Archived Custem Swear Words

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Sorry, what? Please go into detail.
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Swear words are medieval, for the most part. Terminology that can be used as a "swear" or nasty racist comment can be found on the Races wiki. If you click on a race name - let's say, for Tigran - and look at the right, where the picture is, you'll see a part which says:
"Common Nicknames Cat-people, Cat-faces."

I highly doubt they (at least, the majority of them) enjoy being, or want to be, called that.

Aside from what Handsomejack said, there's also this from a thread posted by MonMarty:

Being racist or discriminatory in Regalia is often hard, not only because people might misunderstand OOC feelings, or not know which correct terms to use. The information below seeks to record the terms used to describe certain groups in offensive ways by offloading the offensive value OOC.

  • Ailor = Anctocrats
  • Qadir = Dark skins
  • Elves = Knife Ears
  • Ch'ien-ji = World Blind
  • Ur/Tigran/Thylan = Animals/Uncivilized
  • Naylar (regardless of subrace) = Snakes/Slimescales
  • Dwarves = Stone Lovers
  • Orc = Greenhides/Thick Swamplings
  • Nobility = Shitstockings
  • Commoners = Simplefolk
  • Mages = Fate Twisters
  • Non-Mages = Mundanes
  • Homosexuals = Sword Swallower(m)/Stableboys(m)/Manhater(f)
  • Poor people = Paupers
  • Priests = Cloth Washers
  • Northerners/Oprichna = Snow Barbarians
  • Ithanians = Boy Lovers
  • Regalians = Peace Haters
  • Ceardians = Grass Eaters
  • Mekett = Bug People
  • Wulong = Degenerates
  • Royalty = Purple Asswipes
  • Royalists = Pruple Brown-nosers
  • Republicans = Sheep's Wolves
  • Conservatives = Jar greasers
  • Liberals = Jar breakers
  • Reactionaries = Jar crackles
  • Overweight Person = Weight Hogs
  • Underweight Person = Bottle Openers
  • Rich people = Bone Fingers
  • Children = Spawn of (insert here)
  • Kleinfolk = Klein Rodents
  • Soldiers = Bucketheads
Sword swallowers, i think i shed a tear
Man-hater is m personal favorite.
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