Preserved Sheet Cynsosiel Sidraen Elael

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Jan 31, 2016
Reaction score
sucking lestat de lioncourt’s toes
~Cynsosiel Elael~

Basic Information

Full Name: Cynsosiel Sidraen Elael

  • Nicknames: Cyn, Cynny, and occasionally "magic mom-lad" by Silvian.
Age: 52

Gender: Female

Race: Full Shendar

Main Ambition: She wishes to spread the Void's influence, teach new Blood Mages and reach expert level in Blood Magic, eventually.

Special Permission: N/A


Visual Information

Eye Color: Dark grey, muddy grey from Void mutation, though naturally emerald green. She also has black sclera.

Hair Color: Creamy white.

Hair Style: A short pixie cut with bangs.

Skin Color: Light grey.

Clothing: Practical clothing, most often red tunics and black pants. Though, she has begun to wear purple in hopes of accidentally buying clothing with volicror in it.

Height: 6'7"

Body Build: Gaunt.

Weapon of Choice: Blood Magic, and occasionally alchemical detriments, though she does not know any alchemy so they must be purchased or borrowed from a friend. She also knows Corruption Magic, though she only uses it as a last resort.

  • Hemocurse ~ Mage level

  • Touch of the Void ~ Mage level

  • Hemostasis ~ Mage level

  • Sanguine Thirst ~ Caster level

Visual Information

•Cynsosiel has a small, heart-shaped face with thin lips, upturned eyes with black sclera, and angled eyebrows. Tiny black horns poke out of her head,and her ears are oddly shaped when compared to other Nelfin, being rather oddly shaped, being webbed oddly. She has black veins surrounding her right eye, and her skin is nearly transparent. Four extra eyes are on her forehead, often covered by hair. Her mouth is slightly larger than normal, opening almost like a Slizzar. Her lips are thinner than normal, and her mouth is full of jagged, sharp teeth. She is often seen wearing glasses with gold-tinted frames. [x]

•Cynsosiel is rather tall, at 6'2" and rather thin, too. She has a fairly high metabolism, and receives improper nutrition as a result of hiding in the sewers, being unhealthily thin as a result. She has next to no muscle or fat, and most body hair is shaved off. She has a small growth of fur on her back, a short, a furry tail, and a rather grotesque looking left forearm; with tentacles where her fingers once where, discoloured a strange, almost bruised-looking purple, with a tiny mouth on her palm and brittle bone formations along her wrist and forearm. [x] Her right arm has three emerald green eyes along it. The skin on her arms is tight around the bones, appearing bone-thin, with horrendously elongated and bony fingers and discoloured finger nails that appear to be a dark grey colour.

•Cynsosiel has a tendency to be a bit loud and obnoxious, talking quite fast. She has a light Elven accent, speaking Common, Shendriq, and Alt-Regalian fluently, and she knows the basics of Tatsugo.


Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

  • Snide: Cynsosiel has a strong tendency to go out of her way to make rude, sarcastic, and snide comments about almost everything. Often she will insult anyone when a chance is given, even her friends. Her friends and acquaintances just have to deal with this snarky attitude, often getting used to it after a while and realizing when her insults are not serious. While her comments often entertain people, it's not as funny when you're the one being insulted.

  • Malicious: Cynsosiel takes pleasure in seeing others suffer, especially those who have slighted her. She can range from inflicting actual physical pain, to just messing with people for the sake of getting a reaction. Oftentimes, she is fairly extreme when it comes to punishments, using "magic practice" as a half-hearted excuse for casting Hemocurse on some random person that happened to disagree with her. This often drives people away from Cyn, as most people dislike her amorality.

  • Impatient: Cynsosiel wants everything done at her speed, and done well. She absolutely cannot stand waiting for anything or anyone else. She often gets frustrated when people can't catch up to her, be it in knowledge or in work. This makes her a rather annoying and often harsh teacher despite her ambition to spread Blood Magic, though she can be a bit more patient with those she likes. Cyn has a strong aversion to waiting a long period of time, and she often becomes visibly and outspokenly impatient.

  • Helpful: Despite her many obvious flaws, Cynsosiel tends to be very helpful when needed. While she most definitely would not go and help some poor victim of a vampire attack just to be heroic, and she will not risk her life to aid another, she does tend to be surprisingly eager to help her friends. This could range from helping out in a fight, or simply giving advice on a project. Additionally, Cyn tends to enjoy things that make her think, and as a result she tends to be quite good at solving puzzles.

