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The Dressolini's cloak flapped fiercely, hair wildly blowing around as heavy winds whipped down the main street leading to the disgusting and criminal filled district known as the Slums. His face was one of both disgust but determination, ready to rid the Slums of those who would seek to sabotage the Empire. Numerous men and women stood ready around him all seemingly with the same mindset and goal in mind. Rangers, Violets, Vigilants, every guard charter and more positioned themselves around the gatehouse which leads to this wicked and filthy place. Weapons were in hand, and dead center sat a canon which burst forth with a resounding explosion. Chunks from the gate blew in every direction, the sharp metal pieces undoubtedly hitting the slum dwellers who had too readied themselves for this attack. The canon made quick work of the weak gate and as it fell every guard moved to charge in.

Moving to take a step forward in his charge, the noble was met with a flash of darkness forcing him to halt and rub at his face. It was then that he looked around to only be met with terrifying carnage. Countless corpses surrounded the once so populated area, blood splattered up the sides of the surrounding houses and walls. He startled, beginning to take frantic steps back from the scene before hearing an all too familiar screech-like roar. The once so calm man found himself in full panic as he turned to flee, kicking a corpse and falling to the cold, bloodstained and ice covered stone. A large impact followed by crumbling stone echoed behind him which caused the man to roll onto his back, slowly glancing up to see the dragon perched on the gatehouse and staring right now onto him.

He froze, terror and dread falling over him as he met the ancient beast's gaze. The large blue scaled and furred creature blew hot breath from its nostrils, the air clouding as the cold weather met the heat from the dragon. It was both magnificent but horrifying. The Dressolini man found himself unable to move despite the ever-filling want to flee. Suddenly the dragon's head reared back, showing off the many horns which protruded out of its head and face before releasing a large plume of flame onto the defenseless being below.

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Leonzio startled awake and quickly shot up into a sitting position. His breathing was heavy and sweat poured down his face and torso. A quiet whine came from beside him, his son, Lydon, having been shaken awake. The Dressolini rested a hand on his son's head, shushing and reassuring him with a kiss to the cheek before settling him back to sleep with his mother, Sigurna surprisingly still fast asleep. He gently moved the blankets off of himself and rose from the bed, the moonlight piercing through one of the few windows in the room. The sore and battered noble reached out for various places to aid him in his hobble over to the mirror. His leg gave out a sharp pain each time he stepped onto it, finally reaching the standing mirror and bracing himself on it.

The reflection which peered back was enough to cause him to glance back away, letting out a quiet, pained groan. The bandage which covered the left side of his face caused him to grit his teeth. His fists clenched and he reached out for the nearby cane, gripping the handle tightly as he made his way from the room. The trip down the stairs was slow and painful, each step triggering a sharp pain to shoot up his right leg. Once reaching downstairs he made for the nearest window, peering out into the darkness and watching the snow come down. He stared out into the night and again he saw it, his reflection glaring back at him.

His teeth clenched once again, an angered expression crossing him. Thoughts flooded his mind, filling his head with all sorts of dark potential outcomes. Will I lose my eye? Will I walk steady again? Will my children be scared of me? The ever-increasing thoughts caused him to let out a pained yell. He swung his cane out of sheer anger, causing a nearby vase to be flung to the floor, shattering it into pieces.

The scarred Dressolini then collapsed against the wall, gripping the cane across his lap and growing a sorrowful expression. Blood began to seep into the bandage as he sat there, contemplating.
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The Dressolini's cloak flapped fiercely, hair wildly blowing around as heavy winds whipped down the main street leading to the disgusting and criminal filled district known as the Slums. His face was one of both disgust but determination, ready to rid the Slums of those who would seek to sabotage the Empire. Numerous men and women stood ready around him all seemingly with the same mindset and goal in mind. Rangers, Violets, Vigilants, every guard charter and more positioned themselves around the gatehouse which leads to this wicked and filthy place. Weapons were in hand, and dead center sat a canon which burst forth with a resounding explosion. Chunks from the gate blew in every direction, the sharp metal pieces undoubtedly hitting the slum dwellers who had too readied themselves for this attack. The canon made quick work of the weak gate and as it fell every guard moved to charge in.

Moving to take a step forward in his charge, the noble was met with a flash of darkness forcing him to halt and rub at his face. It was then that he looked around to only be met with terrifying carnage. Countless corpses surrounded the once so populated area, blood splattered up the sides of the surrounding houses and walls. He startled, beginning to take frantic steps back from the scene before hearing an all too familiar screech-like roar. The once so calm man found himself in full panic as he turned to flee, kicking a corpse and falling to the cold, bloodstained and ice covered stone. A large impact followed by crumbling stone echoed behind him which caused the man to roll onto his back, slowly glancing up to see the dragon perched on the gatehouse and staring right now onto him.

He froze, terror and dread falling over him as he met the ancient beast's gaze. The large blue scaled and furred creature blew hot breath from its nostrils, the air clouding as the cold weather met the heat from the dragon. It was both magnificent but horrifying. The Dressolini man found himself unable to move despite the ever-filling want to flee. Suddenly the dragon's head reared back, showing off the many horns which protruded out of its head and face before releasing a large plume of flame onto the defenseless being below.

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Leonzio startled awake and quickly shot up into a sitting position. His breathing was heavy and sweat poured down his face and torso. A quiet whine came from beside him, his son, Lydon, having been shaken awake. The Dressolini rested a hand on his son's head, shushing and reassuring him with a kiss to the cheek before settling him back to sleep with his mother, Sigurna surprisingly still fast asleep. He gently moved the blankets off of himself and rose from the bed, the moonlight piercing through one of the few windows in the room. The sore and battered noble reached out for various places to aid him in his hobble over to the mirror. His leg gave out a sharp pain each time he stepped onto it, finally reaching the standing mirror and bracing himself on it.

The reflection which peered back was enough to cause him to glance back away, letting out a quiet, pained groan. The bandage which covered the left side of his face caused him to grit his teeth. His fists clenched and he reached out for the nearby cane, gripping the handle tightly as he made his way from the room. The trip down the stairs was slow and painful, each step triggering a sharp pain to shoot up his right leg. Once reaching downstairs he made for the nearest window, peering out into the darkness and watching the snow come down. He stared out into the night and again he saw it, his reflection glaring back at him.

His teeth clenched once again, an angered expression crossing him. Thoughts flooded his mind, filling his head with all sorts of dark potential outcomes. Will I lose my eye? Will I walk steady again? Will my children be scared of me? The ever-increasing thoughts caused him to let out a pained yell. He swung his cane out of sheer anger, causing a nearby vase to be flung to the floor, shattering it into pieces.

The scarred Dressolini then collapsed against the wall, gripping the cane across his lap and growing a sorrowful expression. Blood began to seep into the bandage as he sat there, contemplating.