Preserved Sheet Cro-zzhin Yaotl

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Partnered Streamer Pog
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score



(Music for your enjoyment)



Full Name Cro-Zzhin Yaotl
Age 64
Gender Male
Race Cro-Allar​


General Proficiencies - 60 Points
  • +25 Command Tactic Skill (Doubled being Cro-Allar, has two personal regiments of his own)​
  • +25 General Tactic Skill​
  • +10 Diplomatic Case Skill
    Hobby Proficiency:
    Theatre Arts +10​
Body Shape
Body Stat: +15 (free for Cro-Allar)​
  • Body Shape: Athletic​
  • Body Fat: Low Body Fat​
  • Zasta
    • First Language, Fluent, Literate​
  • Common
    • Second Language, Fluent, Literate​


Eye Color
Light Blue
Skin Color
Blue and white scales.
Imperial adapted Chrysant attire, heavily dressed in jewelry and gold.
7ft flat​


  • Character Alignment
    • Lawful Good
  • Character Personality Type
  • ENTJ-A
  • Character's Religion
    • Unionism | 10/10
How Others Perceive Him
Digmaan Cro-Zzhin Yaotl's first impression to a stranger might be unfavorable, for his build and appearance pose an intimidating sight, only exaggerated by the air of cold stoicism that surrounds the Digmaan as he serves. He is prone to being stirred into outbursts of emotion when under immense stress, or should the strict standards of perfectionism he holds those around him to is violated. It is easy to rial the beast up when you break the social queues of the Allar, staring him in the eyes, challenging his leadership, or mocking his fashion sense. Alongside all this, he is extremely passionate in his love of theater which often contributes towards the way he speaks Common, coming off in a melodramatic tone or as he were some tragic hero when he speaks. He maintains a level of respect towards both unfamiliar faces, friends and foes alike; the latter being a reputation he earned for himself during the war for Hadaria, as his admiration for the Regalian enemy at the time resulted in a favorable treatment of prisoners unseen among Allar warlords who remained loyal to Miko Missa.

How He Perceives Himself
Digmaan Cro-Zzhin Yaotl's psyche is complex. He falls into the archetype of pride, for his ambition is far-reaching and his self-opinion placed up high. Those beneath him, while valued for their usefulness, are still beneath him. He rarely challenges the treatment of being non-human and often succumbs to the accusation becoming obedient depending upon who delivers it. He holds himself to even higher standards - to go above and beyond those who serve him, as an example of what one should be, but also to express that his rivals are unworthy to even bask in the same light, the part he plays for the Empire he seeks to perform flawlessly.

How He Regards Friends and Family
Towards allies, Cro-Zzhin is favorable. Trust, generosity and true kinship are offered, though just as easily taken, for his friends are expected to act in a certain way and failure to adhere to his standards begets excommunication from his camp. To his soldiers and those who otherwise find themselves beholden to his authority, he is much like a teacher in his concern and genuine desire to see them succeed, but again, his expectations are great and those who disappoint them are sure to face his ruthless nature.

On Morality
Carrying with him a loose sense of morality, Cro-Zzhin believes in the idea of perpetual war. For in his eyes, the carnage of the battlefield is an art, and he is the artist - a grand orchestrator of glorious death. There is beauty in the raw potential of war, found even in the cruelest of atrocities and he is not one to shirk from conduct that others might consider to be overkill, for if there is opportunity to be had in wetting the canvas of war with the blood of his enemies, he will eagerly indulge. This does not mean that he will engage in wanton killing, however, as he is respectful to the concept of surrender, for the submission of foreign warriors only serves to feed the fires of his ego.

On Faith
During the war the seeds of Unionism were planted, they grew and eventually the faith took hold of him as the Empire became an integral part of his life. His conversion to Unionism began through sparse conversational battle held between himself and a clergymen which tended to wounded prisoners he had captured. Once the war had ended the Digmaan believed perhaps that very clergymen is the reason for why he wasn't punished so severely afterwards, therefore his devotion serves towards repentance. Though he is primarily a devote Unionist he concedes to greater powers, of beings which are undoubtedly real. Due to recent events his faith in the divine Holy Spirit is fleeting. Cro-Zzhin is inspired by the Imperial Dragon, however fearful of the capabilities of Arken, but both are two sides of the same coin to him. Where there is true power wielded, he shall believe.​

"People will think what I tell them to think."


