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Crookback Decree Two: Laws Of The Borough


That Red Haired Nerd.
Staff member
Oct 18, 2014
Reaction score
Posters once again make there way around the borough, containing a list of new laws and an explanation of those laws

Crookback laws
  • Afflicted Law: Afflicted are legal with a two-strike system, on the second strike they are banished to the sewers unless repealed. Non-consensual feeding is illegal. Forced infection is illegal.
  • Hunter Law: Lothar and Red Hunters are not protected by Borough laws.
  • Free Will Law: Any forms of mind control, such as Thralling, are illegal.
  • Magic Law: Magic is legal in all instances bar those that would cause significant damage to the borough.
  • Affinity Law: Silven & Godborn are legal and will have their rights protected.
  • Sensible Law: Intentional misgenderings, Burglary of public businesses, Murder and Kidnapping are all illegal.
  • Sewer Law: The Sewers are off limits to the Crookback Militia while in uniform.
  • Brawling Law: Assault is legal, except for Afflicted, who cannot assault people.
  • Banishment Law: All parties banished from Crookback have all legal rights suspended if they re-enter.
  • Metropolitan Law: The State Metropolitan can enter Crookback, but cannot enforce City Law within it.
In differing, feminine, cursive writing from the rest— 'RED IS BANNED.
Clearly added after the fact, someone was busy.

Common Questions
"All these changes throughout the borough, for crookback as a whole have likely opened up a series of questions from those within the populace, how do these laws effect me? How am I meant to proceed?"

  1. The strike system for afflicted will on the first strike, result in a curing, the second banishment to the sewers, keep such behaviour outside of crookback and within the sewers as it so clearly belongs.
  2. Red Hunters and Lothar can enter the borough and even live there (But why? you hate everyone here?), but do so at their own risk.
  3. State issued control devices will not be removed by the Milita, nor is it encouraged for the populace to do so, as such could result in serious consequences within the city, as such is a high law crime
  4. Arson very much still comes under sensibility, anyone caught attempting to burn down the borough will fast track themselves into a banishment
  5. Banishment, or rather Banished individuals spotted re-entering the borough have all legal rights and protections revoked, and will be arrested on sight, where depending on their crime, or if they have ignored their banishment before will result in several things
    • Curing and imprisonment, before being returned to the sewers
    • Possibility of being handed over to the metropolitan, as instead of attempting to adapt or behave outside of the sewers, these individuals have shown they are not worth any mercy that the borough grants them.
    • Execution as the final option, all else has failed, they have been returned to the sewers before, they have been given to the metropolitan before, and show no remorse, no attempt to change and continue to be no better then a feral beast.
  6. Banishment repeal results in pleading your case through those that can speak of your character, those that have noticed a change in your behaviour down below, and can provide testimony of such.
    • If your appeal is successful, you will be put down to your first strike, or the equivalent of if not infected, which too can be reduced over time after showing a notable change in behaviour
  7. Assault is being the first person to attack another, afflicted aren't expected to just be punching bags, they may defend themselves, but nothing more.
"The point of these laws, and how they are to be enforced is entirely with the goal of making Crookback a better place, making separation in both view and atmosphere from the sewers a much clearer thing."

"The purpose of the Borough is to provide a home, a safe place to those that don't fit in or belong in the city itself, I want to achieve that again, I want Crookback to be a place worthy of that dream, and I will fight for that."

Regards, Trent Nathamlanne, Crookback Mayor

This message hasn't been approved by the Truth Ministry, stop sending a vampire after my wife, Ailor don't have claws or red eyes.
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A following note is tacked on upon the bottom of several posters, matching the brief snippet of cursive writing upon the original announcement, albeit much larger.

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Riftan was slightly irritated that red, his favorite color, was made illegal. How disgraceful! However, it came to even further intrigue upon the most final sliver of tea. The Truth Ministry sending a Vampire? How.. interesting..

The Lothar forwarded the letter to the rest of his family for review.
Kabili Drulviirn read the degree in the Red Crypt, surrounded by witnesses who could recount what was said by them. For the most part, the psywitch agreed with most of the laws. Until their eyes laid upon--
They'd grip their jacket, which was red, and look at their companions, Nylis & Khazandryl. "I did not almost die to get my hands on this -- just for it to be banned in my favorite borough." the Kathar abruptly stood up and began to walk, planning to have a word with the mayor.

( @ShipIt @Faith_Bug )
[!] A pack of Ithanian servants marched right into Crookback with an unerring pace in their congruous strut. They found every single poster in the borough, and stapled a pristinely white notice right underneath it.

۞┇ ════════════════════ - ‹ •◦ ✣ ◦• › - ═══════════════════ ┇۞

To Trent Nathamlanne, Mayor of Crookback;
How highly unbecoming for a State Official to not properly adhere to protocol, dear Mayor Nathamlanne. In the future, please push forward decrees in a manner which does not violate High Law. You are better than this, darling.

Perhaps it is high time to keep your wife on a tighter leash? I know she has a penchant for causing mire, and this time you won't be able to prematurely release her from Greygate prison as the Lord Commissioner. Just some food for thought.
Graciously Yours,

Fabienne du Poncaire
State Governor of Regalia

Countess of Ivenna
۞┇ ════════════ - ‹ •◦ ✣ ◦• › - ═══════════ ┇۞
[!] A pack of Ithanian servants marched right into Crookback with an unerring pace in their congruous strut. They found every single poster in the borough, and stapled a pristinely white notice right underneath it.

۞┇ ════════════════════ - ‹ •◦ ✣ ◦• › - ═══════════════════ ┇۞

To Trent Nathamlanne, Mayor of Crookback;
How highly unbecoming for a State Official to not properly adhere to protocol, dear Mayor Nathamlanne. In the future, please push forward decrees in a manner which does not violate High Law. You are better than this, darling.

Perhaps it is high time to keep your wife on a tighter leash? I know she has a penchant for causing mire, and this time you won't be able to prematurely release her from Greygate prison as the Lord Commissioner. Just some food for thought.
Graciously Yours,

Fabienne du Poncaire
State Governor of Regalia

Countess of Ivenna
۞┇ ════════════ - ‹ •◦ ✣ ◦• › - ═══════════ ┇۞
To Countess Fabienne du Poncaire,

Do you know what is also highly unbecoming of a state official? employing and promoting a- thanks to the lovely work of the Metropolitan- proven vampire, and ignoring warnings of such twice, as the Minister has done.

And prematurely release? an interesting accusation, regardless of what you might believe, in this very instance my partners accusation was proven without a doubt, and such was witnessed by the current Metropolitan. Some food for your own thought and consideration.

Kind regards,
Crookback Mayor, Trent Nathamlanne