Archived Creation Of Factions

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High Council member of The Algorian Empire
Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
I suggest raising the cost of making a faction to 300 silver because it = 4 month wait for a prem, ergo more worth the wait, and less prems spamming new factions.
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You know, just because you have the money to buy a faction doesn't mean you have to buy one, I have 400s and a faction, but I may sell the faction and just start up as a rper, I don't like this idea because I often see more factions be disbanded than created
This idea has a good base, but if you think about it, this could add even more imbalance to the server. Sure, premiums would have to save up longer to get a faction, but think about the non-premiums. By raising the price of a faction, non-premiums would have an even harder time starting up a faction, and this would result in even more premium run factions. This would put even more pressure on non-premiums' choice to either pay for premium or leave the server. Or, of course, that third choice of forever living as an inferior being.
I just generally like raising the price of factions, mostly because I think that keeping the price of factions at a relatively low rate (200 silver) is going to give newer players the false impression that owning a faction is a straight "power boost".
I'm a nonprem RPer and I have enough for a fac, it's easy with voting.
Funny that this idea was suggested recently by Zpade and it got 12 agree ratings and only 2 disagree ratings.
Whats changed?
If anything, the introduction of premium silver has made it easier to make a faction.
Here is the original post about this exact idea that got positive feeback/support:
I agree with this, the amount of small factions no one has ever heard of is to damn high. Making a faction 300 silver would make it so the amount of factions goes down, and down, and down, until you have a solid core of factions that are all on fairly equal footing. When two go to war what will happen? They will make an alliance so 2 factions will overtake one, 3 over 2, Ect. You will eventually have several main Alliances between a couple factions (Note how a couple factions is a lot now) and have large wars between faction alliances and easy big defenses. Since there are only a couple factions, even if they are large on each side defenses will be more coordinated. You will go like "Dammit, the ScrubTopian's have arrived, better call in the Weaboo Wehrmacht!" and have a couple large armies on a field like medieval times. And that would be cool. :3 Therefore I support.
I agree with this, the amount of small factions no one has ever heard of is to damn high. Making a faction 300 silver would make it so the amount of factions goes down, and down, and down, until you have a solid core of factions that are all on fairly equal footing. When two go to war what will happen? They will make an alliance so 2 factions will overtake one, 3 over 2, Ect. You will eventually have several main Alliances between a couple factions (Note how a couple factions is a lot now) and have large wars between faction alliances and easy big defenses. Since there are only a couple factions, even if they are large on each side defenses will be more coordinated. You will go like "Dammit, the ScrubTopian's have arrived, better call in the Weaboo Wehrmacht!" and have a couple large armies on a field like medieval times. And that would be cool. :3 There I support.
To simply argue an opposing point: To have only a few large factions would also increase the amount of long, drug out wars because this one big faction is too proud to surrender or accept offered terms, and everyone knows what happens to player morale when they are being raided constantly.

Also a much larger faction would require much more management, which can be a real pain in the arse to decide who is worthy of officer powers.
I agree.there are too much mini factions thatare disbanded shortly. Their tin, unfinished remains or in some cases their leftovers from their overambitious planning litter the landscape.
since giving bigger factionsmore advantages would really hurt the Balance of Medium factions, making factions more expensive would be thebest way. There are so manyfactions sold every day....
Ya know some times I think they should make a faction on a mimum amount of people required to create it instead of paying silver for it so there is 20 starting people to create a faction instead of using silver ya know what I mean.
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