Archived Crimson Inquisition

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Master Defaulter
Nov 13, 2012
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
Algaronian Empire
I am just making a suggestion that the Crimson Inquisition should be more of an real organization of Vampire-Hunters rather than anyone whom wants to be one is one type of thing. This would allow for the following factors that are all good for role-play. So here is what I am suggesting.

A.) A list of members in a head office of sorts along with possibly a more organized structure.
B.) An application is needed or at the very least a request to the leaders of it to join.
These two little changes would result in these amazing changes.

1. Allow the possibility of infiltrators in the Inquisition.
2. Allow the possibility of new reports from the Inquisition about what is going on an changes in it.
3. This allows the possibility of a direct fight between the Inquisition and Vampires over things such as the Inquisition attacking a Vampire safe haven, taking back the under-city, or even attacks by Vampires on the Slums and the Church!
4. There could be a leader of the Inquisition elected by all members once every month or so. He sorta be like the Oligarch of the Inquisition and would get a nice title and powers.
5. If members' names are found by Vampires assassinations of Crimson members could happen.

This is just an idea about what the Crimson Inquisition could become to the server. Instead of occasionally talked about whenever a Vampire rebellion starts it could be the key to an entire new level of role-play. Just imagine it, assaults on Mrs. Baver, guards needed to protect leaders of them, a new Oligarch importunity. The inquisition could lead to an Order of Regalian Knights which are picked from only the most pious, skilled, members. A naval branch of them is possible! Even the possibility of an epic siege on Regalia in which the Inquisition fights a army of Vampires by land, air and sea!

This is the opportunity for Massivecraft to have a battle which after server-sharding could involve hundreds of people thousands of mobs, and various battles some when Vampires are landing a fleet of boats and blimps on Regalian shores, another perhaps on the plains with trenches and make-shift palisades, and then an epic recorded finale which would bring Massivecraft more resources than we know what to do with. More role-play, more money for expansion, more action, more players, more programmers and helpful staff, there is only one real question. Why would you say no?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I address a couple of your points:
It is not anyone can get in, plenty have been turned down.
Also there is a list of members in the hq
I address a couple of your points:
It is not anyone can get in, plenty have been turned down.
Also there is a list of members in the hq
The list in the HQ does need to be a bit updated though, as some members haven't been listed yet.
Though i do like the idea of Oligarch's working with the Inquisition, since it is fully supported by the Emperor
Something I have to bring up: Aboose! Sorry, couldn't resist. However, that actually is somewhat an issue. A few of my friends (no names mentioned) were wandering Regalia, when they were randomly teleported into a pit of doom full of lava and hellfire. None of them vampires, nor supporting them. Most of them were actually anti-vampire. In my opinion, that's a bit too far, even by my overkill standards. I really do think the playerbase and operators need to come to a consensus of what's acceptable, and what's not. After all, it's a bit unfair if some random, innocent non-vampire is teleported into a lavar hole with a bunch of good items, agree? (facepalm)
If they were teleported, they were doing something to provoke guards into arresting them. I doubt they were innocent :P
Most people who were teleported had used /spawn then mocked saying "you cant killz me lolz" and other things causing them to be tp'ed
To fully answer your question: (well knowing that this thread is locked)
The list is already accurate. There are many helpers or aspirants for the inquisition out here, but they aren't official.
What you suggest has already happened. Kapry as the field-master takes on people he trusts. These are people he knows (as a character) and don't abuse the given power. Infiltration is possible, hard to do though.

We act highly RPish, arresting people happened under limitations. If people got jailed, they were vampires, sympathizers, insulting the guards or did stand in our way while doing our job (this means, blocking a door or a lever).

The crimson inquisition isn't a democratically system at all. And it will not change.
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