrier.

    A well-carved and well-cared for short recurve bow, etched with a floral design.
    A back quiver containing 50 arrows.
    A skinning knife and sheathe.
    A dagger and sheathe.
    A whittling knife and sheathe.
    A bundle of thin straw rope (1/2 inch diameter- 30 ft length.).
    A waterskin.
    A flask of whiskey.
    A small notebook and pencil.
    A small pack of jerky, hard tack, dried fruits and nuts.
    A small, hand-carved whistle that produces nothing but a whooshing sound.
    A leather hunter's satchel.

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    Total Points: 50 + 10 Hobby (0 Remaining)

    Core Skills:
    Light Ranged - 20

    Hobby Proficiencies:
    Hunting Art - 4
    Leatherworking Art - 10 (10 Hobby)
    Singing Art - 4
    Woodcarving Art - 1

    Sorcery - 15 (2 Freebie)

    Magic Sight 1
    Wall Climb 3
    Darkness 3
    Spirit Familiar 1 - Cauruvos (Hunting Class)
    Magic Bolt
    Super Self 2 (Freebie)
    Darkness 1 (Cahal Exist Gift)

    Roguery - 3
    Rogue gift 4

    Linguistics - 3

    Body Shape
    Physical Stat: 10
    Body Shape: Slim Body Shape

    Body Fat: Low Body Fat

    Common (Free)
    Katharic (Home Language)
    Sulvaley (Learned from Llaveya)

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    ༻⋆⸙͎۪۫。˚۰˚☽----------------------------------。・:*̊ *:・。----------------------------------☾˚۰˚。⸙͎۪۫⋆༺
    Kathar Common
    KatharBinding 1
    Kathar Binding 2
    Arken Sense 1
    Arcane Mastery 1

    Kathar Pool
    Mutation Manifest 1
    Age Control 1
    Wylathar Tribe
    Sorcery Skill 1
    Nature Gift 1
    Travel Abilities
    Wall Climb 3
    With a gust of wind and leaves, as well as a jump, he can jump onto the top of walls and barriers, as well as safely drop from them up to four times every 12 hours.

    Aesthetic Abilities

    Spirit Familiar 1 - Cauruvos (Hunting Class)
    Found as a puppy, raised and trained to hunt, eventually bonding and turning into his spirit familiar. She has the heads of a Doberman pinscher, and the body of a pit bull, standing at about 42 inches tall. Her fur is largely black with a purple sheen, but has dark gold and red Doberman patterns on the fur. A row of short spines flow down from the crown of each head to the base of their conjoined neck. Names are:
    Aryana (Noble - Red eyes / left head), Arsia (Throne - Gold Eyes / Main head), Aytan (Serene - Black eyes / right head), Astrella (Star - The collective dog)

    Arisa- The main head, is the most calm and collected out of all of them. Always vigilant, always watching, holding her head high and seeming aloof. She's the first to spot out danger, and presents herself as a leader to the other two. If she expresses an emotion, mostly the other two tend to follow suit. She has a hidden sweet side, particularly towards those she's loyal to. Arisa is the only head with a third eye, and sports a large amount of horns. Spined ram-horns wrap around her ears, jutting forward to points along her chin. Above the base of those horns are more shorter, spined horns that stick upwards and back.
    Aryana - The left head, is the most dramatic and vocal of the three. She constantly gets in fights with the other two over petty items, such as toys and food, and wants the most attention of the three. She has two pairs of regal, ridged and flowing horns that follow her head back.
    Aytan - The right head, is the sweetest of the bunch. Always willing to give kisses, cuddle if you're sad... Generally just a good girl. Her horns are more akin to a short set of smooth antlers, with the spines facing solely upwards.
    (Images are not mine)

    Magic Sight 1
    Cyrus's eyes turn to either a bright blue or bright red, making him Immune to any Ability or Mundane based Darkness or Blindness. He can also see through any Ability-created substances and blindfolds.

    Combat Abilities
    Super Self 2
    Cyrus's ankles and lower legs wisp into silvery smoke and flower petals, cancelling any rooting, trapping, or snaring that is applied to them the moment it hits. This does not affect any disabling effects to limbs or paralysis.

