Crossed Fang - Treasure Hunter's Guild


Swashbuckling Kitty Kat
May 1, 2018
Reaction score


General Information
The crossed fang is a guild dedicated to any and all treasure hunters and merchants. The guild is primarily focused on obtaining rare goods - be it from here in Regalia or from faraway lands. People will be able to find or sell rare items at the guild's shop.

The guild will act as a shop to the public, for those wishing to find rare, intriguing artefacts and items, whilst simultaneously acting as a place for the members to stay, form relationships and grab a drink.

The guild would like to put an emphasis on comradery and friendly competition, with it's members competing with eachother to go out and find the best treasures. There will be rewards depending on what people find and members can expect events where everyone is competing to find one hidden treasure, or perhaps combat tournaments with the prize being one of the rare items.

The items found will be valued by the guild's Captain Asuros and put into these categories:

  • Scarce - 1 Point
  • Limited - 2 Point
  • Rare - 3 Point
  • One of a Kind - 4 Point
Each category is worth a set amount of points; a member will earn points depending on which item(s) they find and bring to the shop.
The member with the highest amount of points at the end of the month will be able to choose any item from the guild to keep as their own, no matter the value or cost of the item.
However the prize may change in the future to something of better value.
Oh and bragging rights, you get those too.
People will alternatively be able to come into the shop and request a specific artefact or item of value be found and retrieved for a price.


  • The Guild's purpose is to create a competitive, but friendly scene for treasure hunters and merchants alike. Whilst violence between members it not forbidden any serious harm done to a member of the guild by another member is strictly forbidden, and punishments will be handed out - in a worst case scenario leading to a member of the guild being kicked out.
  • Any retrieval of items within Regalia needs to be kept legal, outside of Regalia it's up to you how you go about retrieving said item.
  • We accept any and all individuals, no matter their race or occupation, so long as they don't intend to drag the guild or any of it's member's down, and stick to the guidelines above.


Captain Asuros Daesharith
Administrator - Sephara Vantas
Treasure Hunters - Nisolla Glieta
- Vilvyné Akulakh-Dragahn
- Jake Morgen
- Mathieu Celyreos
- Ollie Kinuni
Shopkeeps/Barkeep - Anna Simone Caladwen

Shop Stock
This section will be updated weekly. For now, until the shop is up and running it will remain empty.

OOC information
  • Until we are able to either: Get a building on mainstreet, or another build within Regalia the shop will not be open, rather pamphlets would have been handed out and stuck up on noticeboards for people to respond to
  • Whilst there are no strict rules, good rp etiquette is expected, along with good ooc behavior. We don't want a bad reputation and we're sure you don't either.
How do I join?

IGN: Missing_Sloth
Character Name and link to character app (if you have one): Asuros Daesharith
Discord: (You don't need to put your Discord here if you don't want, you can private message me alternatively
Activity: (Please state your weekly activity on a usual week)
IC Letter to either Asuros Daesharith or Sephara Vantas:

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IGN: Ailethi

Character Name: Anna Caladwen

Discord: Will PM

Activity: Pretty often, though these next few weeks might be limiting. (Finishing of school along with a trip)

IC Letter to either Asuros Daesharith or Sephara Vantas:

To the one who receives my letter,
I am Anna Caladwen, a House Guard who has nothing better to do in her free time then lounge about, perhaps if you could find a place for myself, whether that is a bartender, shopkeep, or something other.. I would be estatic to be approved.

Humble regards and Spirts Bless,
Anna S. Caladwen
House Rosendahl Retainer
IGN: Wolfiecat940
Character Name: Nisolla Glieta
Discord: In conversations it shall be!
Activity: Summer Break, guess what that means :3 Alsways on unless I'm working!
IC Letter to either Asuros Daesharith or Sephara Vantas:

The letter, though folded neatly was still crumbled and had doodles and scribbles lining the side of the letter.
To ether Asuros or Sephara,
So you finally got it up and going, good! This should be fun for a first beginner, as myself, and I did say I'd be interested in joining! Also, my Darlin was trying to eat the paper so I'm sorry for the crumbles.. here is a drawing of a duck.

From Nis.
Darn, I wasn't first
Asuros peered at the letter, his brow furrowed as he read the two of them. He laid back in his tall, wooden chair as he now sat comfortably within his office.
"Sephara! Come take a look at this!"
He called for the Kathar from his office, she came in grumbling to herself, something about not being his slave worker.
"...What?" She sharply replied
"We've got two positive replies so far." He snickered to himself, a smirk spreading across his face as he enjoyed the drawing of a duck
"They even went through the effort of drawing us a cute little duck, look." He shoved the letter in her face, causing her to recoil back somewhat.
She gave it a judgmental, non amused gaze "...Cute?"
Asuros shrugged "Anywho amiga, we've got Nis - who I believe is the Yanar from last night, and..." He perked a brow as he leaned forward to further examine the first letter.
"Anna Caladwen of House Rosendahl. She said she'd like to be a bartender or shopkeep within the guild.... Or anything else we can throw at her. Though I see no reason to not accept these two, do you?"
"Nope." She shortly replied
"Grand, then I'll get to writing back to them immediately..! Though you may need to stay for that, to make sure I don't mess up"
Sephara rolled her eyes "Of course, you'd be writing nonsense otherwise."

