Preserved Sheet Cullan Of Dunfarrigh

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King of the Gingers
Jul 1, 2017
Reaction score

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Cullan of Dunfarrigh

  • Age: 41

  • Gender: Male.

  • Race: Highland Ceardian Ailor.

  • Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 41 points

  • +30 Blades (+30 from Points)

  • +11 Front-line (+10 from Points)

  • +10 Unarmed Combat (+10 from Culture Boost)

Body Shape
  • Physical stat: 41.

  • Body Build: Muscular.

  • Body Fat: Average.
  • Common - Mother Tongue - 10/10

  • Ithanian - Learnt growing up - 7/10

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Light Blue.

  • Hair Color: Dark Brown.

  • Hair Style: shaved

  • Skin Color: Pale.

  • Clothing: His Highland Ceardian Kiltach.

  • Height: 5'9

Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph: To the eye, Cullan comes off as an intimidating, his mighty beard and muscular demeanor makes him unapproachable to some. However, this is not, in fact, true the majority of the time, those who speak with him notice Cullan comes off as charming or charismatic, he's confident in his talk and speaks with forcefully and assertive. To a stranger, you can either like him as a good-natured and witty individual or dislike as a bold and rude man.
  • Second Paragraph: Cullan knows holds no doubt or unconfidence in his ability in combat. He believes in his skill and prowess as a combatant. However, Cullan has one major mental flaw. His fear of disloyalty in those that he befriends and leads. This flaw has come about due to the recent betrayal of his mercenary company, his own men that he once shared battle and drinks with cast him out. Therefore in recent times, Cullan is uncertain in his abilities as a commander and wishes to prove to himself what he can do.
  • Third Paragraph: Cullan is loving and protective of his family, the years of turmoil they suffered together leads to him putting on a more protective and fatherly role since his father's untimely departure. Cullan's friends are typically those he has made in the war years, yet still, he treats his friends all the same. He drinks with them, laughs with them, offers support in the form of advice when it is needed. Compared to a stranger Cullan is a more temperamental soul.
  • Fourth Paragraph: When it comes to morals Cullan is a stubborn goat. He takes a middle ground between good and bad he believes in the aspects of honor and traditions and lives by his own personal code. He honors the government and their laws yet those not feel truly beholden to Unionism yet still respect its power. As a mercenary Cullan still lived on a code that being to respect the oaths and his employer, not to take what he has not earned and not to let those peasants that walk the field suffer.
Life Story

  • Cullan was born in the outskirts of Dunfarrigh to a moderately wealthy family Highland Family. He was born the youngest of two, his sister is older than him by a year. His mother was an Ithanian woman who married his father during one of his many mercenary campaigns.
  • Cullan grew up alongside his sister and local lads in the city, wrestling and playing with boys, often getting in trouble around the city with them. His mother taught him a basic education with the help from a few tutors that the family could afford due to his fathers trade as a Mercenary commander. Due to this, he was taught how to read and write in both Common and Ithanian, speaking his mother's tongue around the house. Cullan's father for 4 months each year returned home until it was time for him to set off.
  • By the age of 8, this rather simple life when his father returned home a maimed and one-eyed man. As men down on their luck do, his father resorted to drinking and betting, squandering the money he made.
  • This continued for a year until his father was found dead and alone on a cold winters morning with a dirk in his gut outside a tavern. Out of grief for his death, his mother decided to use the rest of the wealth and travel to Ithania. However, before they could depart Cullan's uncle offered his mother to take him under his wing. His mother seeing that Cullan enjoyed his life in the highlands, reluctantly agreed.
Teenage Years
  • Now 12 Cullan lives a martial life. His uncle a former front-line commander in the military drills him regularly on how to fight with a claymore. He learns how to hunt and joins his first dearth.
  • Cullan's teenage years are rather peaceful yet exciting, he spends his day's hunting, sparring, and wrestling with the lads in the city. This is when he grows a keen interest of Unionism due to his uncle's pious nature.
Young Adult
  • Now 20 in the year 286 AC, Cullan's ambition grows and the young man seeks higher goals. Then, luck strikes as the Chrysant war break out and without a moment of thought he joins up for the Regalian Empire
Adult years
  • Participates in the Chrysant war serving in a Highland Ceardian unit. He serves his country loyally and proudly. His skills as a commander develop.
  • In 291 AC, the war is over and with it, Cullan sets out. Still hungry for battle Cullan forms his own band of warriors offering his services to the various lords of the Empire.
  • During his time traveling as a wandering mercenary band leader Cullan earns a reputation similar to his father. Mainly that of his talent with a blade, his skill in commanding units and his strange approach as a mercenary commander. Fighting for coin, yes but only fighting if it was honorable and never accepting payment for a bad job. Cullan reconnects with his family during this time.
War Years
  • Cullan now 36 joins up for the Elven war in 302 AC.
  • Cullan takes part in a 3 of the battles during this time. The Battle of Perfwenn, The Battle of H'rellen and The Battle of Heller Tellarna. The last battle held great consequences as a good number of his closest comrades died in this battle, yet despite this Cullan pressured on with his warrior mentality.
  • After the Elven War Cullan continues to serve Regalia in numerous wars and battles, such as the first and second Songaskian Wars.
Recent times
  • Now in his 40's has experienced a mutiny in his own mercenary band. The influx of newer and more greed-filled recruits had swallowed his ranks. His own men betraying and leaving the man with only his claymore and the clothes on his back. A defeated warrior he marches to Regalia on his steed in search of work and a new life.
I will be reviewing this application.

Personality and Abilities
  • Generally, I'd like to see a couple more sentences added to each paragraph. That extra little detail would wrap this application up perfectly.
Make the changes in blue and tag me @SpudManDom
@SpudManDom Its getting close to a week since the suggested edits were made. Make sure you don't forget to do them otherwise this application will be rejected for inactivity.