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Played Character Cuixtli Itzcoatl

This character is actively played.


Mirror Thrower
Sep 22, 2018
Reaction score



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To Be Added




"I won't let you fall."
[| The Healer |]

"Never apologize for how you feel."
"Speak the truth even if your voice shakes."



  • 《♢|| CHARACTER INFORMATION || to note his basic information...
    • « FULL NAME » | Cuixtli Itzcoatl.
      • ↪ Common Nicknames | Cui, Kiwi, Itsy Bitsy.
      • ↪ Occupations | Healer at the Gatehead Clinic.
    • « RACE » | Sentli Maquixtl.
    • « AGE » | Twenty.
      • ↪ Birthday | March 3rd.
      • ↪ Zodiac Sign | Pisces.
    • « GENDER » Male.
      • ↪ Pronouns | Varies between he and they.
      • ↪ Preferred Terms of Address | Masculine.
    • « SEXUALITY » Pansexual.
      • ↪ Preference | None.
      • ↪ Relationship Status | Taken.
    • « OCCULT? » Yes; Cuixtli is a Compassion Arkenborn and is an Exist Mage.
    • « COMBAT STYLE » Magic Warrior.
  • 《♢|| CORE CONCEPT || to note his personality...
    • RELIGION | "Mana's kindness is for all."
      • ↪ Overall Outlook | Cuixtli is a follower of Estelley, but focuses on Mana, Compassion's Hand. While he does not hold the other Pantheon of Estel close like Mana, he still remains loyal to them and shows respect. In the end, however, it is true that this is the case because he does not know much of the other Pantheon. He grew up focusing on Mana and no one else, but he knows the bare minimum of the rest.
    • IDENTITY | "I will sacrifice everything if it means you're safe and happy."
      • ↪ Who am I? | Cuixtli is a young Arkenborn of Compassion, struggling to figure out life and maintain good standing with all. He cares for everyone, those good and those bad, wanting to help all in every way he possibly could, even if it means sacrificing everything he has worked hard for. He believes everyone has a good side, and that good side might be harder to reach and call out to compared to other people, but he is one to never lose hope with anything. Everything is possible, even the impossible. He is a healer, he is a helper, he is compassionate, he is kind. He is too kind. That kindness often lands him in trouble and in deeper holes than he realizes.
        • ↪ MBTI Type | ENFP-T | The Campaigner.
        • ↪ Alignment | Neutral Good.
        • ↪ Enneagram | The Pathfinder | 7w6
  • 《♢|| VISUAL INFORMATION || to note his appearance...
      • ↪ Oddities & Mutations | There are a few descriptive details that are considered 'out of the norm'. Cuixtli possesses silver irises with light blue eye whites, has colorful flowers in his hair, and has butterfly wings made of Exist essences/energies.
      • ↪ At a Glance | Cuixtli stands at 5'4" in height, possessing a dark shade of brown hair and a lighter brown skin tone. Like some other Maquixtl, he has flowers in his hair, ranging from purple, pink, blue, white, and so on. He wears a brown/black shirt with sleeves and a green cloak that has a metal clip in the front where it connects. On his right pantleg and belt, there are different colored vials of alchemy, mostly for healing those injured, but one or two of them have other effects.
      • ↪ Eye Color | Silver with blue eye whites.
      • ↪ Hair Color | Brown.
      • ↪ Hair Style | Short.
      • ↪ Skin Tone | A lighter shade of brown.
      • ↪ Clothing Style | Varies yet remains simple to a degree. Currently, he is often seen wearing a dark brown/black shirt with a green cloak, and alchemy vials are strapped to his right pantleg.
      • ↪ Height | 5'4", or 162.56 cm.
    • ↪ Art Albums | Coming Soon!
  • 《♢|| PROFICIENCY INFORMATION || to note his skillset...
    • ❧ 0 STRENGTH
    • ❧ 4 WISDOM
      • ↪ Medical Stance [Free]
      • ↪ Medical Bolster Pack.
      • ↪ Medical Barrier Pack.
      • ↪ Medical Resist Pack.
      • ↪ Medical Rescue Pack.
    • ❧ 0 DEXTERITY
    • ❧ 3 FAITH
      • ↪ Sacred Healing Pack.
      • ↪ Sacred Martyr Pack.
      • ↪ Sacred Revive Pack.
    • ❧ 5 MAGIC
      • ↪ Magic Smog Pack.
      • ↪ Magic Resist Pack.
      • ↪ Magic Cleanse Pack. [Maquixtl - Free]
      • ↪ Magic Warp Pack.
      • ↪ Magic Shove Pack.
      • ↪ Magic Revive Pack. [Maquixtl - Free]
      • ↪ Safeguard Pack. [Magical Variant]
  • 《♢|| LANGUAGE INFORMATION || to note his languages...
    • ↪ Native Languages | Nātl.
    • ↪ Learned Languages |
      • ↪ Fluent | Common.
      • ↪ Somewhat Proficient | Altalar.
  • 《♢|| ABILITY INFORMATION || to note his powers...
    • ↪ Race | Cuixtli is a full Maquixtl, gaining all Heritage Traits.
