Preserved Sheet Cro-szeulla

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The Raptor
Jun 10, 2019
Reaction score

Name: Cro-Szuella | River Monster | Beast of Ossitissa
Age: 55
Gender: Female
Race: Cro-Allar
Sexuality: Bisexual
Weapon of Choice: Fists


School: None
Total Points: 55

+25 Front-Line Combat Skill (+25 Points)
+25 Unarmed Combat Skill (+10 Cro-Allar, +15 Points)
+15 Marshal Knowledge (+15 Points)
+10 Perception Training (+10 Cro-Allar)

Body Information= 25+15x2+20=75
Body Build: Musclegod
Body Fat: Built

Language Information
10/10 Zasta
(Native Language)
10/10 Common (Learned from Ailor prisoners)

  • Szuella is in Regalia after hearing about the Allar's exploits in the ex-enemy's territory. To say the least, she wants to see what's going on if not join it later on under the Qar-Digmaan. She's only been there for a short amount of time, her boat only arriving a week ago and she now is moving in and getting settled. She will seek out a place in Talon Court soon enough, though for the time being she has kept to herself. As for occupation, she has none, though she is a military commander and hopes to make a living of herself off of that. She is seeking a place as an Undercro for Qar-Digmaan Yaotl.

  • Szuella was born in the Azigiss Clan to a Mu-Allar and Slizzar with an Al-Allar visage. The Cro-Allar shocked everyone because not only was it their first batch, but it was with a Slizzar. Of course, she was not raised with them and was shipped off to be with a rather lively young Digmaan. She was raised to be an Undercro, a fighting force in the front-lines in order to decimate any enemy tribes. She had a rather lavish upbringing in the fort she was assigned over in her early teenage years. She did not have any Cro-Allar siblings, though she does have blood sisters that live in Regalia. She is technically an aunt by blood but that is not really a concern of hers because they hardly know her if at all.

  • Being an Undercro, she does not have very many secondary ambitions other than serve the Digmaan in anyway she can. One thing she wants to do is win battles for the Digmaan and maybe gain land if the opportunity arises. She would also like to get a Jogro detachment to do as she pleases, of course, with her Digmaan's permission. She is also trying to scrape up enough funds to get some half-plate black steel armor to be an equivalent to jewelry. She also has the intention to better herself in the Marshal knowledge, instead of simply sticking to frontline tactics going to make tactics to end wars.


Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: N/A
Hair Style: N/A
Scale Color: Various shades of Orange and Yellow
Clothing: Loose robes or half-plate armor, often lots of jewelry as well.
Height: 7'0

  • Orangish-yellow head of Szuella is a sight to see for any race, colors of these kinds tend to be a bit rarer on any Allar though especially so for a Cro. Around her eyes are a deeper orange and thicker set of scales around it. Speaking of her eyes, they are slitted like all of the Cro-Allar with a Yellow iris surrounding it. As for her snout, it is a lighter shade of orange with some yellow mixed in once more, Jagged teeth run alongside her snout, more often than not have blood stains or sometimes even rings on them though this would never be observed it public, unless it were the rings. Speaking of which, she often adorned by a head piece made of bronze and some red looking crystals, but more on that later. It is often that you can find her with gashes along her face from sparring, these usually heal and never scar due to the Allar's superb healing abilities.

  • Szuella's body is much like her face in terms of scale colors, thought there are some deeper oranges and lighter yellows around her torso or underbelly. Darker shades often indicate where some thicker scales might be, notably around her underbelly there are some of those dark shades. Speaking of her under belly, it is a yellowish-white that is rather soft and her most vulnerable spot where the stomach is suppose to be. She is often seen with a black and silver toga-esque robe around her, it's rather plain with a simple black and a silver outline but it gets the job done. She wears a bronze waistband around her torso to help protect it. Along with that small piece of armor, she also has a Blacksteel gauntlet on her muscular arms that was given to her right before the Chrysant War. Speaking of her muscles, she has very large biceps, from all of the Unarmed fighting she does it is no surprise why. Her tail and legs are also similarly buff from all of the swimming that she does from time to time.

  • Like many Cro-Allar, Szuella takes fashion very seriously and apts to look her best at all times. She goes to great lengths to ensure that her jewelry is appropriate for the situation and that her robes are always looking pristine. She is often seen with a Blacksteel gauntlet, this was given to her before the fighting ensued and is the only weapon she has ever gotten. It was in the Digmaan's clan for years and when he knew he was about to die he gave it to her. Other jewelry on her includes a simply headdress made of bronze and cheap red crystals which she passionately claims are rubies although they are not. A bronze belt that hold her robes in place, ensuring that they don't fall off and well as protect her underbelly. As for her clothes, Szuella is often seen in white and gold, she feels that it is the best colors that go with her lighter palette of scales. As of now, this is a simple toga with silver lining in which is kept very clean and in good condition always. On special occasions she will wear a gold sash with a purple line going through the middle to depict royalty. Earrings and tooth rings are also a favorite among her, though very limited and casual.