    Magic Bolt

    A glowing green arrow made from vines and flora twist into existence, travelling in a straight path to its target. It hits on anything above a 5 on a /roll 20, and can be cast every 30 seconds. If hit, it leaves the same damage as a sword slash or stab (like a heavy bow) and applies as a Heavy shot for Shielding or combat blocking. If two users of this ability cast at roughly the same time, they can enter a Spell Duel, and this ability becomes a channeled stream of bolts. Each user has to do a /roll 20, with the higher number winning the round. After three rounds, the one with two rounds wins, and the other individual hits the loser for double damage and knocks them back by three blocks. Prematurely leaving the channel interrupts the duel and counts as a lost, and both are able to walk at a slow pace while channeling.

    Darkness 1
    Three orbs of silvery darkness appears in the user's hand, shooting out to up to three people in emote distance within line of sight. These cannot be dodged or deflected, and applies Darkness, causing them to only see a distance of 2 blocks for 10 minutes. This does not stack, cannot be saved up for later use, and has a 12 hour cooldown.

    Darkness 3
    A blob of silvery black shadows launches towards a person in line of sight, sticking them in a 2x2 puddle of Darkness. It prevents them from stepping out of it, following them as they moved, and sticks to them for 5 minutes. They can still use their upper body, but cannot move faster than a slow walking pace at the time. After 5 minutes, the person can slowly step out of the pool. The ability can be used once every 5 minutes, and only once on the same person every hour.
    Void Threlwar Mutations
    Void Claws - Blackened claws appear on his hands and feet.
    Void Pigment - His skin darkens a bit, taking more of a purple hue.
    Void Mark - A brand-looking scar of a bow and arrow on the back of his left hand, which glows red he uses the weapon.
    Void Beast - A smooth and spaded tail of his skintone sprouts from his tailbone.
    Void Rift - A circular, patterned cut into his right palm, showing a rune of flowing water.
    Void Sight - His eye whites turn to a greyish black.
    Void Night - A pattern of black sky and red nebulas appear on his back.

    Exist Lavvanya Mutations
    Exist Flow - His blood runs like water upon exiting the body.
    Exist Carry - He naturally smells like cedar, vanilla, and a touch of cinnamon.
    Exist Ocular - His iris is a shiny silver.
    Exist Night - A pattern a starry night sky battles with the black and red nebulas on his back, intermingling at points.
    Exist Tears - His tears are a shimmering white liquid when crying.

    Pagan Marvash Mutations
    Pagan Horn - Deer antlers sprout from his head.
    Pagan Maw - His teeth become carnivorous, like a wolf.
    Pagan Book - Tribal tattoos line his body, particularly a green bare tree imprinted on his forehead, as well as some tribal scrawling that wind their way down the middle of his chest. Additionally, he has tribal markings outlining his eyes.
    Pagan Sight - His eyes look much akin to that of a wolf.
    Pagan Touch - His fingers leave smoky wisps as he moves them.

    Monster Cho'Roq Mutations
    Monster Feast - A single, large mouth can open from his sternum to navel, though mainly stays closed.

    Draonic Essence Mutations
    Draconic Shine - Two bracelets and a ring show, one bracelet on his right wrist and the other and ring on his left. They look as if they're made of water and air, but the ring sparks like fire.
    Draconic Dye - The tips of the hair are dyed ghostly red.
    Draconic Skin - Silvery scales appear along his shoulders and neck.
    Draconic Gaze - Silvery scales show on the sides of his face and ears.
    Blood Eyes 5
    Cahalic Form 2
    Cy's form grows to 6'5" as marble stone encases his form, turning him into a detailed stone satyr with curly hair, ram horns, a beard, and hooves. His eyes are made of what seems to be lightly glowing aquamarine crystals. Lichen and moss sprouts from his shoulders and head, faintly dusting the areas green, and sparse stony clothes drape his form. If he doesn't need to move, he locks himself in place, hairline cracks apparent in the stone at the joints and flexible areas that would typically move. From this, if he needs to move, the marble fractures crack apart to reveal gold underneath, making his joints look like they've gone through the process of Japanese golden repair. This allows him to move.

