Archived Content Mechanics For Survival Worlds.

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Hail the duckfather!
Sep 21, 2013
Reaction score
"The Bubble" in western PA
Celetil (leader)
So, I'm just gonna jump right into this cause I have a truckload of homework to do.

I've been thinking of neat things to add to massive that don't require an excessive amount of coding but still offer a lot of content for survival players. The goal of these features is not to "fix pvp" or "fix factions," but do aim to improve those environments and experiences.

Also, it should be kept in mind that a good addition should offer a enough benefit for those who use it for it to be commonly used but be tested and tweaked so there isn't a single best way to use it and it can be safely ignored by the players without a landslide of missed opportunities. I'll use brewing for an example. Brewing potions offers a lot of benefit, however many players don't brew their own potions or even know the best ways to do so. This means that players who know how to brew have value in pvp even though they don't know how to pvp.

Finally, adding content into a server or even a game is essential to keep players interested and engaged. Even if you throw a ton of super small things at a server, it still seems special. I want to acknowledge and commend massive for having a lot of quality over quantity, but quantity is important too. Keep the quality up though, we don't want terrible plugins.

TL;DR version: A plugin sucks if its OP or if its worthless or if there is a single best way for every person, and fresh content gives everyone hype even if it sucks and shouldn't be avoided just cause past plugins failed.

So, here are some ideas that may or may not suck:

  • If a pickaxe is right-clicked in enemy territory and the enemy has several people in the same world as you, a message is declared to the enemy: "bob is attacking you in so-and-so world" and you get mining fatigue IV along with the ability to break blocks for 20 minutes or so.

The blocks do not drop, you cannot break locked blocks, and you have the /glow effect enabled. The goal being that the enemy faction is forced to defend, however defending only consists of wacking the attacking player once so he loses his progress. Several other very basic things are needed to avoid abuse of this feature and to make it "not stupid." This idea is an extensive one and I do realize it does seem to want to "fix pvp"
  • Iron and maybe diamond smelted with fuel other than coal will yield an iron ingot with a different (white) name. Examples being steel, copper, dwarf-steel, elvish-steel, etc. These ores can be included in fancy custom crafting recipes to make a few lore items or even make items with actual applications.
Maybe a massivemagic manna-boost when right-clicked or have low (II or III) smite/bane of arthropod enchants or even unb IV as long as its still iron. If you wanna get crazy, diamonds could yield special ingots when smelted that can give you sharp I dia weapons when used in crafting or prot I... you get the idea. Also, these ingots when simply placed in a crafting grid should yield vanilla ingots in case someone doesn't want to be special.

  • Vanilla brewing items (at least the ones with no other use than brewing) are not obtainable in the vanilla way and are instead a result of a massivemagic crafting recipe. The ingredients for this recipe should be a common massivemob drop (Not every time but enough to make them fairly common) and the recipe should give a lot of the brewing ingredient for only one of each drop.

I also suggest making several steps to the recipe (if you can without making it too expensive). The goal of this idea is to make gathering alchemy stuff more immersive while also (bonus!) not clogging up your inventory as much while darkrooming.

  • Make an alternative to mcmmo potions that use massivemob drops. This would be simple and makes everything more cohesive overall.

  • Add common drops to several rare (yellow) massivemobs that, when crafted, yield an excessive amount of an essential ingredient to one of the above potion things.

It should be noted that all these potion ideas would work best with the regeneration potion because its already hard to get, but still used about 50% of the tie in pvp. Other pvp potions would be great though, as long as you can brew a lot of the desired potion once one of the required drop is obtained. These things should also be tweaked a lot.

  • Warning! Drastic: Use the same method mineplex did to prevent x-rayers and make ores spawn randomly when you expose stone block in the wilderness to air. This doesn't change mining much if you do the same things mineplex did with veins and stuff. then once this is done, delete like 70% of all the diamond blocks on the server. It'll suck for some people, but Monmarty mentioned faction world inventory resets and stuff which, if I understand everything, was for the purpose of getting rid of the inflated number of diamonds in the economy owned by shopowners and left over from when corrupted staff (apparently) duped/x ray-ed. I should note that this is a terrible idea.

