Services Auction Corrosian Song Thread


The Walking Spreadsheet
Jan 11, 2018
Reaction score
North Carolina
Roleplay Guilds
The LCC, The Fourth Company

Yeah Thanks Corros, that was totally obvious by your title.. But yes, this is a services thread unlike most on massivecraft, which sell Art or Skins or Help with Character Applications. I don't do that, I do songs!

Usually I write songs of love, songs of conflict or war, however I am willing to do many different types!
Here is a link to the entire list of my song works for massivecraft:

I am once again going to put down some time to write songs for those of massivecraft!

My songs usually range between 4 to 12 stanzas, mattering on the type and amount of detail given to me for the song. While I will not post an audio recording of the song I am willing to sing it to said person so they know the general audio (warning, I'm no professional singer) if they wish, along with if requested via discord I can sing other songs to those who ask. You can usually expect the song done between 1-4 weeks of your order being accepted.

200r per song!
Signing up:
Discord Username:
(Not required but best for getting in contact quickly)
Short description of song you want: What type of song do you want? A glory song? Love? War? Who is this song for, or written by, if anyone? Give me some basic details so I know what to expect to write and know a general basis.

Current Waiting List:

Last edited:
Example Bid:
Minecraft Username: CorrosGaming
Last Bid: @CorrosGaming 0r
Your Bid: 10r
Discord Username: CorrosGaming#5376
Minecraft Username: AtticCat
Last Bid: uwu
Your Bid: 50r (Assuming I didn't miss a starting bid?)
Discord Username: I'll pm it is I win.

PS I really liked your songs, I'm still reading through them. I wonder if they'll accept some of them to put as a collection of Regalian songs on the wiki, if you wanted to try that, as I think it'd be fun to have my characters reference to them/know them/badly sing them since they're fun little tunes.
Minecraft Username: AtticCat
Last Bid: uwu
Your Bid: 50r (Assuming I didn't miss a starting bid?)
Discord Username: I'll pm it is I win.

PS I really liked your songs, I'm still reading through them. I wonder if they'll accept some of them to put as a collection of Regalian songs on the wiki, if you wanted to try that, as I think it'd be fun to have my characters reference to them/know them/badly sing them since they're fun little tunes.
Thanks Attic, most of my songs written by Zhou Tang are all in a little diary, hence why they haven't been made very known by most yet, as the current owner of the diary keeps it secret. Though I really should get some of my songs to be added to lore...
Minecraft Username: AtticCat
Last Bid: @Ellimairy
Your Bid: 120r
Discord Username: -
Minecraft Username: AtticCat
Last Bid: @Ellimairy
Your Bid: 160r
Discord Username: -
Minecraft Username: AtticCat
Last Bidder: @Ellimairy
Your Bid: 220r
Discord: -
14 hours till bidding ends (unless someone else bids... 24 hour rule)
Minecraft Username: AtticCat
Last Bidder: @Ellimairy
Bid: 260r
Discord: -
@Ellimairy @AtticCat

To make sure I actually /can/ make this song in due time I am making a buyout at 350r. You can BOTH buy out if you wish, however whoever does first gets my attention to make their song first.
Minecraft Username: _Owlet
Discord Username: Alice | Owlet#1772
Song Theme: Love song
Details!: Examples: Will discuss in pm!
A Funny story or something about your character or you!: My noble character once belly flopped onto a table trying to swing on a chandelier and cut her chin open, which so happened to be during her being infected with the plague, so ended up with tentacles sprouting from her wound. It was both traumatising and hilarious.

Thank you for doing this! :)
Minecraft Username: Darwinfluff
Discord Username: (with #numbers): You have it
Song Theme: Love, but kind of weird and TMI
Details!: The story is that my dude Mattie had this girlfriend when he was in late teens/early 20s who he became lowkey obsessed with. She realized it and was kind of a dominatrix-type girl (100% lore compliant ik) who would take advantage of his obsession & get Mattie to murder other boys that stalked her. She also did this weird thing where she'd run away from him and make him "catch" her or whatever, it's weird. He probably wrote this song, but we're gonna say he had some help with it. Overall just make it kind of sweet, kind of weird, and a bit of TMI. He wrote this before he ended up murdering her because he got mega sick of the tag game and she wouldn't stop doing it, but there's probably some of that frustration there. She never loved him, and it was kind of obvious--he was pretty much a toy and never realized. So that sucks for him. Also friendly reminder Mattie is murderous so probably some murder details. Her name was Beatrice. That's the only name he can consistently remember, even over his own. Everyone else's name he fucks up, so that kind of shows what he meant to her. EDIT: I also forgot he sometimes has memory lapses and forgets who he killed and who he didn't, and he's "pretty sure" he didn't kill her. He did. He's wearing her gloves all the time.
A Funny story or something about your character or you!: Mattie is based off of a character I made outside of Massivecraft for an animation I'm working on. He's very much the same, except it takes place in the present day so he's a meme-holic.
Minecraft Username: Athelois
Discord Username: Athelois#9060
Song Theme: Love
Details!: Gonna keep this under wraps if you don't mind! Will discuss over Discord if selected.
A Funny story or something about your character or you!: she once threw a rotting pumpkin at her cousin and got chased up mainstreet by said cousin with a spider :>
Minecraft Username: Ludicro
Discord Username: You have it
Song Theme: Freedom
Details!: A sailor who longs for the sea but can't go back can talk more in PM
A Funny story or something about your character or you!: My character has some crippling wound given in almost every major battle he gets into.
I'm fine with also paying for the anthem if I don't end up getting it as well!

Minecraft Username
  • La_Dybala.
Discord Username
  • La_Dybala#5976
Song Theme
  • An anthem for Lampeporto loyalists in Vultaro.
  • A sort of chant almost similar to something to this, sung from the point of view from a person who's lived in Lampeporto his whole life, and essentially creates this love song to the city and its people.
A funny story or something about your character or you!
  • My character, Castellucci Malafronte, really loves oranges. Caffe Borgia, those chocolate covered orange jam candies, everything and all things orange related he loves.
Minecraft Username: Sujitation
Discord Username: Suji#2155
Song Theme: A song of both War and Adventure!
Details!: Examples:
(Actually, if you don't mind I say through discord?)
I am posting the winner one hour early:

The winner is

@_Owlet @Darwinfluff @Athelois @Ludicro @La_Dybala @Sujitation

See, the plan was never to pick one person, because this is Fucking America and everyone is rewarded for participation.
(Na, its cause only 6 people joined and I wanted to reward the lot of you)

Please pm me at CorrosGaming#5376 on discord, Ill have all these done asap, the trio of love songs being the hardest for originality between them.

This is back up! Minor edits made to the main post.