Archived Custom Npcs / Player Quests

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Am I the only one here?
Feb 21, 2015
Reaction score
United States
So at the end of the day when Im chillin' and drinking my uber expensive lore drinks, I get to thinking. I think, boy oh boy wouldn't it be neat if we could have our own custom NPCs and quests. It would make recruiting people for factions a hell of a lot more easy and fun for everyone involved, AND the possibilites for it are endless.

Over at my faction Riverens, we have catacombs in it that nobody really knows about. We were planning to turn it into a quest for allies to do when they were bored, but we never got around to it as it would be too much work. There would be signs everywhere and it'd just be ugly.

Now, if there were a custom NPC that we could make and have our allies talk to to start the quest, it would be amazing. I mean, there would be no signs, and it'd just look cleaner and more neat all around.

Recruiting on the other hand, is what I'm even more excited for. Let's say you already recruited someone, but they want a house. And a job. And everything else that life has to offer. But you're a busy man, you've already got another recruit on his way. If you don't address the guy you got though, he's gonna get bored and /f leave faster than you can say MonMarty. If you had a custom NPC with a quest for new recruits to do at your /f home though, you could simply have the recruit talk to them and complete the quest that tells them how to: get a job, get a house, the names of the officers, and what they can do for fun.

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! It would also eliminate the empty feeling that factions get one nobody is on but your lonesome. If I'm lonely, I no longer have to join general chat and make a bunch of worthless puns, I can just talk to my butler, Alfred, about the weather or some phrase that I programmed him to say (I cri).

So here's how I think this should work. When you make an NPC, you are given the option to make a quest for that NPC to start when someone clicks on them, or you can just give them chat lines for it to cycle through randomly. For example, the command could be /npc create <name>. Then, you get a default steve npc with that name. To edit it, you type /npc edit <name> and then you can put one of the following arguments, like this: /npc edit <name> add chat <message you want him to say>. Or /npc edit <name> add quest <how many steps the quest will have>. For the quest command, after you specify how many quests, the plugin will prompt you to write the first step and continue to do that until you reach the specified amount of steps. This could always be canceled with /npc cancel quest. To delete your NPC, you would type /npc delete <name of npc>.

I know this is really ambitious and I'm probably being really stupid, but hey I'd like to see this in massive at some point :3

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(if im correct) the plugin that is used already for NPCs that arent quest based is the Citizens plugin but i think @Addrion or @Gethelp would know more about that

In my opinion this is an amazing idea and i think it is really on point with the theme of the server. My faction is huge and i know that new recruits are always getting lost. NPCs would be wonderful.
I wish this was a thing, but I don't see it being likely since it would be a LOT of work. :(

But if this was thing, then it would definitely spruce up some stuff :)
Unfortunately NPCS with the citizens plugin are very touchy and can actually crash servers if mistakes are made with them. For this reason alone I don't believe this is something that could be opened up for players to edit. But I'm sure @Addrion would be the best to speak on quests and what could be possible.
I'd pay money to see this happen. We could start a kickstarter for Cayorion to get it done :D

Alternately, this could be done by staff in exchange for money, as it provides no gameplay benefits that I know of.
An expansion on this idea: if quest NPC's can't be done how about this: NPC's that craft, forge, or otherwise take resources a player gives them and turns it into a finished product? ex: Smithy NPC would be given 3 diamond & 2 sticks and make an axe or a pickaxe based on saying, in local "Axe please." or "Pickaxe please." NPC shops could also be a possibility, to replace chestships.
Hey... this gave me an idea..
@Madus and @ulumulu1510 and @Cayorion.. If a kickstarter situation would happen for a inhouse plugin to be developed similar to citizens... would that even be possible?
Undoubtedly, money is a motivator. But you must see, our programming manpower is not available "on hire" sadly. Cay is running the server and is already 100% occupied with that.
Madus and I (the other teh people who would know all plugins well enough to be able to work on this) are still students. We have to focus on education 60-80% of the day, making such a kickstarter situation not plausible for us atleast.

It's not up to me to decide though ^^
NPCs are a very difficult subject when it comes to Bukkit programming. As Omnomivore said they can easily cause issues. MassiveQuest was never designed for players to use, and it is generally so advanced that most players wouldn't be able to anyway. On top of that quests can do all sorts of powerful things. The plugin would have to be changed drastically for this idea to work.
The conclusion is that the proposed ideas are difficult to implement and can cause all sorts of issues, it will simply not be worth the time in the foreseeable future.
I'd, personally, enjoy if we could just have NPCS in factions with customizable names. It could really improve roleplay outside of regalia. It could even be a premium feature I think, since it doesn't seem to be EULA in-compliant. I mean really, what do villagers give you, with trading disabled?
I'm going to go ahead and reject this suggestion based on the responses of Tech Staff.
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