  • Change massivemagic so 1. its tons more powerful and make spells much more useful for movement and PvP 2. change the words so they are completely fictional, even in the commands. 3. Make it so there are two types of words: Spell-words that cast a specific spell, (not how it is right now with a base word for the thing created and other words that describe it, but instead a bunch of pre-set combinations of those spells) 3. make it so those spells all have a modifier that make the spell more or less powerful in some respect depending on how far a number I'll explain in a sec is from a pre-set number that is unique to each spell. 4. make a bunch of words that are just words, but give people the option to add another word part to any of those words... for instance they learn "Yathori", and they have the option to add words like til to that to get "Yathoritil." these words represent numbers, and the things to add to the end represent... uh... mathy actions? (whatever subtracting and dividing and adding and squaring and stuff is)

Thats a really long complicated one. But anyways, the idea is that they can structure spells with one action-word, then they have a string of number-words with minus and stuff attached. Each word costs manna, but bigger numbers don't necessarily have bigger costs. The goal is to use experimentation to figure out which numbers are which, which math-action-prefixes are which, and which spells have which number associated with them. You then need to figure out which combination of numbers and prefixes work best for each spell. This means that one could either get better by experimenting with words and spells a bunch, or they could learn more numbers so they could get less specific. Players could also learn a way to string number-words to get the optimal number for a spell, but then another player could come and discover one that does it in less words...

In any case, these massivemagic changes (as long as spells are changed so they are REALLY good for pvp) would make it so massivemagic needs to be learned in a way that is more than just a statistic on a scoreboard or questing for all the best words or just looking up on the forums what the best, #1, OP way is, but instead finding new ways for themselves on a slightly more personal level.

More to come later! Also, added more 12/13/17
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I like the potion one especially. They could add some steps dependent on what your making. For example, saaay. A Necrotic Bone is needed to make a withering potion, so you have to combine nether warts, bone, and charcoal.

For the Attacking a base thing, I think it would have to specify which location is being attacked (by picking some random x and y coordinates somewhere in the claim as well as saying what world) and there would have to be a specific minimum number of players in the faction being attacked for it to work. Say. 5 online. If it could be coded so that the more enemies online the lesser the debuffs to the attacker are that would be handy as well. So, if there are 10 enemies online, you only get Mining Fatigue 3. If its over 15 its only 2. If over 20 then 1. ETC.

EDIT: Especially since as far as I was last aware, Mining Fatigue and Haste effect attack speed, for better or worse, as well. So Actually Fatigue over 2 might be unbearable flat out, if it comes to a fight the defenders are guaranteed the kill.
Contrary to popular belief, they don't

Also *affect
Contrary to the contrary of popular belief, they do...

However it was added as a 1.9 mechanic and I think haste doesn't do anything, just mining fatigue. However, it does nothing in 1.8 and I believe that because of the way the server works with that it doesn't effect it. There may be a small chance that it effects in when the user is in 1.9+, but the extent of that is probably just that is messes up hit detection even more...

Also, the scenario I had in mind is that you have a bunch of clueless dudes running around inside and on top of a wall, and the guy is digging a hole in the side of the wall. The clueless guys have to hit the dude digging once to mess up his mining progress. The guy mining probably wouldn't pvp at all, and ideally would have some guys backing him up so he doesn't even need to pvp. Also yes, coordinates should also be given in the alert message. btw for most of these ideas I've already thought through some specifics, but I didn't write them cause I don't wanna get into that kind of detail for something idk if people are gonna like anyways.

Another idea is for the pickaxe thing to require faction power... that means theres already a cooldown and if you've already pvp-ed a lot that day, its not gonna happen. Also, something should be done to minimize the damage done if a gazillion noobs are online. like if the people on are recruits, are less than a week old, are new to the faction, or something like that they don't count. Idk...

Also, having the block broken be replaced after 24 hours would be nice.

oh yea, and in response to having less debuffs if more people are online... That seems logical, but really if there are more people online, it should be harder, not easier. As long as they don't only have 1-4 people online, you should be able to attack them with mining fatigue III - IV no matter what. This means you need more people to attack larger facs, which is perfectly reasonable.
I like the potion one especially. They could add some steps dependent on what your making. For example, saaay. A Necrotic Bone is needed to make a withering potion, so you have to combine nether warts, bone, and charcoal.

