Countess Suzenvaela Presents: Rose Runway

Discussion in 'Player Events' started by Rowet, Apr 8, 2024.

  1. Rowet

    Rowet support main Premium

    May 6, 2019
    Likes Received:
    In honor of her twenty-fourth birthday; Countess Suzenvaela Felariell, renowed socialite & hostess - as well as a daughter of Sapphora,
    is hosting a chic & celebratory pageant! We are saying our goodbyes to the comfortable spring of 312 & greeting the blazing summer, this
    pageant serves as a means to do such, of course - but also to put tailors to work & to put their handiwork on display.
    This pageant, unsurprisingly, is dedicated to the Estellian Goddess, the Lady of Here & Now: Sapphora. This is your one & only
    chance to indulge in nothing but the best at this party, & the best refreshments will be provided!

    This festivity will take place on Friday, May 31st, 312 after cataclysm, at seven o'clock in the evening.

    Party-crashers will have an immediate Sollerian contract put on them in bid to have them removed as peacefully as possible.
    This is your only warning!


    The theme for this lovely pageant is simple: Bloomed roses.
    You may present gothic, or with vibrant & warm colors - just as long as roses remain your primary theme.
    However, the Countess strongly encourages creativity, as well as not dressing in rags. You may even tie your outfit to something
    personal & dear to you; but just remember that this is a panel of Ithanian Countesses judging you.

    The roses must be at least one of the following colors:
    Red, blue, white, black, yellow, pink, dark pink, light pink, burgundy, coral (or orange), & lavender (or violet).

    You may cast magic (that explicitly does not give the Countess or anyone present a migraine) to enhance your performance!
    You will be judged based on creativity, adherence to theme, performance, and a secret fourth category.


    Countess Auriane Belrose @Numbless
    Countess Suzenvaela Felariell @Rowet
    Countess Fabienne du Poncaire @Halsi

    First place receives six-thousand regals. (OOC, Supremium + 500 Regals + Commissioned skin!)
    Second place receives four-thousand regals. (OOC, Commissioned Skin + 200 Regals)
    Third place receives two-thousand regals. (OOC, Premium + 100 Regals)

    As a notice, two people can sign up together, but if they win,
    the prizes must be split or all go to one person!

    OOC Username:
    Character Name:
    Gender / Pronouns:
    Are you dedicating your outfit to anyone/anything?:

    Reply to this thread, it's way easier for me to keep track!

    What?: BEAUTY PAGEANT, in honor of Suzy's birthday!
    When?: May 31st, 7PM (CST) / 8pm (EST).
    Where?: The Regalian Operahouse.
    Why?: I want to do a nice pageant. Let me do nice pageant. Thank youuu.

    PLEASE arrange with me first if you want to crash my event!
    I prefer it to at least go on for an hour before anything happens!
    • Winner Winner x 4
    #1 Rowet, Apr 8, 2024
    Last edited: May 12, 2024
  2. sensiblegh0st

    sensiblegh0st Refugee

    Jul 20, 2019
    Likes Received:
    OOC Username: sensiblegh0st
    Character Name: Magnus Shaw
    Gender / Pronouns: Genderqueer (They/He/She)
    Are you dedicating your outfit to anyone/anything?: Nope :3c

    I apologize for being the first person to sign up. Magnus is going to put their whole next month into trying to win this (for pettiness reasons).
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
  3. TeaRoses

    TeaRoses TikTok kid Staff Member Media 2

    Sep 26, 2022
    Likes Received:
    OOC Username: TeaRoses & GamingLeopurred
    Character Name: Wisteria Netollihua & Orinteus Thalorën
    Gender / Pronouns: Female (She/Her) & Male (He/Him)
    Are you dedicating your outfit to anyone/anything?: To Madame Vernier
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
  4. Nidakk

    Nidakk Phsycotic Horse Rider

    Sep 21, 2017
    Likes Received:
    OOC Username: Nidakk
    Character Name: Valerianna
    Gender / Pronouns: She/Her
    Are you dedicating your outfit to anyone/anything?: No
  5. KitchenRefugee

    KitchenRefugee Morrlond Enjoyer

    Oct 31, 2020
    Likes Received:
    OOC Username: KitchenRefugee (I will probably use the PantryRefugee alt) & Saaber
    Character Name: Allynna Mecatl & Melanna Felariell
    Gender / Pronouns: Female (She/Her) (both)
    Are you dedicating your outfit to anyone/anything?: The butterfly season
  6. MantaRey

    MantaRey repairing the gens Staff Member Lore2

    Jun 5, 2016
    Likes Received:
    OOC Username: MantaRey
    Character Name: Vexes
    Gender / Pronouns: They/she
    Are you dedicating your outfit to anyone/anything?: "Fellow men in arms."
  7. nearmyth

    nearmyth polite leech

    May 20, 2023
    Likes Received:
    OOC Username: nearmyth & Bunemma
    Character Name: Rayne & Ilsevel
    Gender / Pronouns: she/they (Rayne); they/them (Ilsevel)
    Are you dedicating your outfit to anyone/anything?: "A celebratory nod to the bloom-filled emergence of Regalia's harvest seasons; from Spring's coolness to Summer's warmth."
  8. LekkuLord

    LekkuLord SupremeCripple Staff Member Lore2

    May 9, 2013
    Likes Received:
    › OOC Username: LekkuLord
    › Character Name: Yolotlicuate
    › Gender / Pronouns: He/Him
    › Are you dedicating your outfit to anyone/anything?: Sapphora
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
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