Preserved Sheet Crassius Carwell V2

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Let there be Noot
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Anamosa, Iowa



Full Name: Crassius Carwell
Age: 70 - Appears 30
Gender: Male
Race: Anglian Ailor
Lineage: Norean
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Weapon of Choice: Quarter-tek Puretek



Proficiency Points: 60

+8 Puretek Combat (+8 Points)
+9 Society Knowledge (+9 Points)
Unionist Culture
Alior Culture
Pagan Culture
+3 History Knowledge (+3 Points)
Alior History
+15 Linguistic Knowledge (+15 Points)
Human Pack
Mythic Pack
+20 Architecture Arts (+10 Hobby Points & +10 Points)
+15 Perception Training (+15 Points)

Body Stats:
Body Stat: 8 Combat Skill = 8 Body Stat
Body Shape: Average
Body Fat: Average Body Fat

Anglian [Native-Tounge|Fluent]
Common [Tutor|Fluent]
Picaron [1st Linguistic|Fluent]
Alt-Regalian [2nd Linguistics|Fluent]
Leutz-Vixe Dialect [3rd Linguistic|Fluent]
Proto-Regalian [4th Linguistics|Semi-Fluent]
Proto-Ceardian [4th Linguistics|Semi-Fluent]
Proto-Daen [4th Linguistics|Semi-Fluent]
Dragon Script [5th Linguistics|Written Only]
Meraic Alphabet [5th Linguistics|Written Only]
Seraph Dialect [5th Linguistics|Written Only]


Describe your character's position in Regalia.
Crassius Carwell has always stood by his family, and that is where his position in regalia will always be, beside his family. He will always support his family in their endeavors. Within the recent years, they had fallen from nobility due to the conflict with the Harhold family. He is still unemployed, but holds hope to join a great Church and spread their way of Unionism.

Describe your character's upbringing.
Crassius would have 2 younger Siblings; John & Sigmund. He was born in Angle Veer, to Adrianna & Nicolás Carwell.

Describe any secondary ambitions your character may have.
Crassius's main goal at this point of time is to spread the Great Way and help bring down the aberrant creatures that exist within the world.


Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Short and Held Back
Skin Color: Dirty Pale
Clothing: Average Clothing
Height: 6 feet 5 Inches



  • Alignment
    • Lawful Neutral
  • Personality Type
    • The Thinker (INTP) - INTPs are well known for their brilliant theories and unrelenting logic, which makes sense since they are arguably the most logical minded of all the personality types. They love patterns, have a keen eye for picking up on discrepancies, and a good ability to read people, making it a bad idea to lie to an INTP. People of this personality type aren't interested in practical, day-to-day activities and maintenance, but when they find an environment where their creative genius and potential can be expressed, there is no limit to the time and energy INTPs will expend in developing an insightful and unbiased solution.
  • Religion
    • Unionism (10/10)

First Paragraph:
Crassius holds a very serious tone, with a respectful attitude. He could also be seen as helpful. His continued service and studies to the spirits would show to be helpful to the people that would seek his guidance. His servitude to the Synod and the Empire, would show how loyal Crassius is. He would try to hold a friendly tone, alongside the serious tone he always held, unless someone where to speak out against his studies to the Spirits, then he'd have a rude demeanor to those who spoke out.

Second Paragraph:

Crassius would feel confident in himself, in his abilities to spread the word of unionism. Whenever he would look at himself, and no longer see his young able bodied self, he would feel self conscious, being older. However old he is, he'd still think of himself as wise, and a good advice giver. With wisdom comes a sacrifice, for he is not the healthiest man alive. He will tend to be careful with himself as he travels around to spread the word of the Great Way.

Third Paragraph:

Crassius around his friends and family would be calm, and like he is with everyone else, friendly. He would put prioritize his family above his friends. However he considers a few of his family members as a inner circle, someone who he can share anything and everything with. As the days have gone by, his inner circle has grown smaller and smaller due to his old age as he doesn't want others to suffer once he does pass on.

Fourth Paragraph:

Crassius would be a naturally good person, They believe in Just behavior and would often side with the more Just people in crowds. He under every circumstance would rely on Unionism to guide his way, being a faithful person to the Synod and the Empire. Crassius witnesses the actions of the people around him, seeing what they say or what they do. His age has given him the wisdom to judge people better while being careful on who he judges.

Fifth Paragraph:

Crassius would be devoted to Unionism, putting it above all other. He'd be empathetic to Commoners, helping them along a path that of which is Unionism. However he believes that Nobles are of higher privilege, and should treated as such, and Commoners are lesser. Frowning upon Jacobinism.


His old age. - Having known so much within his life has turned him into a man of pure instinct, in which he tends to get angry much quicker with those he does not agree with.


Art - Crassius always had a enjoyment of the fine things of life, Art, Music, Etc.
Architecture - Crassius helped build during his younger years, he would appreciate the Architectural arts as well.
Teaching Unionism - Being a devout follower of unionism, He'd obviously find himself enjoying teaching Unionism.

Heresy | Heretics - While following the great religion of Unionism, he hates the sight of people who have decided to become Heretics to the Synod, wanting people to stay away from that
Non Ailor - He hopes to help Non Ailor to become better, but doesn't like to be around them for long since they have dropped to that level for a reason in their past life
Disrupting the practice of Unionism - Crassius wishes to go through his prayers and preaches without someone wanting to interupt

Relationships (Optional)
(House Carwell Page)

Life Story (Required)

Crassius would be born to Angle Veer, Norreck. He was very well off compared to other families surrounding them, his early life would be very good, however when he was at the age of 12 he'd be helped along the right direction. Helping build his family's home, The Hand of Man. The keep taking decades to finish.