      • ↪ Free Packs | Reduce & Feather Magic Packs.
      • ↪ Mechanics | Maquixtl Mechanics & Gene Editing.
    • ↪ Hobbies & Talents
      • ↪ Alchemy & Medical Hobby.
      • ↪ Magical Talent.
    • ↪ Combat Rolls |
      • ↪ Attack Stat is 6; Roll 16.
      • ↪ Defense Stat is 5; Roll 15.
  • 《♢|| PLOT HOOKS || to note his background...
    • DAY TO DAY | Commonly seen things.
      • Cuixtli is a social butterfly, going everywhere and anywhere. He is often seen in the city, but he also explores Crookback, Gloomrot, and other places further out of the main areas. He tends to end up even in the middle of nowhere when going on adventures.
      • When one claims Cuixtli is too kind for his own good, this is true. His compassion comes with need to protect others, even if it means sacrificing his own wellbeing and what he has worked hard for. He is often seen getting involved in dangerous situations, more-so if a friend is in the scene, but even if those there are strangers, he is eager to offer help and protect all he can even if he is not made for the battlefield.
      • Cuixtli claims he is a pacifist, but that is not all true. In the dangerous situations mentioned above, he tends to slip up. He does not like hurting people, he prefers taking the pacifist route, but as he interacts with other characters and events occur, it becomes clear, Cuixtli is not in true control of his magic. It tends to go out of whack, and someone ends up hurt sometimes.
    • BACKGROUND | The past.
      • Cuixtli's background is considered calm and a good one to have. His childhood was better than one would expect, given many Arkenborn struggle growing up around others with how little acceptance there is. He grew up in a village within the Plains, not knowing who his father is nor did he have actual contact with the Compassion Arken. Instead, he was taken in by a different family within said village and the community settled there raised Cuixtli. It was a collaborative group effort.
      • As Cuixtli grew up, he was all about helping others. He wanted to help, he wanted to heal, he wanted to take care of everyone around him. He was quick to enter the medical field, home taught. He never went to school. He started with books and as time progressed and he grew up, other Maquixtl in the village close to him took time to teach him skills hands on. He learned how to make healing remedies, he learned how to treat infections and open wounds, yet it was never gruesome. Most of what happened in the village with injuries were simplistic in a way. During this time, his Magespark started to show, discovering he could heal others with magic, but it could easily get out of hand whenever he became overwhelmed.
      • Regardless, he practiced with the help of others to control it further, but to this day, Cuixtli still struggles to grasp the power he holds.
      • Some months after he hit nineteen, Cuixtli decided it was time do some 'Soul Searching'. Find who he truly is, and to better his skills, explore the world that he hardly looked at before. He left the village and set off for Regalia, hearing of all the chaos and order, it would be a good place to start, to help people and find himself in all the mess that the city is. Was it a mistake? Some people believe so, but after being in Regalia since July of 311 AC, he would say it's perhaps the best decision he has made, even with all he has gone through so far.
    • MISCELLANEOUS | Small facts.
      • Cuixtli is followed around by magical butterflies, calling them 'Compassion's Gift'.
Last edited:
Proficiency Changes 9/17/2023
- Enchant Point Buy GONE
- Medical Point Buy IN
- Took away Chem Slip to add another Wisdom Point to get more Medical Point Buy Packs ough
Proficiency Changes 9/29/2023
- Took away Sacred Revive, got Enchant Bolts because I wish to shoot people with magic thorns when the time is right lol
Added a Greater Demon to Cuixtli with the Kathar Ability [Soulgraft] used the other day.
Proficiency Changes 10/10/2023
AMATL - Hex Guide replaced with Technique Parry CHEM version.
Proficiency Changes 10/24/2023
- Took away Enchant Bolts and Chem Cleanse, made my free pack on Maquixtl Radiant Revive (To keep all 7 Radiant Packs since Compassion Arkenborn do not get it for free anymore through their Sire), and replaced Enchant Bolts with Medical Buff.
Proficiency Changes 10/31/2023
AMATL - Changed Sinistral Sever to Sinistral Mindvex.
Character Application Changes 12/26/2023
A lot changed. Aesthetics, format, Proficiency Information redone. More aesthetics will be added later, and so will relationships in due time.