  • Szuella has a voice like most other allars, however there are some things that are a bit different. However, it is still more guttural than other races due to having no lips, sounding more masculine than feminine. The one difference she has from other allar is that her voice always seems more commanding than it actually is. Most people mistake some casual conversations for a command, which can be a bit awkward at times. She also tends to sound really irritated even if she's not, something that she is trying to fix but to little avail.



How does Szuella express Happiness or Contentedness?
Szuella is very strict when showing happiness or contentedness, wanting to keep her tough personality unquestioned. The most that she will ever show when she is happy with something is a small smile, though sometimes it can grow depending on great amounts of happiness.

How does Szuella express fear?
Like happiness, she is very hesitant in showing any other emotion other than anger, command, or boldness. To fear, she stares it in the eyes and makes sure to connect her gauntlet to their face. To put it shortly, she does not back down in the face of fear.

How does Szuella react to Stress?
After the Chrysant War, Szuella can deal with stress very well, it takes very large amounts of stress for anyone to notice. She looks at a situation and takes the best order to deal with it, if it is stressful that still remains true.

How does Szuella see Law and Authorities?
Despite what might be suggested, Szuella is very submissive to her Digmaan and tries not to respect those under her as well. She takes the Allar caste very easily and is upset when it is not upheld correctly. As for the city-guard and other "warmblood" organizations in Regalia, she could care less and will bypass them without a second thought if it is for the good of the caste.

How does Szuella view other races other than her own?
Orcs, Urls, and Songaskia are barbarians but she sees the value on them in the battlefield. Qadir tend to be weak, along with Sihai. Dwarves can make valuable armor and weapons. Ailor, cool but if it comes at her with a sword it's losing its life. Kathar and Maraya should all be slaughtered on sight unless they submit. Yanar and Neflin are alright, though she's never formally met one.

How does Szuella see religion in general?
Szuella herself is not a religious person at all, thinking that it brought the Chrysant War and thus the fall of a great empire. For that reason, she despises Unionism, though acts like it's fine. She doesn't care much for the Void either. Estel and Old Gods she's hardly heard enough to make her opinion.

How does Szuella see Arcane and magic in the world?
Szuella has no real experience of magic other than what the Es-Allar have shown/taught her, for that reason she is fairly mutual with it. However, she sees Vampires and Witchbloods as mistakes of society and thus should not be interacted with. This feeling is more towards vampires than witchbloods.

How does Szuella feel towards her family?
Growing up a technical single child under the Digmaan of her tribe, she did not have children which interacted with her too often. However, she has very strong ties to her blood sisters, going to protect them despite the consequences. This is the cause of a lot of her troubles during her childhood.

What is Szuella most proud about herself?
The fact that Szuella is a Cro-Allar in itself is something that she prides herself on, though she has much more than that to be proud of. Another thing that she often brags about is her fighting skill unarmed, she is not one to be modest with her combat abilities. She is also proud of her tactical skill, she always tries to put in her own tactics whenever fighting.

What motivates Szuella to move forward in life?
The biggest thing that Szuella has to move forward in life is the fact that she thinks people depend on her. She does not want an Allar caste to ripple because she isn't that and it was kill her for that to happen.

What is Szuella's biggest insecurity?
The thing that really is a sore topic for Szuella is that she is not as high ranking as the other Cro-Allars she usually comes across. It is not a good idea to mention that around her unless she knows she probably deserved it. Another insecurity she has is that her love life is nonexistent, she has never had a love interest before.

What is Szuella's biggest fear?
In Hadar, Szuella's biggest fear is that the Maraya will become the leading empire, completely eradicating Allar and becoming their own super power. However, in Regalia she is constantly scared of the Ailor randomly turning on the Allar like in the Chrysant and begin to pick them off.

  • Ranged Combat- The one thing that will be the end of Szuella on the battlefield is ranged combat. She never has any ranged soldiers under her by choice, simply because she can hardly command them on the battlefield. As a whole, Ranged combat is a deadly force to be reckoned with in Szuella's head.

  • Fast Moving- Being as big as she is, it is no surprise that Szuella is relatively slow moving, which can often time be a weakness. It is hard for her to dodge any attacks, doing so can tip her over and loose balance. That being said, she has learned to take more hits because of this, having lots of endurance.

  • Cold- Like all allar, Szuella is weakened by the cold, however this is especially so for her. Considering her bigger form, she has a lot of blood flow to depend on and if it slows down it can be very fatal. She is almost never seen outside during the Regalian winter, considering it much too deadly for herself.


