Preserved Sheet Crassius Carwell/van Der Veer

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Let there be Noot
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Anamosa, Iowa



Full Name: Crassius Carwell/Van der Veer
Age: 70
Gender: Male
Race: Anglian Ailor
Sexuality: Heterosexual


Proficiency Points: 60

+24 Unionist Sanktism (+24 From Points)
+15 Religious Knowledge (+15 From Points)
+11 Statesmen Knowledge (+11 From Points)
+10 Heavy Bow Combat Skill (+10 From Culture)
+10 Magical Knowledge [Demonology] [Artifactism] (+10 From Points)

Body Stats:
Body Stat: 0 Combat Skill + 0 Athletic Training (0) = 0 Body Stat

Body Shape: Average

Body Fat: Average Body Fat

Anglian [Native-Tounge|Fluent]
Common [Tutor|Fluent]


Describe your character's position in Regalia.

Crassius Carwell has always stood by his family, and that is where his position in regalia will always be, beside his family. He will always support his family in their endeavors and their latest is to help the Regalian armies against the elves. They in recent years sailed to Regalia and whilst Crassius has no current employment he stays spreading the word of Unionism.

Describe your character's upbringing.
Crassius would have 2 younger Siblings; John & Sigmund. He was born in Angle Veer, to Adrianna & Nicolás Carwell.

Describe any secondary ambitions your character may have.
Crassius's main goal is to further his family's political stance, as well as to help them.


Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Grey
Hair Style: Short and Held Back
Skin Color: Dirty Pale
Clothing: Average Clothing
Height: 6 feet 5 Inches



First Paragraph:
Crassius holds a very serious tone, with a respectful attitude. He could also be seen as helpful. His continued service and studies to the spirits would show to be helpful to the people that would seek his guidance. His servitude to the Synod and the Empire, would show how loyal Crassius is. He would try to hold a friendly tone, alongside the serious tone he always held, unless someone where to speak out against his studies to the Spirits, then he'd have a rude demeanor to those who spoke out.

Second Paragraph:
Crassius would feel confident in himself, in his abilities to spread the word of unionism. Whenever he would look at himself, and no longer see his young able bodied self, he would feel self conscious, being older. However old he is, he'd still think of himself as wise, and a good advice giver. With wisdom comes a sacrifice, for he is not the healthiest man alive. He will tend to be careful with himself as he travels around to spread the word of the Great Way.

Third Paragraph:
Crassius around his friends and family would be calm, and like he is with everyone else, friendly. He would put prioritize his family above his friends. However he considers a few of his family members as a inner circle, someone who he can share anything and everything with. As the days have gone by, his inner circle has grown smaller and smaller due to his old age as he doesn't want others to suffer once he does pass on.

Fourth Paragraph:
Crassius would be a naturally good person, They believe in Just behavior and would often side with the more Just people in crowds. He under every circumstance would rely on Unionism to guide his way, being a faithful person to the Synod and the Empire. Crassius witnesses the actions of the people around him, seeing what they say or what they do. His age has given him the wisdom to judge people better while being careful on who he judges.

Fifth Paragraph:
Crassius would be devoted to Unionism, putting it above all other. He'd be empathetic to Commoners, helping them along a path that of which is Unionism. However he believes that Nobles are of higher privilege, and should treated as such, and Commoners are lesser. Frowning upon Jacobinism.

His old age. - During his younger years he would always be above and beyond, a overachiever, his old age puts a strain on his work ethic which tears him down mentally and physically.



Art - Crassius always had a enjoyment of the fine things of life, Art, Music, Etc.
Architecture - Crassius helped build during his younger years, he would appreciate the Architectural arts as well.
Teaching Unionism - Being a devout follower of unionism, He'd obviously find himself enjoying teaching Unionism.

Heresy | Heretics - While following the great religion of Unionism, he hates the sight of people who have decided to become Heretics to the Synod, wanting people to stay away from that
Non Ailor - He hopes to help Non Ailor to become better, but doesn't like to be around them for long since they have dropped to that level for a reason in their past life
Disrupting the practice of Unionism - Crassius wishes to go through his prayers and preaches without someone wanting to interupt

Relationships (Optional)

(House Carwell Page)


Life Story (Required)

Crassius would be born to Angle Veer, Norreck. He was very well off compared to other families surrounding them, his early life would be very good, however when he was at the age of 12 he'd be helped along the right direction. Helping build his family's home, The Hand of Man. The keep taking decades to finish.

He'd be sent off to a private tutor to learn how to defend himself, picking up a heavy bow, and choosing to spend his days practicing with it, His tutor guiding him through how to use it proficiently. However one day during a normal spring day, a reverend came through the city, preaching to Crassius, after this, Crassius would start to spend parts of his days studying unionism. He was able to get the Reverend to take him with to Regalia to teach him the ways of Unionism and Unionist Sanktism. He continued to spend his time with the Reverend until he was at the age of 40 to return back to Angle Veer.

When he came back home he'd be a new man, being a faithful reverend to Unionism. During his time gone, his family would become more militarized than ever. House Carwell would make themselves more known throughout Anglia. Showing forces, participating in battles. they'd be known as one of the more Militarized families in Anglia, however once word that Regalian forces were moving on the Elven Empire, they set sail to Regalia to help with the forthcoming battles. Jason's actions as patriarch has been a bit rash, but understandable for someone who wasn't perfectly made as a leader. Though his heart is slightly crushed with the recent loss of two nephews, that of Robert and Jason Carwell. He decided to step up to lead his people to the ways of Unionism with his knowledge. Time and time again Angle Veer has remained split between the way of Unionism and the Old Gods, something that Crassius has tried to change for a long time.
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@BillyTheScroofy If you could continue your review for this character, that'd be really cool. My Witchblood Carwell died so I'm deciding to go a bit Reverendish.
I will be reviewing this application

Personality and Abilities
  • The paragraphs here are too short. Expand on each greatly and add more detail.
Life Story
  • Same as the above, add a bit more detail. Its too short.

Make those changes and then tag me @MrOof1
I will be reviewing this application

Personality and Abilities
  • The paragraphs here are too short. Expand on each greatly and add more detail.
Life Story
  • Same as the above, add a bit more detail. Its too short.

Make those changes and then tag me @MrOof1

I have updated his points a bit and I expanded upon the Paragraphs along with the Life Story
@BillyTheScroofy Got told that I was only using 55/60 of the points I had available, I decided to add it onto Magical Knowledge. Wanted to let you know.
@BillyTheScroofy Decided that I can't handle two nobles at once, so I'm shelving Crassius off. It was fun to play a Reverend while it lasted, but I'm just not sure if it was my thing.