    His blood takes on an almost water-like appearance in this form, changing to a more clear, blue-tinted color that faintly glows when inspected up close. His voice becomes multi-toned, harmonizing and mildly echoing in the area around him when he speaks, almost as if he was a one man choir in an amphitheater.

    | A Marble statue stands there, feet hooves partially dug into the dirt as vines crawl up it's legs. It's head, horns, and shoulders are covered in moss, with a marble-colored bow and quiver are strung across it's back. The statue's left hand is pressed to it's chest, right hand held aloft with the satyr's bearded face staring wistfully at it. From this hand drips an unknown source of water, slightly tinged blue and faintly glowing.

    Exist Gift 1
    Cahalic Familiar 1
    Arcane Mastery 1
    Casting Light 1
    True Path 1
    Light Mend 2
    Mind Wall 1
    Dravinda Gift 2
    Shrewd Insight 1
    Memory Sense 1

    ༻⋆⸙͎۪۫。˚۰˚☽----------------------------------。・:*̊ *:・。----------------------------------☾˚۰˚。⸙͎۪۫⋆༺


    Eye Color: Silvery grey
    Hair Style: Undercut on the left, hair flopped over to the right, with a long ponytail.
    Hair Color: White, streaked with a ghostly red
    Skin Color: Dark Grey, slightly purplish
    Clothing: Anything loose and freeflowing, usually a decorated and showy toga.
    Height: 5'5

    (Note- This is a large reiteration of the Mutations section, with some extra details. It's a lot.)
    Cyrus's face is triangular in shape with slightly pronounced cheekbones. His eyes are much like that of a wolf, but with black sclera and a silver-white iris. On his forehead, he has two dark ivory deer antlers, curling back slightly, and hovering over his shock-white hair that tapers off into ghostly red. He has tribal tattoos on his face, particularly a bare, green colored tree wrapping up the bridge from his nose to his forehead. His eyes are outlined in blue tattoos, with some small tribal marks underneath in a yellowish green. A pattern of silvery scales frame the sides of his face, eyes, and elven ears. Cyrus's teeth are that akin to a wolf's.

    Cyrus is fairly lithe, but slightly toned in musculature. Tribal tattoos flow from his clavicle to naval, framing the opening of a secondary mouth that runs the same length. Silvery scales frame his shoulders and neck, and his fingers leave smoky, wispy trails as he moves them. The Wylathar has blackened claws for nails, a brand of a bow and arrow on his left hand, and a tribal, circular water symbol cut into his right palm, constantly appearing as if it is bleeding. Across his back is two clashing night skies, one swirling with red nebulas and the other sparking with glittering stars.

    Fashion / Items
    Cyrus loves loose and fashionable clothing, mostly leaning towards breathable togas or flowy pants and robes that leave his chest largely exposed. He has /many/ earrings lining his ears, including two large feathers that drape down. He wears a few necklaces, mainly trophies from various hunts of his. Cyrus has two bracelets - one as if it's made of water and the other as if it's made of air. He also has a ring, appearing as if made of fire. On his right hand, he wears an archer's glove, hiding the bleeding ritualistic cut. He also wears simple sandals on his feet.

    Voice claim TBD

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    Option Two: The Core List
    • Choose your Character Alignment
      • Chaotic Neutral
    • Choose your Character Personality Type
      • The Campaigner - ENFP-A
    • Choose your Character's Religion
      • Cult of Order - Calaan-Toraan, the Two Faced Liar
      • Exist Arken - Compassion, Wanderlust, Glee
    Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)
    • Overindulges in luxuries when available.
    • Frivolous spender.
    • Easily distracted.

    Personality (Expansion)
    • He is more than willing to give kids a ride on his giant Cauruvos. When she's not hungry and likely to try to bite.


    • He's capable of standing extremely still, to the point where it's hard to tell he's even breathing.


    • Hanging around friends, pulling small pranks.
    • Making small trinkets out of leather and animal products.
    • Showing off his archery skills. Or showing off in general.
    • Being a flirty bastard.


    • Being genuinely complimented. He has no idea how to handle it. (More of discomfort rather than dislike.)
    • Being assumed that he is a stereotypical void-worshipping Kathar, and being lumped in with them.

