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Crookback Borough: Decree One


That Red Haired Nerd.
Staff member
Oct 18, 2014
Reaction score
Posters would be placed in various locations around the Crookback Borough, as any signs of the prior administration were slowly and steadily removed.

"Greetings one and all, for those that don't know me by now, I am Trent Nathamlanne, former Lord Commissioner, now Mayor of Crookback. Funny how things change isn't it?

I'll be blunt, I know there is alot of confusion going on at the moment, and alot of people have questions, and this will be the first of many notices, so I will keep it simple.

Yes, laws will be changing within the borough, but not in the way some of you may expect. To start, I will not be banning afflictions within the borough, I am not out to hunt you all, or rip you from your homes.

I want change. I want to make this place something more then what it's become.
I want it to be more then another part of the sewers, to give those within the chance to live--not in peace no, but certainly better then this.

Though allow me to be crystal clear, I am here now, I am in charge, and I will do what I can to help improve the borough so another Night Of Remembrance is not needed.

Bearing that in mind, the crookback Milita will be purged and built from the ground up, those that wish to apply may seek me out in the coming days while I begin filling various positions. And no, this will not be a council in the manner of Mayor CC or Mayor Faust.

The positions I wish to fill are as follows.
  • Milita Head: Harlow Ketch (@fantuinn )
    • The head of the Crookback Milita and the leading voice of the guard force within the borough
  • First Occult Lieutenant: Cecil Alarie (@sonofthestars )
    • Consulting of matters of the Occult and aiding the Crookback Milita"
  • Event Planner: Leila Sylphaalor (@Gabigailll )
    • Lead organiser of public events and gatherings for the people of crookback, ranging from assemblies to social gatherings.
  • Clinic Head (TBD)
    • The main figure behind the Clinic that tends to so many, in charge of recruitment and necessary requests to bring forth to the Mayor.
  • More to be announced If needed.
Crookback is changing, the lawless nature of the borough, or rather, how far it has been allowed to fall /must/ and will change. Not for Knights or Archon, or any or the words you might wish to toss at me, but for all of you, you deserve better then this, don't you?
Keep an eye out for further notices about the state of the borough and major issues affecting it, namely the mage storm within.

Until then, Do not throw people in to feed the damn thing, and stay away for your own safety.

Mayor Trent Nathamlanne.

Approved by The Ministry of Truth.
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