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Crown City Herald - Issue Three


bigge mistake
Dec 5, 2015
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The Crown City Herald Issue 3: 27th October 305AC 1 Regal

As Funded By House Bigge
Winner, Winner Ch'ien-ji Dinner!
Brought to you by: [Redacted]

Success In Rié!:
The C.C.H bring good news from the land of Rié! Alexander's Claw, with assistance from The Eastern Mark, have taken Fort Mal, on the Northern shore of Rié. The leading General, Kolton Typhonus, shall certainly be celebrated among the citizens of Regalia! But wait, there's more; Cadar's Wing and Velheim's Ax have successfully sieged Fort Bal! What a turn around- after General Ruyter's loss of 25,000 men, the Empire is certainly pleased to hear of such wonderful news! We thank you: General Kolton Typhonus, General Hamelin d'Vaud, General Benedict d'Vaud. May your service be forever recognised as a great aid to this Empire!

News From The Emperor?:

Our luck has not run out, fellow Regalians! Indeed, we have been met with news of the Emperor in the East! An official publication from the Offices of the Emperor states; "The Emperor is seeing success in the war against the Huon-ji and that the Ch'ien-ji are seriously considering joining the Crown Alliance due to his efforts.". However, news has also been shared that brings fear to many. Rumours state that perhaps the Emperor has been wounded- almost fatally! We at the C.C.H are positive that the Empire shall crush those that try to harm our most Supreme Leader! Long live the Emperor! Of course, the C.C.H put down any claims that our Holy Emperor has been wounded!

WINTER WEAR - Your Weekly Ins And Outs of The Regalian Nobility!
Hi, Eddie Longings here, bringing you this week's update on the trends of our Empire's nobility! This week, I took a look at the current fashion of the Nobility! Winter is here, so let's see how the nobility are preparing.

It is out with the silks and in with the furs! Yes, as the cold weather approaches, our nobility are throwing out the fine fabrics for something more durable! Now, that does not mean that all glamour is lost- no, no. The many Lords and Ladies are still sporting some very lavish gear, ensuring that, as well as feeling toasty, they are looking fancy! And my, my, are they succeeding! It makes one swoon looking at the gorgeous dresses of the Ithanians; and one cannot help but drool over the frankly glowing Ceardian ladies! You go, darlings!

Join me next week, when I shall be asking the question: How do our nobility spend their free time?