Archived Custom 1.8 Enchanting System, And Soul Reaping.

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I like to draw. Can I has drawing?
Apr 1, 2013
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Ya muuum! ...Nah, just kidding. My mum.
With the new 1.8 enchanting system, enchanting is based more on spending a little bit of exp and some gold/lapis. We could add a new mob drop, called a soul, which would be used in place of the gold or lapis lazuli to enchant items. (lore-wise, this would be soul magic, and the item would gain the attributes of the mob.) Say we killed a zombie~

*there would be a rare chance we get a 'Tattered Aura', which would drop for the undead mobs. Because their auras are sorta stuffed up from undeadism, aren't they?
*This would be used in place of the lapis lazuli, and will either give a positive or negative outcome as an enchant;

*Say we got a Smite I sword, (enchanting would be nerfed a lot...) but the tattered aura would make it so when held it gave a slowness or weakness I effect. (since 1.5/1.6 there was some crazy nbt tag that lets items and armour give you potion effects.)

Different mobs would give you different enchantments/effects depending on what they are, and it might even be compatible with the traits plugin, with a fast runner giving speed or haste on an item.

Soul reaping/aura reaping/whatever would have an increased chance to drop souls, or rare demon shards when attacking with a hoe (sharpness would now be enabled on hoes, you see~), or weapons with smite.
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Constructive criticism:
With the new 1.8 enchanting system, enchanting is based more on spending a little bit of exp and some gold/lapis. We could add a new mob drop, called a soul, which would be used in place of the gold or lapis lazuli to enchant items.
*This would be used in place of the lapis lazuli, and will either give a positive or negative outcome as an enchant;
Why would we want to spend time on a plugin to replace a feature that already exists? It seems like lots of work for something with little benefit.
(lore-wise, this would be soul magic, and the item would gain the attributes of the mob.)
But not everyone is a soul mage, so this would be hard to explain without changing the magic lore.
Say we killed a zombie~
*there would be a rare chance we get a 'Tattered Aura', which would drop for the undead mobs. Because their auras are sorta stuffed up from undeadism, aren't they?
This would require explanation as to why undead's arua's are tainted, and further explanation on souls themselves. Why do creatures previously said to not have souls now drop souls? Spiders have souls now? Along with slimes? Do they have the ability to be changed with soul magic? What about endermen? does this mean I can use soul magic to swap my/others souls with aggressive mobs souls? -Insert person RPing a enderman/slime here.-
*Say we got a Smite I sword, (enchanting would be nerfed a lot...) but the tattered aura would make it so when held it gave a slowness or weakness I effect. (since 1.5/1.6 there was some crazy nbt tag that lets items and armour give you potion effects.)
So we are going to nerf Enchanting, and not expect PVPers to become angry at the new layer of grinding needed to get perfect god weapons?
Different mobs would give you different enchantments/effects depending on what they are, and it might even be compatible with the traits plugin, with a fast runner giving speed or haste on an item.
Aside from the difficulty and changing of plugins, I see no problems with this as I like the idea. Though my point above still stands...
Soul reaping/aura reaping/whatever would have an increased chance to drop souls, or rare demon shards when attacking with a hoe (sharpness would now be enabled on hoes, you see~), or weapons with smite.
Couple of problems with this:
  • How would you "increase" your ability to soul reap? Massive can't add new abilities to MCMMO.
  • "Demon Shards". No, far to many issues I care to bring up with that idea.
  • Sharpness on hoes does not increase damage last I checked, even a sharpness 5 diamond hoe doesn't do more than 2 hearts.
  • Again, there would be a lot of plugin changes that would take weeks to months for a feature that is being changed by mojang anyway.
Overall, I see this idea as to much work for to little benefit.
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