Preserved Sheet Corimor Vilhelm Leinhart

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Jun 18, 2019
Reaction score
Basic Information.

Full name: Corimor Vilhelm Leinhart

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Ailor (Ceardian Highlander)

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Preferred Weapon: Staff

Lineage: Bolvan

Skill Information

Total points: 25 (20 from Age +5.)

  • +5 Unarmed Combat Skill (from Points)
  • +5 Stave Combat Skill (from Points)
  • +10 Perception Training (from Points)
  • +5 Threads Arts Skill (Hobby Points)
  • +5 Carpentry Arts Skill (Hobby Points)
  • +3 Athletics Training (from Points)
  • +2 Anima Care Science (from Points)
Body Shape

  • +5 from Stave Combat +5 from Unarmed Combat +1.5 from Athletics Training +10 from Bolvan Lineage = 21.5
  • Athletic
  • Low Body Fat

Common (learned in childhood)

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Dark Grey
  • Hair Color: Jet Black
  • Hair Style: Slightly messy with yellow band
  • Skin Color: Caucasian with a slight tan
  • Clothing: Brown/grey clothes with blue highlights
  • Height: 6'2
  • Weight: 176

  • Face and Hair: Corimor's teeth are surprisingly white for a peasant. His hair grows fast and reaches down to the bottom of his neck. Also, he is in constant need of a shave. His eyes are dark grey, in fact, so dark it looks like he has no irises from a distance.

  • Body: Even though Corimor's family's flock is quite big, he is still rather thin and very skinny. He is not, though, quite emaciated.

  • Accessories: Sometimes Corimor takes a staff made of hard-wood with him. He also sometimes carries thread with him so he can work on something while he's waiting

  • Clothes: Corimor's clothes are completely homemade and are made of wool. He also uses a rope for a belt. They are similar to imperial clothes though he has a spare set of highland clothes.
  • Other: Compared to other Highlanders, Corimor is tall. He towers at six foot two.

  • Personality and Abilities
    • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
      • Corimor is almost always tries to find the good in things. When he meets new people, his first assumption is to assume they are kind-hearted and good. He also likes to say hello and give a smile to anyone he meets on the street.
    • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
      • When things don't look so good, Corimor usually steps away from the situation and reevaluates how best to go through or around the source of fear.
    • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
      • Corimor is used to being alone and out in the open air. Thus, he likes to find solace away from people in either the woods or just away when the crowds or the situation is too much for him.
    • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
      • Law is good. The law's purpose is to protect people. Corimor respects the City Guards and even what they do.
    • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
      • He is constantly fascinated by all the exotic races he finds in Regalia.
    • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
      • Living in the backwater parts of Gallovia has kept him separated from the influences of Unionism. He did, however, received the first sacrament at his birth. Corimor does not doubt the existence of the Spirit thanks to the testimony of his older brother.
    • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
      • He is mystified by magic as much as he is fascinated by other races. He has fanciful dreams of wielding it someday but doesn't have much hope of actually practicing it since he can barely read and write.
    • How does your character feel towards their family?
      • He is protective of his younger sister and looks up to his oldest brother. His second oldest brother he doesn't care much for since he teases him.
    • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
      • Taking on three undead while he was protecting his family's sheep with nothing but his staff.
    • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
      • Sometimes there seems to be this calling to keep moving, keep pushing, and explore what's on the other side of that hill.
    • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
      • Because he was raised far away from civilization, Corimor is a little more than concerned about his Ceardian accent.
    • What is your character's biggest fear?
      • Corimor finds facing multiple hostile people intimidating. He is sometimes shy and doesn't hold himself well in front of crowds of people or in extended conversations.

    Life Story


    Corimor was born in a small village called Kinsten on May 30th, AC 288. Kinsten is located on the West Gallovian island of Pach Mort and has been there for almost a century. When Corimor lived in Kinsten, it had a measly population barely reaching four-hundred.

    Corimor's family earned their living by taking care of a flock of sheep and dying wool in interesting colors. Corimor helped by spending his early years tending his family's flock. A task that seemed easy since no wolves had ever come close to it, despite the fact that wolves are quite plentiful where he lived.

