Archived Craftable Heads

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sleeping bees
Jul 25, 2015
Reaction score
Everyone's aware of the EULA issues, etc, which the staff (such as the fabulous @Thortuna) have been hard at work fixing. Here's a little suggestion for what I consider to be a pretty awesome Premium perk.

Craftable heads! Those are just super cool. I'd personally love to see some new ones, if that's possible, and to bring back some old ones. (I'm looking at you, bread head.)

Maybe this could be a neat incentive. That's just my two cents.

Tagging the code god who snoops the forums ~: @Madus
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Everyone's aware of the EULA issues, etc, which the staff (such as the fabulous @Thortuna) have been hard at work fixing. Here's a little suggestion for what I consider to be a pretty awesome Premium perk.

Craftable heads! Those are just super cool. I'd personally love to see some new ones, if that's possible, and to bring back some old ones. (I'm looking at you, bread head.)

Maybe this could be a neat incentive. That's just my two cents.

Tagging the code god who snoops the forums ~: @Madus

The current craftable heads are the only heads we can have crafted.

This is because these heads belong to Mojang accounts and use the actual skins on those accounts.

Any other heads are at risk of breaking the instant someone changes their name or skin.
A while back they were two craftable heads that were present heads. One red and yellow and one blue and green. Are those still active?
Getting a head in PvP is an achievement, especially if you killed someone better then you. Dont want to make getting those useless now would we? :P
I very much believe this is already planned and mentioned on the premium page.
Just a note:
Yes, the heads have the possibility to break. But I do see many staff builds using said heads, and the potential to break is still there.

On another note, I have used to generate heads that are not based on UUID. Here's an example command generator for some more detailed bread:
/give @p skull 1 3 {display:{Name:"Bread"},SkullOwner:{Id:"a75e3f60-2242-4429-8ece-bcde7753b064",Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjM0ODdkNDU3ZjkwNjJkNzg3YTNlNmNlMWM0NjY0YmY3NDAyZWM2N2RkMTExMjU2ZjE5YjM4Y2U0ZjY3MCJ9fX0="}]}}}

At first I thought the ID value was the UUID, but when I resolved it, it came back without an account. I'm not sure how the head plugin here works, but if it does something like /give when its run, then these commands could be used. I'm ignorant when it comes to coding, so I could be 100% wrong.

Anyways, the only issue I see with these heads is that, well, they don't have accounts. So if placed and then re-broken, it just would say "skull."
Although it's a bit sad, I don't think people really care about the name vs the actual skull in question.

That's all I have to say. I'd love using more heads in RP and building, and appreciate staff working on this, even if it's on the back burner for now.
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