Archived Crops

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Jan 30, 2016
Reaction score
So from one of my previous threads on crops some people have given me some more ideas for new crop mechanics.

1.Crops only grow in Sunlight:This means no underground farms.
2.Crop Griefing:Enemies will be able to destroy your crops bringing down the food surplus
2./f perm set crops:Allows you to give perms to faction members based on crops
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I don't really see why. The first two suggestions would be only a nuisance at the most, (the second being an absolute pain in the ass for no reason, benefitting absolutely nobody) and the third you can get around pretty easily with /f access. The third would be nice, and has been suggested before, but I don't think it's really necessary, it'd just be kinda nice.
I don't really see why. The first two suggestions would be only a nuisance at the most, (the second being an absolute pain in the ass for no reason, benefitting absolutely nobody) and the third you can get around pretty easily with /f access. The third would be nice, and has been suggested before, but I don't think it's really necessary, it'd just be kinda nice.
The point is for it to be a pain in the ass.I thought it might decreases food production and lead to more famine.
The point is for it to be a pain in the ass.I thought it might decreases food production and lead to more famine.
That won't happen though. Everyone has more than enough food. Famine just isn't a thing. It won't actually hurt any enemy faction, it will just waste their time having to replant their farms so they don't look like crap, which in my opinion is totally unneeded and has no benefits to the server other than to allow people to troll and grief factions they don't like.
It also is a big turn off for new players if they can't even have a vault to grow food in.
@FireFan96 Agreed. I feel that a lot of longtime players forget how hard it can be to get oneself established from scratch in a multiplayer survival world. When all you've got on your person are, say, some seeds and a wooden pickaxe, you're pretty helpless.
It's bad enough that people are practically forced to hide underground as it is. Disallowing even that would be terrible for those who just want to be left to their business.

I'm beginning to wonder what the reasons behind these suggestions are. They seem awfully specific to ensuring that new players have a really hard time.

-Edit- Also I would like to utilize your poll, but I'd like to be able to disagree without saying "die in a hole". I'd never tell someone to do that.
First two suggestions have already been rejected in previous threads.

The third suggestion will be noted for review.