Archived Criminal Records

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Bird Panda
Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Say, a man is jailed (in rp of course) and you have no idea how much trouble he is in. What if a previous Guard jailed him, and threatened if he was jailed again he would be killed? I thought of Criminal records. (If you guys do have some sort of record, still read on a bit, if you don't... read on)

If that man gets jailed for the first time, a Guard could ask, "Do you have a Criminal Record?" If they reply "No" the Guard could use a write able book, name the Title to the persons name, and write this;



7/8/2234 <- You'd enter a date for the crime, so you can tell when it last was. (IRL dates though, if not you could add both)

Assualted a Noble <- Reason for the crime, so you can tell why they have been jailed. (Maybe they could use some sort of point style? Say someone did assualt a Noble, they could be given 5 points for that type of crime, and if they reach a cap, they could be executed. Or if they have 5 or more Criminal Records?)

15 (minecraft) days <- How many days they are put in jail, (Unless they jump the gun and just execute, which then, no criminal record because they'd be DEAD)

Jailed by; Rohghash (i luv u) <- What Guard has jailed him, the log before


(You'd most likely keep all of the Criminal records in chests, maybe it could be organized by race too)

Also, if they do have a Criminal Record, the Guard would go search the chest (could be organized by race, as said above) for their logs. Sadly, people may just say No, and the Guard couldn't tell if they were telling the truth. So, I think the Organized Race chests is a good idea for this aswell.

Yes, so I had an Idea of either a points system or just a cap on how many times you could be jailed, before execution for causing to much havoc around Regalia.

This is just an Idea, it may cause some clutter if many people are jailed, and maybe it could help some Guards, rid of some nuisances.

Also, could Criminal Records be wiped after awhile of no jailing? That isn't up to me though...

Give your Idea if you like, I'd not like any flaming wars if people make a bad idea, and you freak out...
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Seems like something that would help the guards out. And something they should be doing anyway. I like it.
Is good idea, realistic. Even though I'm a vampire.....It's a good idea

I support it
I do like this idea, and was always curious as to if something like this existed.

I'm not really for or against the idea. In my opinion, it seems like extra work that would result in a lot more deaths. However, on the flip side, it would vastly reduce the people committing crimes, at least, those who were good rper's.

Even though I'm a vampire.....It's a good idea

We'd just blow you up. :)
To be fair, we used to do this all the time. but some tool stole the all of the contents of records chest and also the evidence we had to back those reports :C it was a pretty cool lil system. Im more then happy to start recording things again though its becoming more and more "Something mcbloodfang , Vampire , Cannonised" Perhaps an investigation bureau of sorts to carry out the paperwork?
I support this, because it results in more character deaths, which makes the tavern a place where people get decapitated less often.
I already have my own 'Criminal Log Book' of sorts. Of course, it's not for guard use. Contributes to the kill list <3. +1 Support though.
I'm not really for or against the idea. In my opinion, it seems like extra work that would result in a lot more deaths. However, on the flip side, it would vastly reduce the people committing crimes, at least, those who were good rper's.

We'd just blow you up. :)

See that's the point - more deaths. Medieval times were often known to be ruthless and harsh, you would be hanged for stealing a loaf of bread, and burned for someone yelling out "witch". This would at least go towards helping law role-played in Regalia work.
Maybe after a few arrests you would be executed in the hanging square, and they would kill that character. A Capitol like Regalia shouldn't have people running around thieving off people without being slaughtered anyway.
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