He'd be sent off to a private tutor to practice some sight seeing and other sensory training, to have him aware at all times. However one day during a normal spring day, a reverend came through the city, preaching to Crassius, after this, Crassius would start to spend parts of his days studying unionism. He was able to get the Reverend to take him with to the Université cléricale de Basta, known in common as The Clerical University of Basta, to teach him the ways of Unionism. He continued to spend his time with the Reverend until he was at the age of 40 to return back to Angle Veer. During his time with the Reverend, he as taught some of the more popular languages to help spread the word of Unionism even greater. The Reverend even taught the old Proto-Regalian language, as to help decipher even older religious texts.

When he came back home he'd be a new man, being a faithful reverend to Unionism. During his time gone, his family would become more militarized than ever. House Carwell would make themselves more known throughout Anglia. Showing forces, participating in battles. they'd be known as one of the more Militarized families in Anglia, however once word that Regalian forces were moving on the Elven Empire, they set sail to Regalia to help with the forthcoming battles. Jason's actions as patriarch has been a bit rash, but understandable for someone who wasn't perfectly made as a leader. Though his heart is slightly crushed with the recent loss of two nephews, that of Robert and Jason Carwell. He decided to step up to lead his people to the ways of Unionism with his knowledge. Time and time again Angle Veer has remained split between the way of Unionism and the Old Gods, something that Crassius has tried to change for a long time.

Crassius's eyes witnessed the end of House van der Veer and House Carwell as their lands were taken away. He decided to return home to gather what little the House had left, in which he decided to stay home in Angle Veer. After many months of staying within his homes to help bring Unionism back within Angle Veer, he decided to see the Guild of Belliard to check upon the weapons they held. When he arrived, they did a deep search and check upon his views of abberants and the purist ways. He managed to pass through the check, as they understood his truly ill thoughts about Jason when he became an aberrant demon and lead the family down towards the end of Jason's life. When he sent in the order for the Puretek, they took their time with forfilling the order. He managed to get the Puretek, in which he had begun his training to get a decent handling of the weapon. Crassius was no expert, but at least understood the weapon enough to use it. However, when the weapon was brought to him, he was told that the Tenth Creed was discovered, in which the Sancella ideals were no longer true. With the discovery, Crassius's new mission was clear to him. To help spread the Great Way beyond what the Sancella held, with the help of other Churches and to even find the right Church to serve. He now moves to Regalia once again to bring Unionism to the highest it can while retaining his new Purist ideals.
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Claimed. Expect a review shortly.
@MrNoot1 my review:
  • You are also able to claim Proto-Ceardian and Proto-Daen if you desire under languages.
  • I would update the basic information expansion since the Dread War ended almost a year ago, and the secondary ambitions may/may not reflect the current Carwell status.
  • In the life story, there is no seminary in Regalia to study to become a reverend. I would look at the School of Seminary page to select the location for his religious instructure.
  • As you are very well aware, Jason was a well-known aberrant noble, and there is no doubt the Guilds of Saint Belliard would have known about his existence. As a relative to Jason, Crassius would have to be able to demonstrate his purity to obtain a Puretek order, which means distrusting anyone and anything that uses unnatural powers to do anything.
    • He would also not have been able to spend time with the Purists, as their actions are locked behind closed doors. He would be able to send in an Puretek order and see a demonstration of its use (if he passes the purity check), but that would be the extent of his interactions as a curious buyer and a Reverend.
  • I would also factor in the Revelation of the Tenth Creed at the end of the life story, since as a Reverend Crassius would be severely impacted by the dissolution of the Sancella.
When you have addressed the following points, please tag me.
@MrNoot1 my review:
  • You are also able to claim Proto-Ceardian and Proto-Daen if you desire under languages.
  • I would update the basic information expansion since the Dread War ended almost a year ago, and the secondary ambitions may/may not reflect the current Carwell status.
  • In the life story, there is no seminary in Regalia to study to become a reverend. I would look at the School of Seminary page to select the location for his religious instructure.
  • As you are very well aware, Jason was a well-known aberrant noble, and there is no doubt the Guilds of Saint Belliard would have known about his existence. As a relative to Jason, Crassius would have to be able to demonstrate his purity to obtain a Puretek order, which means distrusting anyone and anything that uses unnatural powers to do anything.
    • He would also not have been able to spend time with the Purists, as their actions are locked behind closed doors. He would be able to send in an Puretek order and see a demonstration of its use (if he passes the purity check), but that would be the extent of his interactions as a curious buyer and a Reverend.
  • I would also factor in the Revelation of the Tenth Creed at the end of the life story, since as a Reverend Crassius would be severely impacted by the dissolution of the Sancella.
When you have addressed the following points, please tag me.

Did the updates in Blue!
I would go with the Basta or Calemberg Seminary if Crassius is an ex-Sancella Reverend. The Etosil seminary is for the Etosian Unionist Sect. let me know if he is a Reverend (Sancella) or a Deacon (Etosian) and whether the Seminary page was not clear on that @MrNoot1
I would go with the Basta or Calemberg Seminary if Crassius is an ex-Sancella Reverend. The Etosil seminary is for the Etosian Unionist Sect. let me know if he is a Reverend (Sancella) or a Deacon (Etosian) and whether the Seminary page was not clear on that @MrNoot1

I completely overlooked about it being apart of the Etosian Unionist Sect. I decided to choose him as a Reverend while having him gone to Basta. It is still in Blue.