    Further Expansion - The Question List
    • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
      • He becomes /extremely/ animated, complete with wide smile and grand gestures. If he's ecstatic? He may just even dance, though rather poorly. If he's told to contain it? Cue happy tippy-taps. Yes- like a dog.
    • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
      • Cyrus more has a flight response than a fight response- as he's not very combat capable up close. He'll try to disappear as fast as he can, get himself to a safer place and out of the situation that is causing him fear. This is strong to a point where if distressed enough, he'll abandon his friends, or at least get himself to a far off point where he can support them from a safe distance.
    • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
      • They'll continue to try to make jokes- but eventually will resort to drier and drier sarcasm to get the point off that they're irritated. Eventually they'll strike a sassy pose (arms crossed, glaring, hip cocked to one side) and just stare the person down who is stressing them out. If it's a situation and not a person, they'll try their best to get out of the stressful situation, or break the tension with jokes and smiles.
    • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
      • There's no law in the woods! Honestly, they're all just major buzzkills. Sure like... Guards are nice sometimes. Protect people and whatnot. But most of the time they just take the fun away.
    • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
      • They're kinda boring! Wylathar are where it's at- dressy and showy the whoooole way. But honestly, anyone who decides to take on mutations, dye their hair or tattoo their bodies? Nice. Ailor are probably the most boring of the races.
    • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
      • They've comfortably found their place along the Colossi and Exist Arken. Cyrus is a bit more uncomfortable around those who follow the mainstream religions (i.e. Unionism) as well as void-aligned individuals, despite his heritage. Those who assume he is void aligned due to being Kathar get a nervous chuckle and a diverted subject.
    • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
      • Magic makes everything /so/ much more fun. Good for attack, good for defense, good for everything that makes life intense. They're interested in artifacts and such, but likely won't go after anything super secret unless they find a /really/ good reason to stop being lazy and hunt it out. Reading about it is fun though!
    • How does your character feel towards their family?
      • They have no feeling towards their birth family- more finding themselves at home with their found family in the Cahal. He misses the woman that raised him immensely, as she helped him learn and grow in so many ways that he wouldn't have expected.
    • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
      • Everything! He's simply fabulous. B)
    • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
      • Frankly- his religion and desire to help those he cares for. He wants to help others feel better about themselves and their individuality, while learning the most about people he can and exploring the world.
    • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
      • That he's not actually helping others- that he's simply temporarily belaying their distress and not bringing them long-lasting joy. Alternatively? That he's causing more annoyance than joy.
    • What is your character's biggest fear?
      • Being forced to surrender his individuality in order to conform to society- either through the cleansing of his Cahalism or the forceful removal of his mutations.

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    WARNING: Spoilers on how Cyrus regards said relationships below!! View with caution.

    Eilauver () - TBD, Faith needs to finish their sheet.



    Significant Others


    Family Relations
    Llaveya (11/10) -
    "You're the best mentor I could have ever asked for. The best mother I could have had. Thank you for all you've done." Llaveya means the world to Cyrus, as she taught him everything he ever could have known about the world. He loves her as a son would their mother, and does his best to keep in contact when he can. This can be months apart due to how far the letters need to travel. He cherishes every one he receives from her, wishing that she would come to regalia too, but respecting her desire to stay near the Warpwoods.



    ༻⋆⸙͎۪۫。˚۰˚☽----------------------------------。・:*̊ *:・。----------------------------------☾˚۰˚。⸙͎۪۫⋆༺


