Preserved Sheet Convar Scribley

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Scribma Male
Staff member
Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
where the elf things are
alchemist extraordinaire


Basic Information
  • Full Name: Convar Gerald Scribley.
  • Age: 35 years.
    • Born: 16th April, 272AC.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Colonial Ailor.
Skill Information
  • Total Points: 40 points.
  • Science:
    • +20 Alchemy Sciences.
      All Base Forms available.
      All Base Modifiers available.
      All Effects available.
      All Moderatos available.
    • +10 Natura Care.
  • Arts:
    • +10 Culinary Arts.
  • Special:
    • +8 Nature Sorcery.
      Halting Infestation.
*A bolded investment indicates Hobby Point usage.
Body Shape:
  • Shape: Average.
  • Physical Stat: 0.
    • Calculation: No physical investment.
    • Body Fat: Average.
  • Birth Languages:
    • Common.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Dirt brown.
  • Hair Color: Chocolate brown.
  • Hair Style: Mid-length and messy.
  • Skin Color: Pale, freckled.
  • Clothing: Simple, cheap styles.
  • Height: 5'9", or 175cm.
Personality and Abilities
The Core List:
  • Moral Alignment:
    • Chaotic Neutral.
  • Personality Type:
    • ESTP-A; the Entrepreneur.
  • Religious Affiliation:
    • Religion: Unionism.
    • Piety: 3/10.
    • Religion: Money.
    • Piety: 10/10.
Life Story
Birth & Childhood
  • Convar Gerald Scribley is born in mid-April of 272AC to two dirt-poor Colonial Ailor in a small shanty town on the western coast of Essalonia, one of the many New Ceardian Colonies.
  • Although he rarely goes without, Convar spends much of his childhood hungry to learn about the world at large; his parents, eager to get him the best, teach him of what they know, twisting the Colonial mantra of 'be rich to help the Empire' into 'be rich to help yourself' from a young age. Convar, malleable and naive as he is, subscribes to this ideal readily.
Adolescence & Teenage Years
  • Witnessing how the people of his town flock to flea markets and pawn shops in order to buy and sell and accumulate what a pre-pubescent Convar quickly derides as 'junk', Convar has an epiphany; he can exploit consumption to earn his riches.
  • It's not long before Convar finally realises the seedy underbelly of his own, watching from behind a street corner as the local pharmacist sells a contraceptive concoction to a local government official- aware that this is strictly forbidden by Unionism, he is both robbed of his faith and emboldened in his shameless desire for coin in one simple observation.
  • Using the secretive trade as blackmail, Convar approaches the pharmacist and coerces him into teaching him the ways of alchemy and its various applications, regardless of how questionable or unethical. The pharmacist even teaches him how to recognise usable materials in the wild, and how to quickly cleanse and grow this herbs at a later point, insisting that it isn't magic.

    Convar is fairly certain it's magic.
Early Adulthood
  • At the age of twenty, Convar finally hatches his master-plan; he'll use the blackmail he used on the pharmacist, but this time on the governor to net himself the last few regals he needs to net himself a boat to the mystical land of Somewhere Else.
  • The plan backfires; Convar is nearly arrested, but manages to flee the village in the dead of night, hood and cloak over his shoulders. He sneaks into another town, offering his services as an alchemist to a local physician- for an extortionate price, of course.
  • This fills his coffers enough that he can continue his journey to Anywhere Outside of Essalonia, and Convar quickly vacates the town after receiving his payment- leaving the physician with a batch of Rubyflower Selectoid, rather than the Rubyflower Intensoid he'd ordered.
Later Adulthood
  • Convar Scribley takes a ship west to Corontium, landing first in Zastorzy lands. He treks through these, occasionally stopping to hawk alchemical goods for coin to make the next leg of his journey, eventually making his way to and through Kerwolf and the Northlands, taking a ship from the most southern peninsula of the latter to land on the northern coast of the Crown Isle.
  • Convar readies himself for a new life in a new place, free from the consequences of his Essalonian blackmail and underhanded counter-efforts, preparing for fresh work and plenty of coin- after all, the Crown Isle is where all the nobles are, and the nobles are where all the money is.
Approved. @Scribbe Keep in mind, given this is very evidently a character created from yourself, I'll be keeping eye on how this character's flaws and strengths are carried out.