Religious Guild Cult Of The Dark Dragon


Nov 25, 2017
Reaction score



"Under the burning sun,
I take a look around.
Imagine if this all came down,
I'm waiting for the day to come."

The Cult of the Dark Dragon is a Regalian house of worship in the name of Triton, or as other cultures and faiths might refer, Ifrit. It stands to serve as a missionary to the Dark Dragon's agenda in the Alorian world, and employs his ideologies as a living philosophy to abide by.

The Cult welcomes all who sympathize with the Dark Dragon's policies, regardless of whether they are Archon or not. It offers a guiding hand and a place to belong for those who criticize or directly oppose the Preservers of Life, and find their pacifism to be ineffective, vying instead for the vengeful, unrelenting, and pragmatic methods of Triton, in dealing with the Occult problem that plagues Aloria.

Further, the Cult serves as a space of learning for those who are intrigued by the history and purpose of Triton in the Draconism clade, and a starting point for those wishing to take part in his agenda.


The Cult of the Dark Dragon acknowledges all interpretations of Triton across faiths as legitimate, but employs a certain system of beliefs, alignments and opinions that it considers central to the core of its purpose. This system of beliefs is described as such:

  • Triton, or Ifrit, is the representative God of the Cult, and dominates above all.
  • To fight fire with fire is a necessary evil, for the ends justify the means.
  • Not all life need be preserved - in many cases, the permanent solution is most effective.
  • Honor and mercy are concepts of the coward. The strong has the right to dominate the weak.
  • The only viable method of vanquishing the foe is by way of sword and flame.

The Cult of the Dark Dragon looks favorably upon the following noteworthy figures and peoples;

  • Darkscales of the Osciird Princedoms and the wider world
  • Prince Eohric and Prince Ivar of the Imperial Shadow Household
  • Followers of Triton and all his interpretations, as well as Caius the Dragon General
  • Thralled Vampires serving the cause of Triton, and the Evolism Faithful
The Cult of the Dark Dragon considers an enemy the following noteworthy figures and peoples;
  • Members of the Aelrrigan Order and the Senleya Order
  • Pacifists, Life Preservers, the Ithanian people and the Behesael Faithful
  • Vampires, Geists, Ordial Cultists, and the general, unrepentant afflicted
It is important to state that the Cult is willing to deal in pacts of neutrality or alliance with its enemies if they are willing to take on a path of servitude to Triton. The Cult provides the means for characters to learn about Triton, as well as to become an Archon dedicated to Triton, and hosts regular ritual services with the purpose of immersing its members in worship of the Dark Dragon.


The Cult of the Dark Dragon is a secretive organization and it does not deal publicly in recruitment. However, the existence of the Cult is general knowledge, as well as the fact that one can seek to join by contacting Rüzgar Sever, Count of Allachia (@Yigit) in order to participate in the activities of the Cult and become a full fledged member.

If you have any questions, feel free to DM on Discord (yigitbrekker) for further details.

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