Preserved Sheet Cyrille Véstre

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Scottish Egg
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Anor Londo / Scotland


Basic Information

  • Full Name:
    • Cyrille Véstre
  • Age:
    • 50
  • Gender:
    • Female
  • Race:
  • Sexuality:
    • Vampires
Skill Information

Total Proficiency Points: 50 - 10 (Vampire Mutations)
School: Refined, brutal natural instinct
  • 5 Rogue Training | +5 Invested
    • Over the years, Cyrille has became a bit of a stalker. Her aggressive nature causes her to be somewhat conspicuous, though she isn't completely inept when it comes to the skills of a Rogue.
  • 40 Unarmed Combat Skills (+10 from Racial Bonus, +30 Proficiency Points)
    • When it comes to fighting, Cyrille is extremely aggressive in her assault. When able to focus on a single target, Cyrille prefers to pounce on her would-be meal, mounting them if they're light enough for her to knock over, or wrapping her legs around their waist if they're able to stay standing. It is with a flurry of frenzied slashes that Cyrille will seek to disorient and overwhelm her prey.
  • 15 Athletic Training (+10 from Racial Bonus, +5 from Proficiency Points)
    • As expected from a Varran, Cyrille is flexible and acrobatic, boasting a superior sprint and running speed than the average commoner. She is slightly beyond on-par with the typical Varran in terms of athletics, and even knows how to swim.
  • 10 Perception Training (+10 from Racial Bonus)
    • Another natural trait found amongst Warran: Cyrille is perceptive, and able to better notice things out of the ordinary, such as the actions of Rogues - sleight of hand, sneaking, camouflage, etc.
Bloodline: von Kërle
  • Blood Rush
    • When wounded, wounds close to stop blood loss externally
  • Blood Feasting
    • Rapidly regenerate even lost limbs whilst drinking blood
  • Vampiric Shriek
    • Can let out a shriek that causes dizziness and ear-ringing
  • Claw Lust
    • Can consume blood through her claws
  • Bloods Brawn
    • Can set Body Stat of person who was last fed on if they want to

Total Combat Points: 30
Total Athletic Points: 5

30 + (5 * 2) = 40

Body Shape = Ripped
Body Fat = Extremely Low

Cyrille - with her seemingly petite form and short stature - is deceptively strong. Her black coat of fur hides her muscular definition, causing her to appear far less intimidating and dangerous than she otherwise would.

  • Common
  • Ithanian
  • Zcorr

"A lot of screams for so little wool, said the man who sheared the pig."
Visual Information
  • Eye Colour: Amber-esque yellow
  • Primary Fur Colour: Glossy black
  • Secondary Fur Colour: Dark grey
  • Clothing: Simple and practical
  • Height: Five foot, five inches
  • Body Build: Ripped
  • Weapon of Choice: Tooth and claw
  • Facial Features -
    • Cyrille has a very round head, with soft gentle features due to being Khent day-born. She has thin needle-like whiskers, and pointed ears which frantically dart in the direction of nearby sounds. Her notably cat-like eyes appear almost amber, and can sometimes cause her to appear sly and mischievous with their subtle thin slant. The secondary colour of her fur appears on her face as an odd, large splotch surrounding one of her eyes.
  • Body -
    • Cyrille is significantly shorter than the norm for Varran. A runt even among runts, Cyrille found herself smaller than all her fellow Khent day-born Varrans. She appears slim, and is acrobatically supple. The majority of her body is covered in short, glossy black fur, whilst her stomach, biceps, and the palms of her hands are a dark shade of grey. To those who can actually tell the age of a Varran by looking at them, Cyrille appears to be around the age of twenty, due to her slowed vampiric ageing.
  • Fashion -
    • Unlike the vast majority of Varran, Cyrille is completely comfortable with wearing clothing on her upper body. When it's available, Cyrille will wear simple cloth shirts and baggy trousers to allow for ease of movement. She doesn't really mind going shirtless, though feels that wearing clothing on her upper half helps make her appear more "normal" to the typical Regalian citizen, which she reckons could help with luring people in.
  • Voice -
    • Cyrille's nervous and awkward speech is commonly interrupted with stutters and chattering from her teeth. Despite her tone being relatively quiet and gentle, she will often sound raspy and out of breath. Hissing isn't uncommon for her.

