Archived Custom Chat Channels

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High Jarl of NorthWatch
May 2, 2013
Reaction score
Don't know if this has been brought up before but as factions get larger and alliances start to span pages, chat gets pretty thick.

Was wondering if you might want to try a plugin to create new channels.

Just like we have commands like /c join r and /c leave g, you geniuses (not sarcasm) might be able to integrate a chat system where we can create our own chat groups.

Commands like:
/c create [ChannelName] [password]/default=NoPassword
/c join [channel name] [password]

Could even cost regals to create a channel like massivelock does but more expensive.

I think this would really help clear up communication within and between factions. Thoughts?
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Its an amazing idea. How technically it will fit with the plugin idk but its a great idea.
Finally a compliment from Znake! It's all I've ever wanted. This is what success feels like!!! *Tears shirt off and runs screaming down hallway.*
/c create [ChannelName] [Password]
Creates a new channel under the chosen ChannelName with the creator of the channel as channel owner. If the password part is left blank then the channel can be joined by anyone. If a password is entered at channel creation then that password will be required to join the channel. If a channel already exists under the chosen name then an error will appear displaying, "Channel Already Exists. Try using a different name." To avoid conflict and confusion it may be necessary to consider excluding faction names from available channel names and vice versa. It may also cost regals to start a chat channel just as it does to start a faction.

/c join [ChannelName] [Password]
Joins the channel corresponding to the channel name entered. If a password is needed to join the channel but the password is either incorrect or missing, an error will appear displaying, "Incorrect Password. Please check the ChannelName and Password and try again."

/c [ChannelName] SetMod [Player]
Gives corresponding player moderator control of the selected channel. Only channel owners can give other players moderator status.

/c [ChannelName] SetOwner [Player]
A channel owner gives ownership of the channel to another player. The previous owner is "demoted" to channel moderator.

/c [ChannelName] info,inf,i
Displays how long the channel has existed, when it was last used ("Last Used (date)" or "In Use"), and a list displaying the channels owner, moderators, and banned players but not the password.

/c [ChannelName] kick [Player]
An owner or moderator removes a player from the channel. If the player who enters this command does not have correct channel permissions an error will display, "You do not have sufficient channel permissions to perform this action."

/c [ChannelName] ban [Player]
Channel owner or moderator bans the selected player from the channel. If that player tries to join again they will recieve an error displaying, "You are currently banned from this channel. Contact the channel owner or a channel moderator."

/c [ChannelName] unban [Player]
Channel owner or moderator unbans the selected player from the channel.

/c [ChannelName] ChangePassword [OldPassword] [NewPassword]
A channel owner changes the channel password. If NewPassword is left blank the channel password is removed and anyone can join the channel.

/c [ChannelName] DeleteChannel [Password]
Deletes the chat channel and the channel name becomes available for others to use when creating a chat channel.
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I love how thought out this is. My one note on this is the last one the /c [name] disband..

I know when im tired i sometimes mix up my commands... lets not give anybody a reason to type the word "disband" xD

Eh ya, good point. That'd be salt on the hangover. I'll change it to /c [ChannelName] DeleteChannel [Password]
I love how thought out this is. My one note on this is the last one the /c [name] disband..

I know when im tired i sometimes mix up my commands... lets not give anybody a reason to type the word "disband" xD
This is why you edit your perms so not even the leader can disband a faction
Now this reminds me of teamspeak for some reason but I can kind of clear up because on TS3 you can create (on my TS server) sub-channels and most people can only make them temporary so once everyone leaves the channel is deleted. So are these chat channels going to be permenant like the current ones or temporary ones disappear when you are done your business within the channel.

The way I see it you can set up like meeting channels or private roleplay channels were you can talk to officers or have private roleplay without everyone hearing or going to a secluded spot.
It could - sadly - act as an incredibly convenient tool for meta-gaming with a whole group of people while roleplaying.

Though I guess PM chat and - to an extent - faction chat do that already.
Idk what ive said before on this topic but after assisting like 10 new people with MassiveChat... my realisation now is this

Massive chat is hard enough for new people as it is. And it's already super spammy. Most people just create custom channels with Skype anyway
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Right but at least with skype u dont have to open ur logs to see what was said two minutes ago.
Yes agreed. During peak hours which is very active almost 200-300 (400 on lucky days) general chat is like a spam machine. Everyone is talking and its hard to concentrate on what chat you are in. My faction (Enigma) uses Skype and TS3 but many of our members either dont want to download skype or are uncomfortable using TS3 in my opinion Im fine with all except face chat but yes the chat is very spammy in game and our skype chat isnt to bad as long s you keep it open.
Yes agreed. During peak hours which is very active almost 200-300 (400 on lucky days) general chat is like a spam machine. Everyone is talking and its hard to concentrate on what chat you are in. My faction (Enigma) uses Skype and TS3 but many of our members either dont want to download skype or are uncomfortable using TS3 in my opinion Im fine with all except face chat but yes the chat is very spammy in game and our skype chat isnt to bad as long s you keep it open.
./ch leave g
@Madus Your a dev your input on this would this be possible?
First of all (since people keep tagging me) I do not currently hold a rank because I have not been involved lately and cannot say when if ever I'll have be again. So while I still have the general knowledge to answer most of these questions, remember that I am no more than a regular user with some technical knowledge.

This idea is very much possible, but then we'll also need channel admins and whatnot, which the system doesn't support currently. Not to take into account that we might (under the hood) change how channels work altogether to fit this, which would be quite a rework. Or implement an abstract system for rank handling which we currently one has two places. A third would probably catalyse some rework there.
And my best guess, without knowing what is going on atm: there is a whole bunch of things to do, there isn't time for it. That might be sad to hear, but even when I was there the tech department was overloaded. Currently I'm not there so I imagine it hasn't gotten better.
It could - sadly - act as an incredibly convenient tool for meta-gaming with a whole group of people while roleplaying.

Though I guess PM chat and - to an extent - faction chat do that already.

And Skype chat, Discord, TS, ect... Just trying to eliminate the need for 3rd party text chats like those and declutter and organize the chatbox.
If I could somehow have seperate chatboxes for general, Fac, and a custom group channel and reduce the font size so I could stack them up, THAT would be the ultimate dream.

Not very Minecrafty though...
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