Preserved Sheet Cu'anlloa - The Void Medic

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Quiet and Falling
Jul 30, 2017
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Imperial Elvish Name: Cu'anlloa Ellacie'lloa Sevolla'viella Ness'aglloa Co'lloa Ess'ajociella
  • Shortened Common Name: Cu'anlloa Ness'aglloa Ess'ajociella
  • Age: 60
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Clan of Medorr Saivale Kathar Brood
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
Skill Information
Total Proficiency Points: 60 - 10 School of Medicine - 50 Used Points
  • Combat
  • +10 Fast Blade Combat Skills ( +10 Kathar )
  • Knowledge
  • +10 Magical Knowledge ( +10 Kathar )
  • +10 Linguistic Knowledge ( +10 Points )
  • Sciences
  • +30 Medical Sciences ( +30 Points )
  • +12 Food & Drink Sciences ( +12 Points )
  • Arts
  • +8 Literary Arts ( +8 Points )
  • Body Shape
  • Toned Body Shape
  • Low Body Fat
  • Languages
  • Modern Elven - Native Speaker
  • She'llaq 10/10
  • Common - Free
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Black eye whites with crimson red iris ringed with red.
  • Hair Color: White
  • Hair Style: Just below the shoulders.
  • Skin Color: Light Grey
  • Clothing: Typically fancy robes with pants and a fine silk shirt under it.
  • Height: 7"
  • Body Build: Lanky
Personality and Abilities
First Paragraph: Cu'anlloa often times has a very demanding and stern tone in his voice, and a general look of disgust for the world around him. His crimson eyes also don't help him from people perceiving him as intimidating. However, once someone actually gets to meet him and not stare, they often perceive him as rather social, calm, and somewhat polite.
Second Paragraph: Cu'anlloa is many things internally. He's confident in his abilities with his medical abilities, and surgical skills. However, he's slightly self conscious about the fact he's a brood. People often times don't like being around him because he is a brood, and this makes Cu'anlloa feel a little self conscious. People rarely compliment him, and rarely even wants to be around him. This makes him feel lonely, vulnerable, and think he himself is no better than the beast that made him.
Third Paragraph: Cu'anlloa tends to be quite loving, and kind to his family and closest friends. His family and closest friends being the only ones that don't give him a hard time about being a Brood, he doesn't give them a hard time. He'll often times go out of his way to specifically help out a friend or family member most of the time, and try to make time to hang with them.
Fourth Paragraph: Cu'anlloa's morality aligns in the neutral, leaning towards chaotic. He's not always gonna do the right thing, and not always gonna do the bad thing. Although, his methods of dealing with things are questioning in some cases, in his mind, as long you get the job done. Good thing is, he never causes physical harm himself do to an oath! He sees no wrong in the evil deeds from others as long they're justified, and reasonable.

Life Story
~Born in Paarthalaar, Dread Empire on October the 31th on 246 A.C.~

  • { Childhood 0-12 } Cu'anlloa was born on October 31th, on 246 A.C. His mother Julcie'lloaseoi, and his father Hae'lloath'aella. Hae'lloath'aella being a vampire, Cu'anlloa was born to be a half-vampire brood. He was born to a rather wealthy family with a local clinic and small slave company. He'd also have a twin sister also named Hella'ssolei, also Clan of Medor Saivale Kathar Brood. His upbringing was pretty calm, and he was mostly more interested in what his mother was doing, which was being a doctor. The family would have a lot of praise for bringing up brood twins.
  • { Teenager 12-17 } Cu'anlloa's teen years were uneventful mostly, other than the family moving out of Paarthalaar and into Saivale. Here they integrated with standard high society of the Saivale Kathar, and opened up a clinic in a city. Cu'anlloa also managed to get a private tutor to teach him basics of medicine and surgery. However, eventually the vampire father, Hae'lloath'aella began to starve after having bad luck hunting for food. Eventually, the hunger got so bad, he resorted to feeding on a rat, and went feral. However, while he was feral, he drained and killed two people. Hae'lloath'aella has also began to make a gang of slaves with rumors going around of him setting up potential revolt against the local rulers, other rumors state he's planning a massacre and mass enslavement of the locals for his own benefit. This caused the cities locals to grow fearful, and eventually track down Hae'lloath'aella and murder him.
  • { Adulthood pt.1 18-29 } As Cu'anlloa became an adult, he began to wonder about the places outside of the Dread Empire. At the same time, he began to learn the last of his lessons, and began work in his mothers Clinic. However, when Cu'anlloa was working in the clinic with a few other doctors at the age of twenty five, an unusually high amount of stab victims came in. Then, not long after, a gang of Shenaths led by Saivale stormed the clinic aiming to finish off the stab victims. A they stabbed the other doctors, Cu'anlloa hopped through a window and sneaked away to hide home.
  • { Adulthood pt. 2 30-41 } Cu'anlloa would leave the Dread Empire at the age of thirty one by sneaking onto a Kathar raiding ship setting sail for an Altalar city. As it docked, he'd sneak his way off and into a nearby tree line, in which he'd then travel to Daenshore to enroll himself into the Halctus Academy of Medicine. He'd do this by using the wealth he accumulated in his years of work and being rich in the Dread Empire, and buy himself into the school. He'd eventually graduate at the age of forty one, though his schooling years weren't the best socially, academically, he was above a lot of the students.
  • { Adulthood pt.3 41-60 } After official graduation and taking the Oath to Inflict no Harm, he'd move to Brissiaud where he'd set up a small clinic in the area. He'd live here for years, and move good amount of wealth from it. He'd make friends, business partners, and respectable enemies...and not so respectable enemies. After years of moving between Rivellia and Brissiaud, he'd finally move to the Regalian city at the age of sixty years old.
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  • { Teenager 12-17 } Cu'anlloa's teen years were uneventful mostly, other than the family moving out of Paarthalaar and into Saivale. Here they integrated with standard high society of the Saivale Kathar, and opened up a clinic in a city. Cu'anlloa also managed to get a private tutor to teach him basics of medicine and surgery. However, eventually the vampire father, Hae'lloath'aella began to starve after having bad luck hunting for food. Eventually, the hunger got so bad, he resorted to feeding on a rat, and went feral. However, while he was feral, he drained and killed two people. This caused the cities locals to grow angry, and eventually track down Hae'lloath'aella and murder him.
This part of the life story seems awkward, most kathar wouldn't entirely mind becoming vampires or being fed from one, rather they'd likely glorify it, Hae'lloath likely wouldn't have much issue finding food, it's equally unlikely he'd be hunted down and killed for embracing vampirism either. I'd suggest changing this to something else or expanding more on it to provide reasoning why other Kathar would decide to kill another kathar embraced by the void.

Be sure to tag me and mark edits in blue when you're done!​
Hello! I did changes due to the new thing with the proficiency thing!