For the Attacking a base thing, I think it would have to specify which location is being attacked (by picking some random x and y coordinates somewhere in the claim as well as saying what world) and there would have to be a specific minimum number of players in the faction being attacked for it to work. Say. 5 online. If it could be coded so that the more enemies online the lesser the debuffs to the attacker are that would be handy as well. So, if there are 10 enemies online, you only get Mining Fatigue 3. If its over 15 its only 2. If over 20 then 1. ETC.

EDIT: Especially since as far as I was last aware, Mining Fatigue and Haste effect attack speed, for better or worse, as well. So Actually Fatigue over 2 might be unbearable flat out, if it comes to a fight the defenders are guaranteed the kill.
Keep in mind that a lot of the add-on details can be done later on when needed, and this "plugin" could simply involve a raider sending a request to game staff to do this. I don't imagine this would be used by 10+ people 24/7, so if you needed to request a game staff to enable this and they, after saying yay or nay, just manually gave you permission and mining fatigue, that would work just as well, if not better.
Contrary to the contrary of popular belief, they do...

However it was added as a 1.9 mechanic and I think haste doesn't do anything, just mining fatigue. However, it does nothing in 1.8 and I believe that because of the way the server works with that it doesn't effect it. There may be a small chance that it effects in when the user is in 1.9+, but the extent of that is probably just that is messes up hit detection even more...

Also, the scenario I had in mind is that you have a bunch of clueless dudes running around inside and on top of a wall, and the guy is digging a hole in the side of the wall. The clueless guys have to hit the dude digging once to mess up his mining progress. The guy mining probably wouldn't pvp at all, and ideally would have some guys backing him up so he doesn't even need to pvp. Also yes, coordinates should also be given in the alert message. btw for most of these ideas I've already thought through some specifics, but I didn't write them cause I don't wanna get into that kind of detail for something idk if people are gonna like anyways.

Another idea is for the pickaxe thing to require faction power... that means theres already a cooldown and if you've already pvp-ed a lot that day, its not gonna happen. Also, something should be done to minimize the damage done if a gazillion noobs are online. like if the people on are recruits, are less than a week old, are new to the faction, or something like that they don't count. Idk...

Also, having the block broken be replaced after 24 hours would be nice.

oh yea, and in response to having less debuffs if more people are online... That seems logical, but really if there are more people online, it should be harder, not easier. As long as they don't only have 1-4 people online, you should be able to attack them with mining fatigue III - IV no matter what. This means you need more people to attack larger facs, which is perfectly reasonable.
This won't matter, as the PvP style is 1.8 based, so you won't hit any slower with mining fatigue 4 than you would with haste 2, regardless of the version of the player.
Why would that affect hit detection
From what I know there is a bit of a difference between hit detection even when things like Viaversion and 1.8 combat plugins are used. Players using a 1.8 client have slightly better hit rates than if they used 1.9+. I think the issue would be that despite how high the number is even the slightest of effects might throw it off even more. Because honestly Minecraft is a pretty borked game even without throwing in alternate client versions and stuff.

Im not sure if the concern is an actual issue, but it is worth maybe investigating further. -shrug-
Why would that affect hit detection
What conflee said... but i don't pretend to know how it works. I'm just thinking that it makes the way the server works and the way MC works conflict even more... possibly... maybe... idk...

but yea, nobody uses 1.12.2 for pvp anyways so doesn't matter
From what I know there is a bit of a difference between hit detection even when things like Viaversion and 1.8 combat plugins are used. Players using a 1.8 client have slightly better hit rates than if they used 1.9+. I think the issue would be that despite how high the number is even the slightest of effects might throw it off even more. Because honestly Minecraft is a pretty borked game even without throwing in alternate client versions and stuff.

Im not sure if the concern is an actual issue, but it is worth maybe investigating further. -shrug-
It's not a slight difference at all- it's night and day. Mojang is at fault for the changes they made and MassiveCraft can only imitate the "PvP style" of 1.8.9 w/o swing speed, while crappy hit detection, and random knockback still plague the newer versions of the game.
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It's not a slight difference at all- it's night and day. Mojang is at fault for the changes they made and MassiveCraft can only imitate the "PvP style" of 1.8.9 w/o swing speed. Crappy hit detection and random knockback still plague the newer versions of the game.