On an ooc note. We'd both be very happy to have the both of you aboard! Both @Ailethi and @Wolfiecat940 , consider yourselves accepted!
IGN: DominicMorgen
Character Name and link to character app (if you have one): Jake Morgen
Discord: Palibot(KC)(DK)#4977
Activity: At least ten hours per day.
IC Letter:
Hello there,
Wonderful organization you've got here. I'd quite enjoy sitting and speaking with you about it. Past that, I can't make much of a decision on whether I want to join yet--After all, I know little of your organization.
Jake Morgen.

((Basically--I want to talk OOC about some of this XD))
Character NameDiego Lux Application W.I.P
Discord: Yes i have discord here it is
Activity: Usaully on when there is something to do
IC Letter to either Asuros Daesharith

Dear Asuros
I'm unhappy about the boat but I can still offer my serveices as a Combat Medic.
From Diego Lux
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Asuros peered curiously at the letter, chewing upon his tongue with narrowed eyes "Hm, perhaps it's time we talk further about this then amigo"He muttered to himself and immediately got to writing back to the both of them

Hello there,
Wonderful organization you've got here. I'd quite enjoy sitting and speaking with you about it. Past that, I can't make much of a decision on whether I want to join yet--After all, I know little of your organization.
Jake Morgen.
Accepted, though we'll have to talk more about it to see if you actually want in

Dear Asuros
I'm unhappy about the boat but I can still offer my serveices as a Combat Medic.
From Diego Lux
Accepted, but as said above we'll talk more to see what we can do
IGN: OasisRP1
Character Name and link to character app (if you have one):
Nick Moore - OasisRP1#7134
Activity: More on at the weekend than the week, though I always check Discord for notices in terms of events.
IC Letter to either Asuros Daesharith or Sephara Vantas:
To Whomever it may concern,
I am intrigued in joining this order and going on treasure hunts for the city. I have spent a long time in Farah'deen and the treasures I have discovered are plentiful and I would love to continue the hunt with your order. I am sure the secrets our order can find will benefit both me, the state, and also your order. My skills as a warrior might also benefit the order, as treasures are usually protected by evil monsters and bloody brigands. I am sure my whip can take them to the floor, and my spear can pierce their hides. I hope I can help your order and join the ranks.
Mathieu Celyreos
To Whomever it may concern,
I am intrigued in joining this order and going on treasure hunts for the city. I have spent a long time in Farah'deen and the treasures I have discovered are plentiful and I would love to continue the hunt with your order. I am sure the secrets our order can find will benefit both me, the state, and also your order. My skills as a warrior might also benefit the order, as treasures are usually protected by evil monsters and bloody brigands. I am sure my whip can take them to the floor, and my spear can pierce their hides. I hope I can help your order and join the ranks.
Mathieu Celyreos

Sephara grumbled something about Asuros being lousy. She retrieves the letter from a messy looking bundle of scrolls and books.

Dear Mathieu Celyreos,

We would be honoured to have you among our ranks, your skills and knowledge will be greatly appreciated.

I hope to see you soon,
Sephara Vantas.

OOC Info:
You've been accepted! And you'll be added to our discord server shortly. =)
IGN: _Electra_
Character Name: Vivionne Le'Vanir (Still workin' on the character app)
Discord: Electra#2742 (Stayin' on brand!)
Activity: Most of the week, but if you need me for something I can probably be there!
IC Letter to Sephara Vantas:
The letter would be folded cleanly and bears a fancy-looking drawing of a dagger and the letter V on the front
Dear Mister Sephara Vantas,

I am Vivionne Le'Vanir, accomplished acquirer of rare goods and as one might say, treasure hunt enthusiast. You may have heard of me. Anyway, your idea for a friendly competition for procuring unique items is a refreshing change of pace from the usual businesses I see around the city and your lack of racial discrimination already sets your guild above nearly all the others. Because of these fabulous qualities, I would love to join your guild as a treasure hunter, shopkeeper, or, well, whatever else you need at the moment.

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Dear Mister Sephara Vantas,

I am Vivionne Le'Vanir, accomplished acquirer of rare goods and as one might say, treasure hunt enthusiast. You may have heard of me. Anyway, your idea for a friendly competition for procuring unique items is a refreshing change of pace from the usual businesses I see around the city and your lack of racial discrimination already sets your guild above nearly all the others. Because of these fabulous qualities, I would love to join your guild as a treasure hunter, shopkeeper, or, well, whatever else you need at the moment.


Sephara eyes the letter curiously seemingly impressed by the design of the neat letter. ''Now this may be someone I can appreciate.'' Upon reading the first sentence she starts to rub her temples in frustration. ''Content thoughts, peaceful mind.'' She grabbed some paper and started writing.

Dear Vivionne Le'Vanir,

I am pleased to hear about your positive view on our guild. Your experience on the matter would be helpful to aid others in their search to become treasure hunters as well. I would be honoured to have you among our ranks and we shall discuss your prefered position within our guild.

Sephara Vantas

OOC Info:
You have been accepted and I will add you to the discord shortly.