Archived Creative Gates V2 Suggestion

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InVictus Overwatch until King Doom Returns
Aug 15, 2012
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From what i understand is that toggle Enter/Exit can be set or altered by anyone with a blaze rod.
This IMO should be controlled by the owner/creator of the gate only. What is the purpose of giving the ability to set one way gates if anyone can just change back? I had mentioned this in ts to several players and they agree. Many were unaware. Please correct me if i am wrong about this. Thanks
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I think it's only the gate owner who could change it. But I think it's mostly a ''shortcut'' for the portal and that they don't get to that specific location wich you have turned of the exit on. ( Not really sure how it works but correct me if i'm wrong. )
I asked for confirmation of this behavior from Cayorion, His response from the web page comments was:

Yes only the creator can toggle network secrecy but anyone can toggle enter/exit enabled.

This adds a new tactical consideration, since anyone who can get to a gate can effectively shut it down (or open it). So, raiders storm the castle, using enderpearls to get through doors to shut down the portal through which reinforcements were to come. Also, the new recruit takes the faction portal to the dark room and toggles exit off, using /f home to return, so someone must physically go to the darkroom to toggle the portal back on. I think the first case is great, but wish the second weren't possible. Given this, gates to remote locations are less cost/time effective unless access is highly controlled.

Cayorion stated that he wanted magic to be less prevalent, and this certainly makes one think twice about putting in portals.[DOUBLEPOST=1370281100,1370219286][/DOUBLEPOST]This behavior has been changed, as of the latest update, so secret portals can no longer be toggled by people other than the creator.
I altered this recently. What do you think of the new way it works?
I like the new way it works. If someone wants to do the roleplay I described above, then they can toggle the gate to not be secret. If it is toggled to be secret, then (an long as the person doesn't have build rights on the chunk) the portal can't be griefed and is extremely secure.
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