    • Born in Warpwoods to two traditional Wylathar Parents, part of a set of twins. They treated him as a normal family would for the most part, ensuring that he would learn and survive as a normal Wylathar would.
    • When Cyrus was 10 years old, their Wylathar tribe got in conflict with a more hostile tribe nearby. This ended up coming to blows between the two tribes, with the more hostile tribe quickly gaining the upper hand.
    • At his parent's behest, Cyrus ran away, fleeing into the woods. In the process of the fight, Cyrus's tribe was (unknowing to him) wiped out, and Cyrus got lost in the Warpwoods, having to fend for himself.
    • A few days later, an elderly and florally-entwined Kathar happened upon his path, deciding to take the lost child under her wing. This woman ended up being a Cahal- an Elen in particular, name Llaveya.
    • She challenged his poorly embedded void-based beliefs, uprooting them and replacing them with the more Cahal aligned Exist-based beliefs, beginning to grow his favor for nature.
    • Along their travels through the Warpwoods, they stumbled upon a wild and weak Ceuruvos puppy. With the woman's help, Cyrus managed to bring it back up to health and raise it, taming it and eventually solidifying his bond with it as a familiar.
    • With time- both the Ceuruvos and Llaveya helped solidify his appreciation for nature and hunting, allowing him to branch off into a more survival and free-feeling based existence.
    • Cyrus made the decision to take on the mantle of Cahalism himself, feeling it would better bring him in line with the whims and wiles of the earth. As such, he followed the woman, miles and miles and months worth of trekking in order to find a Colossi Portal. Submitting to it, he became an Aphar Cahal Soul Line.
    • After a few more years of remaining under the Elen's tutelage, he decided to strike off on his own, seeking to travel to the various other contents of the world and find similarly minded individuals.
    • On these travels, he made a friend of a Moon Vault Isldar named Eilauver, who ended up being another Aphar Cahal! These two hit it off as fast friends, both having statue-esque forms, and enjoying people watching in gardens under disguise.
    • Eventually, this led Cyrus to Regalia, seeking to start some new chaos and make some new friends during his stay.
    Major spoilers below for IC items that happened! Welcome to the Trauma List

    None so far! :)

    This contains all items that Cyrus formerly had, whether it's vampiric forms, abilities, personality, or otherwise. Typically will be updated after MAJOR page overhauls, like achieving a new affliction.
    • Winner Winner x 2
    #1 IreliaRamora, Sep 18, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2021
  2. Follower

    Follower :3c Staff Member Lore1

    May 17, 2019
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    @IreliaRamora Hello I have picked up this application for review, expect a reply with 48 hours.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  3. Follower

    Follower :3c Staff Member Lore1

    May 17, 2019
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  4. IreliaRamora

    IreliaRamora The 5.5 hour shitpost.

    Jun 26, 2021
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    @Follower Lingustics update! Changes in green- but a TL;DR - Gutted 3 points from leatherworking to buy Sulvaley, and updated name of Wyld-altalar to Katharic.

    EDIT: Also extremely minor backstory update. Nothing critical, but he's a twin now. ;)
  5. Follower

    Follower :3c Staff Member Lore1

    May 17, 2019
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  6. IreliaRamora

    IreliaRamora The 5.5 hour shitpost.

    Jun 26, 2021
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    @Follower Revamped sheet into new format, basically got rid of a majority of aesthetics as a result. The rest of the old sheet is under the spoiler until I can be bothered to properly make this look nice again.

    Since Cyrus had Magic Bolt 1, changed it out for Burglary pack under Sorcery. Outside of that, everything should be the same.
  7. Follower

    Follower :3c Staff Member Lore1

    May 17, 2019
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  8. IreliaRamora

    IreliaRamora The 5.5 hour shitpost.

    Jun 26, 2021
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    Not going to ping since it's a small change, but just now realized that I can only have one character with burglary active at a time. Aaaas such, nuking it off of Cyrus in favor of Honed Skill 3. Point spread still the same.
  9. IreliaRamora

    IreliaRamora The 5.5 hour shitpost.

    Jun 26, 2021
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    So! Whoever picks this up next (Marking for needs new staff as a result of Follower not being staff at the moment I think?)-

    I'm shelving this character! Please mark the sheet as rejected. Might bring him back eventually, but he just doesn't get enough play at all.
  10. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Hello I'll be claiming this for review!
  11. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I'll reject it as requested, though honestly if you're shelving the character you don't necessarily need to go through that process. Just don't play them. Rejecting them just marks them as being no longer compliant. @IreliaRamora
  12. IreliaRamora

    IreliaRamora The 5.5 hour shitpost.

    Jun 26, 2021
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    Honestly, didn't know that! Part of the logic was that they probably wouldn't be compliant by the time I get around to playing them again, however, I'll note this for the next time I decide to shelve characters. Thanks Cael. :)

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