  • Loyal: Cynsosiel tends to highly value her friends, going out of her way to help them when needed. She is not easily bribed with money or power, though there are many exceptions to this loyalty. Cynsosiel gets a bit overprotective at times, and she hates seeing harm come to her alies. However, she has a tendency to try and "improve" her friends with a bit of blood magic, often driving people away despite her "totally benevolent" intentions.

  • Boisterous: Cynsosiel is extremely outgoing, often being loud and bold. This trait often gets her friends, and she is pretty fun to be around. Though, this does not completely work in her favor; some people see her as a lot more obnoxious and annoying than entertaining. In addition, Cynsosiel tends to offer blunt and really unwanted opinions, tying in with her snide and sarcastic nature.

  • Magically Adept: With her Blood Magic resting at Mage level in all forms but Sanguine Thirst, and with recently acquired ability in Corruption Magic, Cynsosiel is a highly talented mage. She uses her Hemostasis to earn money, and while the Hemocurse is not optimal for physical combat, she is often able to torture and coerce people with ease. In addition, she frequently uses the Touch of the Void subform, viewing it as an art, though she has begun to grow twisted by her own magic. Not that she minds, of course. Additionally, Cynsosiel was taught Corruption Magic by her brother recently, though she only uses it in the most dire of situations.
  • Extroverted: Cynsosiel is absolutely never shy or afraid to voice her opinions. She has a desire to make friends, and generally have a good time. Due to this, she also tends to be optimistic, also fueling peoples' desires to befriend her. However outgoing or seemingly friendly she is, though, there are many things that prevent her from being liked by certain people.

  • Agile: Due to her lithe build, Cynsosiel is fairly flexible and agile, often being able to out-speed opponents with ease. While she could by no means dodge a precise blow, she has a decent chance of dodging imprecise attacks. This is not to say she is at all skilled at combat, but rather, she is highly agile and flexible compared to other mages of her skill level.

  • Bad arms: Due to Void mutation brought on by frequent use of her blood magic, Cynsosiel's left forearm is horribly disfigured. She has several extra fingers, all warped into a tentacle-like shape, with a mouth on her palm, and patches of bruised-looking purple skin. Other than just being a complete eyesore, the skin on Cyn's mutated hand is highly sensitive, and she cannot grip things with it at all. Additionally, her right arm has three eyes down it, albeit useless, and the eyes and skin around them are very sensitive.

  • Strange: Cynsosiel is by all means odd, and people tend to think she's a bit mental due to her beliefs and appearance. Her multiple Void mutations typically freak people out and hamper her ability to make friends, along with her strange belief in elevating humanity to a mutated existence. She normally calls herself "eccentric", and she does not really realize how twisted her ideas seem to others. Despite her outgoing and at least mostly friendly personality, this often prevents Cyn from making friends.

  • Poorly Healed Arm: During a sewer fight, Cynsosiel's right arm was broken, and it never fully healed. This arm often gets in the way during fights, offering an easy target, and the arm is highly sensitive when hit. She is prone to fracturing her right arm in fights, and this additionally makes her incapable of any physical combat involving her arms, since her right arm is weak and her left hand is useless.

  • Nearsighted: Cynsosiel has terrible eyesight in most cases, as she is nearsighted in both eyes. Her husband Unster gave her a pair of his glasses, though these only make the nearsightedness a bit less severe. This often hinders her in fights, and everything more than eleven feet away from her is just a giant blur.

