Archived Creative - Allow Players To Visit Plots Without Being Added To Them.

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Can we make it so players can tp to a plot simply to view with /plot visit name instead of having to fly over plots to figure out who they belong to, or wait for a player to enable visitation.
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there's a command, but I think the plot owner has to enable visitation
I just use dynmap and flyspeed 5. I get there in 10 seconds or less
I'm not sure we can do anything about this, the plugin isn't ours. @TheComputerGeek2 would have to weigh in.
Honestly this sounds like a good idea to me, it's a bother having the tp and edit perms packaged together, I'd also like to see the ability to set edit perms to extend to when the owner is offline, as well as to use worldedit
This should now be actioned.
Not sure why I was never tagged above, only just saw this request.