Born in Hadaria in the year 242 A.C, Cro-Zzhin was taken away from his birth parents, who were of the Mu-Allar caste, to be raised among the Cro-Allar. Put into the care of Digmaan Cro-Ryzzun Tecpatl, he was brought up under the Warlord.

Cro-Zzhin took a fascination to art and theatrics in his early years, captivated by the native motifs and primitive works of the Allar, however, it wasn't enough to satisfy him. He developed a strong appreciation for culture and believed that through understanding of the art of other races, it allowed him to delve into the psyches of those cultures.

His formative years largely consisted of training, both mental and physically as he was learned in the traditions of the Cro and how to take command of the tribal armies of his people when he came of age. He was ridiculed for his borderline obsession with art.

As he grew, he came into his own as a Cro-Allar, when it came time for Cro-Ryzzun to entrust him with command of his warriors, Cro-Zzhin led several raids into the territories of enemy warlords. He became known for his lightning-swift attacks, disappearing just as quickly as he had arrived with carnage and bloodshed left in his wake. He took great pleasure in these early battles, seeing war as yet another art for him to master.

When the Chrysant War engulfed Hadaria following the unification under Miko Missa, Cro-Zzhin served as Under-leader to Cro-Ryzzun. This was short-lived, however, as Cro-Ryzzun was killed in their first engagement. Cro-Ryzzun refused to retreat upon the beachhead and had put the lives of the army at stake, Cro-Zzhin emboldened by the support of the troops slew his own father in one-on-one combat for Digmaan. Taking up his father's Mu-Allar armies, or what was left of it, he retreated into the interior of Hadaria and unlike many other Cro, would not surrender so easily in the later stages of the war.

Fighting several battles against the invading Regalians, he was ruthless in his guerilla tactics, using the cover of night to sneak into enemy camps to destroy food and munitions while also harrying supply trains. Never engaging the enemy outright, he would continue his campaign until the very end of the war and the execution of the Slizzar Empress.

With the collapse of the Empire, Cro-Zzhin surrendered his forces to the invading Regalians. Being spared, he, like many other Digmaan, continued life as they had before, squabbling against each other though now under the protection and lordship of the Regalian Empire. He came to respect Regalia, the strength they brought and, most of all, the artistry that was made available to him.

The years following the war were uneventful. Only in recent times has the name Cro-Zzhin became known again, for with the opening of the Digmaan Embassy in the Crown Isle, he has journeyed north to enter the affairs of the Regalian Empire and represent his people on a higher level, in hopes of making his desires a reality; claiming rule over the Digmaan-Rassa-Allar.

"I demand your silence before my performance."

Present History

Following his arrival in Regalia Cro-Zzhin managed to annex the Allar population within the Holy City underneath his banner and dismantle a competitor in the process. His efforts went towards propelling the Allar people to a better standard of living, and utilizing them in ways more organized to provide to the Empire. He was granted State Councillor for his demonstration of competence and leadership within the noble game as a foreigner and new power within the city which he still remains to this day.

Back to back, from the Sanguine infestation of the Scarlet Court led by Desprince Philippe, to the theater of war within Teled Methen, and other trials, he has remained vigilant. With the recent disaster within the heartlands of the Empire the Digmaan has sought for more unconventional means to answer it. His rallying call to make a stand was extended to the many races within the Empire. The Cabal, a coalition of non-humans has been formed with the Digmaan at it's head. He seeks to end the Misery of Anglia, save a close friend and ally, and restore the Empire within its darkest hour.

"We're only as strong as each individual link of the chain...
If one of us breaks - we all shall."

Don't worry, the Mist ended.​
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Everything looks good here! @Carlit0o
I'll be APPROVING this app it was a lovely read.