Life Story

  • Born in the Shadow Isles to Ielena Elaen, and an unknown father, in the summer of 253 AC.
  • Had one brother, named Nremyn Elaen. (@Ghirko)
  • Due to financial opportunity, her mother moved to the city of Regalia when she was a year old.
  • Nremyn stayed, as he was 36 years older than Cynsosiel, and he was doing well in the Shadow Isles.
  • Was raised devoutly in Void Worship, though not being able to publicly express her religion or participate in large gatherings and rituals, for fear of drawing suspicion.
  • Began education at age 11, mainly being taught essential things by her mother.
  • Never learned how to read Common, as her mother did not think that qualified as essential.
Teenage Years~
  • Showed interest in Slither and Corruption Magic, her mother being unfortunately unable to find a suitable mentor. They agreed to put off learning it until she was older.
  • Learned of Ungvald Torrenbild and his elusive new form of magic at age 18 during a trip to the sewers, quickly coming to admire the man.
  • Joined Ungvald's small cult, eager to learn his magic.
  • Showed relative promise as a student, taking on all four forms of Blood Magic.
  • Her mother was proud of this decision, seeing as the magic was so closely linked to the Void, and encouraged her studies.
  • Barely escaped during the battle in which the Witch Hunters captured Ungvald, and she fled deeper into the sewers.
  • Continued her study of Blood Magic, trying not to be too disheartened about Ungvald's execution.
  • Lived in relative peace and quiet, making the occasional trip to capture and experiment upon a sewer dweller.
  • Began growing corrupted by her own Touch of the Void magic by age 34, this coming as a surprise, though a pleasant one in her mind.
  • Reached Mage level in Touch of the Void and Hemocurse by age 50, throwing a party in celebration of her accomplishments.
  • Roams the sewers to this day, looking for potential victims of her Blood Magic, friends, or maybe both.
  • Her brother Nremyn eventually moved to Regalia to reunite with his family. He soon asked Cynny to mutate him, and she began using him as practice for her magic.
  • Met a Light Mage named Unsterbligh Vogel, quickly befriending him, and eventually marrying him.
  • Eventually became pregnant with Unsterbligh's child, giving birth to a little girl named Berthilda Vogel. (@Mandyquaky)
  • Decided that she needed an extra mean of self defense, learning Corruption Magic from her brother.
  • Began teaching Berthilda Blood Magic.
  • However, this happy marriage did not last. Unsterbligh, a devout Unionist, eventually decided that his wife's Void-centered lifestyle was not for him.
  • Unster eventually joined the Bluesteel Order, and it became obvious that he had endangered himself- he thought that, if word got out of their relationship, they were both going to be executed.
  • Cynny ended up becoming divorced, though she was allowed to keep raising her daughter due to the fact that Unster did not want people knowing that his daughter was a blood mage.
  • Homeless, and without many stable job opportunities due to her reputation for mutating her allies, Cynny realized she and her daughter were going to have to fend for themselves.
  • Luckily, Silvian Elking (@Pastellanar) began working two jobs in order to support Cynny and her child.
  • She began handling the loss in the same way she always did- forcing herself to get over Unsterbligh and beginning to practice her magic rather frequently, and working towards her goals to the best of her abilities.
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Time to shatter your hopes and dreams, let's get into dat dank peer review, FAM dog pancake.

Eye Color: Fully black with no definite iris or pupils. [x]
Yeah, no, this is impossible
  • Hemocurse ~ Mage level
  • Touch of the Void ~ Mage level
  • Hemostasis ~ Mage level
  • Sanguine Thirst ~ Caster level
This is highly unlikely if not impossible
Language Barrier: While Cynsosiel can speak Common fluently, she can by no means read it. This often hinders her in every-day tasks as she normally has to drag someone along to translate every sign for her. She would learn Common, bu
Most commoners can't read...
. She hates feeling any sort of physical pain and there is no way she could focus on casting through more than a small cut
That's pretty much any mage to the point where slapping a mage is enough to divert their attention from a spell.
Yeah, no, this is impossible
Oh, didn't know that. I thought anything could come about from Void mutations. Fixed, though if the staff reviewing this thinks it's fine, I'd like to change it back.

This is highly unlikely if not impossible
I'm keeping this in since Cynsosiel has been learning Blood Magic for 33 years, and it takes 20 to learn a subform at Mage and only 10 to get two other forms up to Mage, for a total of 30. Additionally from what I can tell Blood Magic is similar enough that it is a bit easier than normal to learn every subform.
Most commoners can't read...

That's pretty much any mage to the point where slapping a mage is enough to divert their attention from a spell.
Replaced both weaknesses.
i'm trash at thinking of weaknesses tbh
Thanks for the peer review.
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I'm keeping this in since Cynsosiel has been learning Blood Magic for 33 years, and it takes 20 to learn a subform at Mage and only 10 to get two other forms up to Mage, for a total of 30. Additionally from what I can tell Blood Magic is similar enough that it is a bit easier than normal to learn every subform.
and that's the point..It's a bit op and unlikely for her to be one of the first people to learn the magic

The Magic is actually fine, by the way. Blood Magic is a magic with subforms that are normally learned in parallel - to not do so would be like learning maths with knowledge of addition but without subtraction. The only real concern I have with the character is the initial mention of alchemical knowledge without any explanation of where Cynsosiel picked it up from. To that notion, I'd simply add a part to her life story explaining it.

