Archived Creativegates Entity Support

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Jul 2, 2012
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Fairly simple. I know it probably won't happen in the near future, but as long as I can tack it onto Cayorion's, I assume, ridiculously long agenda, I would like CreativeGates to be able to transport entities. I think this could be achieved by stealing Mojang's code with mobs being able to travel through nether portals in 1.4. However if Mojang's code were used it would also mean minecarts could go through portals.
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This would make it easier to trade animals, and bring in equipment and carts/pigs ect...
Agreed, I could finally bring my large army of wolves to the Insidious raid :D
It has been foretold....

"We shall all ride into battle on pigs."
Yes! We can give our pigs speed potions and tear up the enemy ranks! >:D
But yeah, it is nice and RP to transfer animals across long distances, but recently I found some mooshrooms in daendroc that I wanted to take to ceardia, then I realised it was impossible so I made this thread. :3
indeed they are.... indeed they are.... *looks on dynmap for Illogical to steal his mooshrooms*
Hardy, thats disturbingly close to canabalism......
Their own sou-EW. Yes hardy, you are a horrible person. You had just hope that none of the mooshrooms manage to escape and carry a grudge. They might make you eat your own soup.
wait Hardy has the ability to make soup?
great, first /RAEP now this.... why does this happen whenever Hardy posts in a thread?
great, first /RAEP now this.... why does this happen whenever Hardy posts in a thread?
I have that effect.

YES! I FINALLY GOT HARDY TO LIKE ONE OF MY POSTS! Next stop, WORLD DOMINATION![DOUBLEPOST=1352927492][/DOUBLEPOST].... of course, Hardy posts THAT picture, why that picture?
Behold, Massivecraft's perfessional staff!
I remember he posted something on one of the "Find the Carrot" threads...may you bring that up again? :)
I just noticied something, this thread is increadably offtopic, just like the 1.5 thread
It's the only image I could find that would represent what I felt. Apologies.
Oh, i dont mind bronies that much, but I thought it meant that YOU were a brony, which was kinda strange considering your personality
Well its just that you seem like the opposite of a brony, bronies are disgustingly nice, your erm, rather rude sometimes. Bronies usually drink some kind of wierd healthy drink, you drink beer. Bronies are pacisfists, you don't hesitate to mute or ban. Ya know, that kind of stuff.
Well its just that you seem like the opposite of a brony, bronies are disgustingly nice, your erm, rather rude sometimes. Bronies usually drink some kind of wierd healthy drink, you drink beer. Bronies are pacisfists, you don't hesitate to mute or ban. Ya know, that kind of stuff.
You... trying to say... I'm bad? ;(
Yes! We can give our pigs speed potions and tear up the enemy ranks! >:D
But yeah, it is nice and RP to transfer animals across long distances, but recently I found some mooshrooms in daendroc that I wanted to take to ceardia, then I realised it was impossible so I made this thread. :3

I have a hard time getting animals to follow me for more than a few chunks. The AI gets distracted and stops following me, no matter how much wheat, seeds or carrots I'm carrying. Pushing them through a gate would work.
Well your not bad, your just..... erm....... rough?
So technically you're saying he's a "tell it as it is" kind of guy, who firmly implies that rules are rules? Yes? ^_^
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