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Played Character Cylin

This character is actively played.


Aug 27, 2024
Reaction score
Basic Character Information
- Full Name: Cylin, (Wildname:) Overgrown Moss Seer​
- Heritage / Culture: Full Senlon Yanar​
- Age: 97 (Out of 500)​
- Gender / Pronouns: They/Them​
- Religion: Fornoss, acknowledging and faithful to both pantheons.​
- Occult: God Magic (Fornoss Religion)​
- Character Occupation: Artificer/Engineer and Blacksmith​
Appearance Information
- Eye Color: Copper/Light Blue (Godsamtro Eye)​
- Skin Color: Emerald and a dark Forest Green.​
- Hair: Black, slightly unkempt with a thick coat of dust.​
- Height: 5'7''​
- Body Type: Slender and slightly muscular, but not in an athletic sense.
- Additional Features: They are covered in thin dark vines that wrap around similar to tattoos, some forming Fornoss runes. Parts of his left hand and eye are both strange combinations of Clockwork and Godsamtro artifice. Some of the plant matter also creates frills along their head and arms.
- Clothing: Wears a white cloth shirt, with a gray vest with brass lining. Wears dark gray pinstripe pants, and dark boots, along with a pouch hanging at the hip. They are wearing large goggles with a strange glint, and brass/copper jewelry on their earlobes and tips of their pointed ears.​

Skill Information

- Technology (Branch: Clockwork and Godsamtro)
- Alchemy, but primarily to assist in Technology and Smithing.
- Good at reverse engineering and creating.
- Knows how to work a forge and lab.
- I am a masterful gardener.
- Quick learner.
- Yanar Mechanics 1-5
- Fornoss Faith Mechanics 1-2
- Common
- NātI
- Agasi
Nature and Plothooks.
- I have always been focused on progress. I believe that progress is inevitable, beautiful, and important, no matter its origin. However I also wish to preserve the fragile beauty and order of nature. I believe that if I am at the forefront of progression and technological advancement, I can ensure that a way to integrate the tranquil forest with the volatile machinery is discovered and established. - Denying progress would be against my nature.
- I was never too interested in the studies and teachings of the Estelley religion. But the beliefs of Fornoss have always called to me, and it seems many of my small village as well. I was always especially inspired by the teachings of Dáuw, and his stories in metalwork and forging inspired me to get into the field of artifice.
- Rejecting the want to create is against my nature.

- I am always curious, and believe we are not asking the right questions to further civilization. I am always wondering what makes people make the decisions they do, and I wish to understand the inner workings of my peer's minds. Although I may be considered to have the flaw of being invasive.
- Rejecting knowledge related to my goals or peer's would be against my nature.

- I wish to change our world for the better, by any means necessary. I would go to grand, and ancient means if it ensures the advancement and peace of all nations. I am constantly searching for any information on ways to gain power, artifacts, and knowledge that would further advancement.
- I fall easily to temptation if I believe what it would give would be helpful to my cause.

- I often get wrapped up in projects and studies, and are unlikely to refuse new ones. I like to believe it will further my success, but it is more often than not my downfall.
- I am easily sidetracked and distracted by offers I may consider as productive.

- I believe that people and communities are important, as it was an important part of my upbringing. However I am often overwhelmed attempting to find the perfect solution to make everyone happy. I believe that the coming together of magic, faith, and engineering are the key to us thriving.
- I am empathetic by nature, but my beliefs are firm.

Backstory Points.

(Note, Backstory is still mostly in the works but I have some of the basic necessary stuff!)
- I was raised in a small community of Yanar and Maquixtl that was fearful of the progression of the kingdom. At a young age I had decided that I wanted to relieve their fears and discover ways that technology and nature can co-exist.

- My parents were both mages, and they wished to teach me how to wield the magic that was given to our family by Thirun, but I could never understand the more complex types of magic. I more use magic to enhance my machinery now than anything.

- I left my community when in my 30's with a group of traveling Maquixtl, finally having decided to make my way up to the Regalia, yearning to learn more about the city's advancement and technology that may not have been available to me before.

Character Theme.
Echo of You (feat. Melissa R. Kaplan)
From: Horizon, Forbidden West

Combat Information.
Combat Stance: Ranged (Mechanical Sharpshooter)
Attack Stat: Dexterity
Defense Stat: Intelligence
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
Strength: 0
Constitution: 0
Intelligence: 6
*Tech Point Buy*
- Tech Ghost
- Tech Resist
- Tech Auto Pack
- Hook Shot Pack
- Tech Exhaust Pack
- Tech Charge Pack
*Adapt Point Buy*
- Wardrobe Pack (Magical Variant)
Wisdom: 2
*Chem Point Buy*
- Chem Feeding
- Chem Hyperfocus Pack
- Chem Revive Pack
Dexterity: 3
*Deadeye Point Buy*
- Deadeye Stance
- Deadeye Barrage Pack
- Deadeye Focus Pack
- Deadeye Crit Pack
Faith: 2
*Shaman Point Buy*
- Shaman Stance
- Shaman Darkness Pack
- Shaman Fury Pack
Magic: 1
*Magic Point Buy*
- Magic Warp Pack