  • Perceived by others:
    • Cyrille wants non-vampires to view her as meek, non-threatening and helpless. She appears easily startled, jittery and on-edge. Some may find her odd mannerisms to be quaint, though many will instead simply find her uncomfortable and off putting to be around. It's hard to pin down, though most of the time - especially when hunting - Cyrille can come across as borderline feral. When not putting on an act, Cyrille will likely be perceived as extremely hostile and dangerous.
  • Feel on the inside:
    • As an ex-slave, Cyrille has developed a need to try and be as in-control as possible of any given situation. She has anxieties surrounding captivity, and will panic if forced against her will to stay in one area or room for too long. Such panic causes her to have great difficulty keeping up an act, and will usually push her to lash out, hiss, and generally become hostile to those around her whilst she becomes progressively more desperate to find a route of escape. She lusts for blood, and views non-vampires as definitively lesser beings. As is expected of a vampire, she is very hedonistic and enjoys living life with little regard for other people.
  • Towards those she respects:
    • Cyrille herself doesn't completely understand her relationship with friends and potential lovers. She knows she's capable of "liking" non-vampires, but her affection is more comparable to an owners love for their favourite pet, rather than genuine compassion for a fellow person. Towards such people, Cyrille will act possessive and emotionally inept: treating them like property and sometimes even attempt to guilt them into helping her feed. In terms of vampires, Cyrille tends to try and achieve mutually beneficial relationships, helping them if it makes getting blood easier for her.
  • Morality:
    • Cyrille has no respect for morals outside of the vampiric hierarchy, which she views as the only important and justified system of power. All others are meaningless and gain merit only through how much they serve vampires. Objectively, Cyrille is a psychopath due to her many years spent as a vampire. She completely lacks any moral sense, and couldn't care less for the rightness or wrongness of her actions, whatever they may be. To Cyrille, the slaughter of a living person - with thoughts, ambitions and memories - is no different than their killing of chickens and cows for food. And whilst one could become attached to a particularly adorable piglet, the piglet is still livestock in the end.


Life Story
  • Early Life
Born to a pair of domestic slave Varran
Never meets her parents, as she is sold as an exotic pet to a wealthy Ithanian family.
Her childhood is comfortable for a slave. She is lucky, and acts as a young girl's pet and servant.

The girl's older sisters often tease and make fun of Cyrille to amuse themselves, as they quickly realise it gets them in far less (if any) trouble when compared to bullying their younger sibling.
Come teenage years, Cyrille finally snaps when one of them yanks on her tail for the final time. She almost slashes their eye out, and flees the family, never to return.​
  • Middle Life
Cyrille is arrested for stealing bread, though her time in captivity ironically allows her to make some underworld connections with fellow criminals, and by the time she is released - thankfully with both hands still attached - she is actually able to join a gang.
At first, the gang is fairly typical in both it's motive and operation, though their leader falls under the influence of a powerful vampire, and slowly the rest of the gang are infected.
Cyrille fails to realise this in time, and is turned into a vampire at the age of twenty one.
This coven proves prolific, fo
r a while, though eventually falls thanks to the intervention of Darkwald Knights, who were able to finally track down the coven and kill their leader.​
  • Recent Life
Cyrille bounced from town to town, feeding as much as she could before moving on to start anew.
Eventually, Cyrille almost comes face-to-face with the same Darkwalds who killed her master, and - seeing no other escape - flees town by hiding herself below deck on one of the ships at the harbour.
The ship is fairly large, and Cyrille manages to stay hidden in amongst cargo crates.
By the time the ship's journey is complete, Cyrille is almost starved. She covers the mouth of a sleeping crew member, and drains his blood before sneaking off the ship: into the city of Regalia.
For now, Cyrille has few aspirations or desires outside of simply feeding. She intends to go with the flow of blood, and see where it takes her.
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Here is my review:

Skill Information

  • 8 Vampire Mutations give 24 points in Rogue Training, not 25.
  • When calculating Physical Skill in the Body Shape section, Racial Bonuses do not count towards this and only applies to Proficiency Points actually spent. This would mean their current Physical Skill Total is at 20. Please redo your calculations in accordance to this rule.
Personality and Abilities
  • In your second paragraph, you state that she becomes panicked when in situations where she may be held captive. How does this show itself to others around her?
  • In your third paragraph, please describe how her possessive affection could be portrayed, and how this playful side of her differentiates from her normal behavior.
  • In your fourth paragraph, I would like for you to expand more on the given sentences we have. How do these traits show themselves, and what are her views on the vampire hierarchy exactly? What would happen if someone spoke against this mentality? What sort of corrupt or twisted things does she normally view, as an example or two of just how immoral she is?
Life Story
  • I would like for you to add a specific mention of how long she had been infected, just so this reflects the time stated in the Proficiency section. Additionally, I would like for you to add more details on what she intends, or intended to do, in Regalia.
Make your edits in a legible red then tag me when you have completed them. @Gwyndo