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Consular Proclamation: The State's Rulings On Lord Percival



In response to the Crown's inquiry to the State Government pertaining to the legal subtleties relating to the return and living existence of Lord Percival Ravenstad, Consuls Typhonus and Ravenstad, along with Abbot Medard Ravenstad, Lord Dietrich Drache, and Lord Percival Ravenstad himself (the latter three as formal witnesses with no effective say) gathered to deliberate over the questions posed by the Crown.

Henceforth, the State Government makes the following rulings:

1. On the subject of Lord Percival's claims the Consuls find that, given that Lord Percival's claim had previously been jumped in internal succession shifts within the House Ravenstad, in tandem with his legal death and nullification, the State declares that Lord Percival's claims to the Hinterlands are forfeit, and that the State shall uphold the title-age succession currently held by Lord Vulmar Ravenstad.
-- The Lord Percival attests that he has no interest in claiming or maintaining a claim on his previous held title.
-- The Consul Ravenstad cites that the succession of the Duchy after Lord Percival became nominally under the Undercrown Albaer Ravenstad, who was the Duke of the Lyons Fold. Following his abdication Emerich legally inherited his father's titles and following thereafter Xavier claimed the titles, though not through the chain of legal succession and therefore Lord Percival's claim has been passed over and thoroughly removed from it.
2. On the subject of Lord Percival's marriage the Consuls find that, given the marriage's formal annulment in the State Bureaucracy upon Lord Percival's presumed death, and no formal appeal from the Imperial Court to keep the marriage in place, the Consuls have decided that the marriage shall remain annulled. However, should His Imperial Holiness the Emperor wish for the marriage to be restored, and for Lord Percival to return to him as a consort, The Emperor and Lord Percival may submit the necessary information for a new marriage through the State.
-- Brief discourse was held over the effectiveness of the bureaucracy maintaining of old records, and presumptions over the Imperial Court's wishes or wants with regards to Lord Percival's role as consort.
-- Eventually, all concluded that if the Crown wishes to re-marry Lord Percival, the State will simply issue a new marriage. If not, the State will simply leave the nullified contract as is. The future of this matter is ultimately between the Crown and Lord Percival.
3. On the subject of Lord Percival's legal status the Consuls find that, in dialogue with the Ravenstad patriarch and with brief input from Lord Percival himself, Lord Percival, as a legal entity, is no longer recognized as a Kade nor a Ravenstad, and shall be creating his own surname independent of both.

-- The Consul Ravenstad mentions the previous stance of his Uncle Anton under the Imperial Guard, and reinforces the same stance to towards his Uncle Percival.
IN CONCLUSION the Assembly's public stance on Lord Percival is as follows: Lord Percival remains as an unlanded nobleman (of legal blue blood, but possessing no lands or formal titles). His claims to the Hinterlands are null and void, and his previous marriage to the Emperor, Cedromar I, remains annulled within State Records (but can be reinstated via a new marriage). Lord Percival, being untitled, will hold no seat in the State Assembly until gaining a formal title, and is currently presumed to have no favor in context of the Imperial Court, unless the Court indicates otherwise.

The rulings of this proclamation hereby take the full effect of State Law
Officiated by the Offices of Consuls Typhonus & Ravenstad

@Muffins_ @MonMarty
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