Age 0-10; 252-262 A.C
Cro-Szuella was born in the Azigiss clan in 252 A.C to a Slizzar and a Mu-Allar, quite a surprise for both of them when they figured out they had a Cro egg. Of course, they did not keep her long after that, sending her to the Digmaan of the Azigiss clan. Her early years were that of intensive training under the Digmaan as well as some Es-Allar tutors in the harder subjects. The main things her father taught her how to do was fight and Front-line tactics, other than that it was up to the Es-Allar. Even as a young child she was taken to faction battles, the Jogro and Digmaan alike wanting her to experience war at a young age in order to adapt to it. However, she grew up alone, Cro-Allar never came in besides her and it is thought that this had a role to play in her rather isolationist behavior later on in life.

Age 10-20; 262-272 A.C
She continued her training with flying colors, even the Es-Allar were starting to get impressed at the speed in which she learned. She started coming of age when it was time to fight at around fifteen, going under the protective wing of the Rhax until she proved herself a decent fighter. At the age of seventeen she was officially deemed Undercro to Digmaan Azigiss and wore the rank proudly. For the next three years until she was twenty, she would lead a small detachment of Jogro for smaller scuffles or just peace disturbances. At the age of twenty, a rather large and nasty faction battle broke out, she was in command of the left flank as the Digmaan and Rhax led the center and right respectively. This was one of her first major battles and the Azigiss came out victorious with seeming ease. This was a great boost of confidence for her and she still carries it with her to this day.

Age 20-30; 272-282 A.C
With the rising Essa empire before them, the construction of forts became something vital to the Azigiss Clan. They were one of the last to accept, remaining rather hesitant of joining under a Slizzar but eventually enough Es-Allar supported it that it was done. This took up most of the ten years in between her twentieth and thirtieth birthday, training Jogro for the army. A citadel was also being raised on the coastal city, more of an insurance thing in case the Slizzar turned on them. At this point, Szeulla had become rather respected for her position, gaining land and resources under their clan. Because of this, she soon became known as the Beast of Ossitissa, this was more of a title that her clan gave her but she wore it with pride nonetheless. She accompanied the Es-Allar to the capital for diplomatic meetings, mostly there as a bodyguard but also a person of more authority than them. She liked going to the capital, thinking that it was a beautiful city with lots of potential for greatness.

Age 30-40; 282-292 A.C
Soon, the campaign to Sendras started, the hestitance of the Azigiss to join may have very well have saved her life. They sent metal and food to the capital, though never soldiers and if so the worst pick of the bunch. The Digmaan didn't think it was possible to win a war on Sendras and so went with his gut and decided not to risk anything until a little after the beginning of the war. Then the bombings at Ossitissa in 286 A.C happened. This took the entire clan by great surprise, they had no clue what these foreign ships wanted or why they decided to bomb their fort. The fort held for some time, six months to be exact before the western wall caved in due to the bombardment. This is when the Digmaan gave Szeulla her iconic gauntlet that he had previously owned and told her to flee with some of his Jogro. She fled deep into the forest until she found a swampy lake to set up camp. She stayed here for the rest of the war, everytime and ailor moved to camp alongside that lake, she would use guerrilla tactics to take out, she herself tending to come from the water. This is wear she got her nickname River Beast among Ailor and Allar alike. She stayed like this until one of her scouts told her that all of the galleons from the shore had moved away nearly five years later. She came back to the fort to find her previous Digmaan's corpse, giving it a proper burial before moving on once more. This is what she spent 292 A.C doing.

Age 40-50; 292-302 A.C
Szeulla soon made it to the capital and was tasked with the rebuilding effort, starting with getting lost Allar back. During the war, Maraya had risen and started to enslave the Allar people, Szeulla was tasked with getting them back. And she did, leveling smaller Maraya villages to the ground and regaining some of the land they had lost as well as some Jogro. However, they all went back to their proper Digmaan and never stayed for too long lest they were made to. All around it was a very depressing time for all of them, they had all lost loved ones and friends, with a meaning to live. After around seven years of doing that she went back to Ossitissa, serving under another Digmaan as an Undercro for three more years. During this time she slowly got back her name as the Beast of Ossitissa, though she did not have a very good relationship with her Digmaan which eventually turned sour later on.

Age 50-Present; 302-307 A.C
Eventually, the sour mood of the Digmaan led to her being disapproved by him, though lots of Jogro sided by her instead. This led to lots of tense feelings, though she eventually agreed to leave peacefully and find the Jogro that had sided with her to new Digmaan. To get all of the Jogro to new Digmaan took a while, two years to be exact, but it was worth it and she could finally go to a new place. Word spread about a Qar-Digmaan in Regalian in 306 A.C and Szeulla was more than intrigued at that. She hopped on the nearest boat and made her way to Regalia, seeking out this Digmaan of legendary status. Once she got there, she met her blood sister, a Zu who goes be the name Si'Zralli and they have been more or less bonding sense. She also fought a troll recently, single-handedly killing one before it's friend came along and tore off her arm. That is where her story will continue and hopefully, prosper.
@Arendan I tried changing the title to have a capital 'S' Szeulla and it didn't work, could you please accept it again? Sorry for the inconvenience