    When one of his brothers takes over and there is no wool to dye, he either takes care of other people's flocks or spends time in his Dearth wrestling and exploring the mountains. He was taught by a Unionist priest how to read and write.

    Early Teen Years

    As he grew older, the boys in his Dearth started being too busy to hang out. One of his brothers, Phaden, started teasing him and picking on him. So, after all the sheep are taken care of, the wool dyed, and Corimor has time to spare, he finds solace alone in the mist-covered mountains.

    He was always fascinated by the wolves of Gallovia. He didn't fear them, like a good shepherd should, for they never harmed his flock not anyone in his family since his great grandfather's time. There in the mountains, Corimor looks for places his Dearth found in years past as well as places no one has ever been before. He never strayed too far, though, for who knows what else could be in the mist. When he has the time, he also sits and contemplates the wonders of nature and what might the rest of the world look like beyond Gallovia and in his little village of Kinsten.

    Recent Years

    Sometimes Corimor feels a yearning to explore beyond his little village and see the rest of the world, but his was never confident in his fighting ability. When he talks about his dreams with his Dearth, they try to encourage him to see the rest of the world. It wasn't until some three undead came and appeared near his flock that he proved to himself that he does have sufficient fighting skill. He dispatched the three monsters and afterwards, the entire village prompted him to see great places such as the city Regalia. Corimor complied and started packing for a trip to the Capital.

    Sadly, the village's opinion of him and his family changed drastically. The village was always suspicious of the Leinharts. Wolves were always present, yet, the Leinhart's flock were not even touched by the foul creatures. Rumors say a Leinhart long ago made a pact with a demon in exchange for the flock's protection.

    A week before Corimor planned to leave, a mob showed up on his family's property. Apparently, a man was trying to steal a sheep from the Leinhart's flock but was killed by what appeared to be a wolf. The sheep itself was untouched. Corimor and the rest of his family got what they could and ran away. They agreed that they should split up, lest the mob catch them all in one place, and Corimor agreed to go to Regalia since he was planning to go there anyway while the rest of his family went to Grisvarna where there were distant relatives.

    Now that he's in Regalia, Corimor contemplates what to do next. He hopes to find good reputation in being a hero and in being an explorer, but he still believes he should improve in his fighting technique before fighting the Sanguine. Thus, the first thing he wants to do is to find what's happening in the city and to get some lessons in fighting.


Corimor joined the Spriggan's Heart when he heard that they were open to sword apprentices.
Went to Morna to investigate a dragon temple.
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Here is my review:
  • Cultural boosts do not add to your character's body calculation. Think of it as an affinity in those skill sets. They're better suited for those skills.
  • You missed the Stave Combat points in your body calculation. The correct calculation would be +5 from Stave Combat = 5 (since unarmed does not count). Your body shape would be capped at Toned.
  • Where was your character born? When was he born? His backstory jumps from his childhood straight into recent years. What happened between that? Try to flesh out the backstory to cover these things.
Mark any edits in BLUE and tag me when you're done.
Here is my review:
  • Cultural boosts do not add to your character's body calculation. Think of it as an affinity in those skill sets. They're better suited for those skills.
  • You missed the Stave Combat points in your body calculation. The correct calculation would be +5 from Stave Combat = 5 (since unarmed does not count). Your body shape would be capped at Toned.
  • Where was your character born? When was he born? His backstory jumps from his childhood straight into recent years. What happened between that? Try to flesh out the backstory to cover these things.
Mark any edits in BLUE and tag me when you're done.

Thank you, @AlphaInsomnia , for telling me what I can do to make it better. I will make the necessary changes.
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I've made a few changes concerning his height, points, and background story @AlphaInsomnia , I hope you are satisfied; thank you. I've also added a spoiler describing his appearance.
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Thank you, I've decided to move one point from Literary Arts and one point from Perception to Unarmed. I'll mark the changes in Blue. Thank you for bearing with me.

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Doing some retcon. He was born with black hair and grey eyes, not with blond hair and brown eyes.
Made changes to his proficiency for the new update. Also, I changed his height and weight around in addition to adding to his life story.

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Moved one point from Athletics to Anima Care Science to better reflect his background.