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Played Character Cuauhtli, Local Park Ranger

This character is actively played.
Jun 11, 2021
Reaction score
The only place uncorrupted by capitalism. Space.
Character Information
  • Full Name: Cuauhtli Telya "Cuah" Calatzin
  • Race: Half-Maquixtl / Half-Isldar
  • Age: 21
    • Birthday: January 4th
  • Gender: Non-Binary
    • Pronouns: Any/All
  • Occult: Archon (Warden)
Core Concept
A sheltered ranger who rarely leaves Gloomrot forest, trying their best to tend to the forest like the generations of their family before them.

Appearance Information
Cuah stands at 6 '2, fairly lean and fit especially around the arms. Their skin is about middle of the range in darkness for a maquixtl, and dotted with freckles all over. Their hair is the snowy white common of Isldar, with pale purple eyes, and their wings alternate between that of a snowy and barn owl throughout the year. Their entire body, save for their head, is covered in a web like series of black lines, which light up in various different colors when they cast magic.
  • Their disguised costume involves a coat of leaves or fur, bark-like armor to cover their arms, and a large floral mask with a wolf skull.


  • Strength: 0
    • Brawl Stampede - Free(Maquixtl)
  • Constitution: 2
    • Rebound
    • Debuff Endurance
  • Dexterity: 7
    • Disguise Skill Pack - Free(Gloomfolk)
    • Marking Shot
    • Knocking Shot
    • Evading Dash
    • Volley Assist
    • Sharp Reflexes
    • Escape Artist
  • Arcane(Dragon): 1
    • Radiant Feather - Free(Maquixtl)
    • Radiant Barrier
  • Wisdom: 4
    • Enchant Defense
    • Medical Revive
    • Medical Bolster
    • Medical Rescue

  • Warden Archon Mechanics
    • Chem Talent
    • Radiant Magic Talent
    • Medical Talent(Gloomrot)
  • Gloomfolk Mechanics
  • Mixed Racial Mechanics
    • Keen Eyesight
    • Winged
    • Soul Rivers
    • Farsight
    • Frost Immune


Life Story / Plot Hooks
Cuah has lived in the Gloomrot forest most of their life, a hunter, scavenger, and tender to the forest. They are largely antisocial and quiet, but friendly.

  • Nelfin Disconnect: Having lived on the archipelago all their life, Cuah has little knowledge or favor of Maquixtl or Isldar culture, aside from bits of their languages.
  • Archon Disconnect: Despite being an Archon, Cuah is not particularly inclined to Draconism, believing the Dragons have the right idea about protecting the world but not seeing them as fit to worship.
  • Forest Warden: Cuah is a protector of the gloomrot above all, putting the safety and wellbeing of the forest above family and friends.
  • Sheltered: Cuah is curious about the outside world but refuses to go see it, and relies on travelers for his news.
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