Tag me once the necessary edits have been made in a different colour, and feel free to ask me any questions about the review here, @triggeredtaco !~

The Magic is actually fine, by the way. Blood Magic is a magic with subforms that are normally learned in parallel - to not do so would be like learning maths with knowledge of addition but without subtraction. The only real concern I have with the character is the initial mention of alchemical knowledge without any explanation of where Cynsosiel picked it up from. To that notion, I'd simply add a part to her life story explaining it.

Tag me once the necessary edits have been made in a different colour, and feel free to ask me any questions about the review here, @triggeredtaco !~
Oh sorry. I thought I made it obvious that she doesn't know alchemy at all. Whenever she has stuff like obscura it's always borrowed or bought. But it is accessible to her so that's why I put it there.
@TheBioverse Updated weaknesses, one of Cyn's friends let her have his glasses but since they're not made for her they only help a bit, so the issue is there but a bit less severe.
In addition, while she does not know it yet save for basic greetings, the same friend agreed to teach her a bit of Alt-Regalian, just checking that three languages would be fine in the future?
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@TheBioverse Updated weaknesses, one of Cyn's friends let her have his glasses but since they're not made for her they only help a bit, so the issue is there but a bit less severe.
In addition, while she does not know it yet save for basic greetings, the same friend agreed to teach her a bit of Alt-Regalian, just checking that three languages would be fine in the future?
Bumping to make sure this was okay. @TheBioverse
@TheBioverse I added Corruption Magic to her weapons of choice, and added 3 extra points at the end of her life story. Changed the strength Blood Magic to magically adept, and added in an extra sentence about her Corruption Magic, which is rarely used intentionally, only as a last resort in what she sees as life or death situations.
@TheBioverse Made a few visual edits; Cynny got mutated again. Dunno if this needs re-review, but all edits are marked in magenta.

Unsterbligh be like
(Disclaimer if you are not a fan of the one profanity word in this, don't read, or you hate memes, I do to, I don't recommending clicking this spoiler)


@TheOverseer__ @TheBioverse
Added a bunch of development stuff to her backstory and changed her body build to gaunt. Tag fell off when I changed her name.


Oh, didn't know that. I thought anything could come about from Void mutations. Fixed, though if the staff reviewing this thinks it's fine, I'd like to change it back.

I'm keeping this in since Cynsosiel has been learning Blood Magic for 33 years, and it takes 20 to learn a subform at Mage and only 10 to get two other forms up to Mage, for a total of 30. Additionally from what I can tell Blood Magic is similar enough that it is a bit easier than normal to learn every subform.

Replaced both weaknesses.
i'm trash at thinking of weaknesses tbh
Thanks for the peer review.
Could I request a clean up of this thread, save for staff comments and this comment, so I can make an edit log with relationships and stuff?

Basically, I'd like all comments that aren't by either me or a staff member to be deleted.
  • The application looks relatively good still. My only question is the gap between when she was in the Shadow Isles and Regalia - you mention being raised there, but also then subsequently mention the sewers in tandem. Just a little distinction to when she moved to Regalia and why would be substantial here.
  • Please make mention of her Corruption Magic in the Weapons of choice section, as it would be very easy for other lore staff to glance over this skill of hers - regardless of wanting to use it in only the direst of situations.
Tag me once the necessary edits have been made in a different colour, and feel free to ask me any questions pertaining to the review here, @SpamanoTomato !~
  • The application looks relatively good still. My only question is the gap between when she was in the Shadow Isles and Regalia - you mention being raised there, but also then subsequently mention the sewers in tandem. Just a little distinction to when she moved to Regalia and why would be substantial here.
  • Please make mention of her Corruption Magic in the Weapons of choice section, as it would be very easy for other lore staff to glance over this skill of hers - regardless of wanting to use it in only the direst of situations.
Tag me once the necessary edits have been made in a different colour, and feel free to ask me any questions pertaining to the review here, @SpamanoTomato !~
I believe they are already covered, here-

Weapon of Choice: Blood Magic, and occasionally alchemical detriments, though she does not know any alchemy so they must be purchased or borrowed from a friend. She also knows Corruption Magic, though she only uses it as a last resort.

I also thought it was clear that she was raised in Regalia, but I added the distinction that she moved to Regalia at age one. Edits are in red.