Archived Cow Themed Events

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Master Of Disaster
Jul 10, 2015
Reaction score
*So before I begin this, I would like to state this is a completely serious thread and I hope that it will be actually considered*

Around my second month on the server I began noticing my love for cows is shared among a few other member of the Massive Community. I had the idea for massive to make a few cow related/themed events. When I said This in general chat, people reacted positively to it. I think this would bring out the more comical side of massivecraft and lighten up players.

I've decided that a good start to this would be to compile a list, some suggests from myself and players I asked on the server, of cow events we'd like to see. Though these are only a few, there's a wide range of ideas out there. I also encourage people to leave suggestions for cow events they would like to see in a reply to this.

+Cow Events+
•Cow Mob Arena-Players all look like cows and they shoot a spam of white wool(milk) at each other in an arena. This is basically the cow version of paint ball.
•Smite Lilith-An evil cow mastermind named Lilith has got mad with power and players have fight her minions and such to eventually make their way to a boss level of a cow called Lilith. She spews magic and spells everywhere which makes it harder to defeat her.
•SeaCow-Players have to use fishing rods to pull cows spawned on a platform into their box below them. This is basically hungry hungry hippos but with cows.
•Blind Cow-Players are taken 3-4 at a time and set in an obstacle course. They are all leaded to a cow and must saftely lead the cow to the end and be the first to do it to win.

As mentioned before, these are only a few fun events under the cow theme. I'd love to see what all of you think and any ideas for more events you have! Please leave a reply and I'll be sure to answer any questions!

~Craze Out
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.


Maybe a maze with a cow in the center, and people have to follow the cow noises to the end of the maze?

Probably will think of more later... >:) XD
I really like this idea too. It would be hilarious and all the players walking past each other with confused looks. COW!!!
Hey there,

Firstly, thanks for dropping suggestions down here.

Now, I'm not 100% sure that we should really make multiple events all themed around cows. I have nothing against cows, but I don't think a specific theme such as cows, specifically added over multiple events is the best course of action. When making a new event, we generally need to take a look at a few things. One of the main thing we need to make note of is whether the event will be safe or unsafe. Safe events are things such as pig racing, and the archery event. There is generally no risk of dying, and they are more like mini games. Unsafe events are generally some type of PvE event where there is a risk of dying and item loss for non-premiums. PvE events come in different difficulties as well. So, in short, we need events that everyone can participate and have a good time at while they're participating.

My suggestion is to single out one idea for a cow themed event you would like to see, and really fine tune what you want the event to be. Something vastly different from the events we already have would probably help it's chances of being added as well if it's good enough.
SeaCow-Players have to use fishing rods to pull cows spawned on a platform into their box below them. This is basically hungry hungry hippos but with cows.
I'm picking out this idea as the one I think you could run with and make into a quality idea. My recommendation to you is to take that idea, and really flesh out some more details. What could the name of the event be? How would it work? What would the rules of the event be? What would be needed to make this event work and run smoothly? Things such as that. I think the idea for a hungry hungry hippos type of event would be really fun enjoyable, so maybe run with that :)
Hey there,

Firstly, thanks for dropping suggestions down here.

Now, I'm not 100% sure that we should really make multiple events all themed around cows. I have nothing against cows, but I don't think a specific theme such as cows, specifically added over multiple events is the best course of action. When making a new event, we generally need to take a look at a few things. One of the main thing we need to make note of is whether the event will be safe or unsafe. Safe events are things such as pig racing, and the archery event. There is generally no risk of dying, and they are more like mini games. Unsafe events are generally some type of PvE event where there is a risk of dying and item loss for non-premiums. PvE events come in different difficulties as well. So, in short, we need events that everyone can participate and have a good time at while they're participating.

My suggestion is to single out one idea for a cow themed event you would like to see, and really fine tune what you want the event to be. Something vastly different from the events we already have would probably help it's chances of being added as well if it's good enough.
I'm picking out this idea as the one I think you could run with and make into a quality idea. My recommendation to you is to take that idea, and really flesh out some more details. What could the name of the event be? How would it work? What would the rules of the event be? What would be needed to make this event work and run smoothly? Things such as that. I think the idea for a hungry hungry hippos type of event would be really fun enjoyable, so maybe run with that :)
Thanks very much for replying so fast and giving some great input. I understand what you're saying about how one type of theme for events isn't the best corse of action. I too very much like the SeaCow idea because it's very different and it's a safe event which come on, everyone loves. I'll be sure to flesh out this particular event and make a new post about it in the coming week or so. I'm happy I could be of assistance in doing something within Massive. As always, have a fabulous day!