Preserved Sheet Constance Ravenstad

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Hannibal ante portas
Jun 29, 2016
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Basic Information
  • Full Name: Constance Rosamund Ravenstad
  • Age: 64
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ailor
  • Culture: Leutz-Vixe
  • Main Ambition: Success for her and the Ravenstad family
  • Constance has only recently travelled to Regalia, she spent some time in the city between the births of her children but opted to raise them in the Hinterlands. She travelled to rejoin the mainline Ravenstad's since the majority of her family now also live in the city; she often cites her son and grandchildren for the reason but some know that Percy requested her presence at Beurg Eleng.
  • Constance is the third of four siblings. Her two elder brothers Richarr and Charles are both dead but her not so younger brother Cheldric is still alive. Constance is the aunt of Percival Ravenstad and mother to Medard Ravenstad.

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Ginger
  • Hair Style: Platted and tied up
  • Skin Color: Pale white
  • Clothing: Various Imperial fashion dresses in Ravenstad colours
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Body Build: Lanky
  • Weapon of choice: Percy
  • Constance is extremely gaunt and skinny across all of her body, sitting closely on the border between unhealthy and elegant. Her face bares sharp features such as a protruding brow, visible cheek bones, a very defined jawline and a thin, long neck. Her face often bares a polite and charming smile although a look of disapproval never follows too far behind. Her hair is a middle ginger but it appears darker because of how she wears it.
  • Her waist is incredibly skinny but is often hidden by a corset of some sort. Her skin is very pale but she powders her face, neck, shoulders and hands to make her skin appear lighter and more youthful.
  • Constance is known for wearing a variety of dresses most inspired by Imperial fashion but with Leutz and Ithanian elements. Her clothes are always in house colours unless it is necessary to deviate for an event and they are always made by hand with Ravenstad silk. She accompanies her fashion with lavish gold and silver jewellery that can varies in its design but always compliments her clothing.
  • Her voice is largely similar to the highly sophisticated accents of common aristocrats but there are some slight Ithanian aspects particularly when using words that are from Ithanian origin. She is slow and measured when she talks and she is largely softly spoken.
Personality and Abilities
  • Constance is incredibly charming and sociable always entertaining guests and strangers wherever possible. She is known to be very polite and sophisticated in her poise, articulating herself like a true aristocrat, but in an inclusive and encouraging way. Constance often appears "above politics" and can entertain conversation on just about any topic. Whilst she is very friendly, she can also be very dismissive, particularly on topics she does not want to discuss or people she doesn't like; everything is black and white for her, she either likes it or she doesn't. She is very elegant in the way she acts, the way she speaks and dresses, and in everything she does - even for her age she is fiercely glamorous and often quite sassy, especially with men as she knows she can get away with it.
  • Constance is an incredibly convicted and devoted person, and aims to remain true to everything she believes in. She is devoted to her family and their name and only ever acts in their interests, not to mention being extremely devoted to Unionism, praying up to three times a day in hope that the Spirit will guide her and bring her aid when she calls. She knows she is often the mediator, taking the role by the scruff of its neck, she always had to live between the vastly different characters that were her brothers, as well as settle their disputes and continues to do so with the rest of her family.
  • With friends, Constance is much the same as she is with strangers, but is more likely to want to help and aid those she trusts and holds dear. With family however the friendly and outward persona is dropped, becoming essentially a different person behind closed doors. She can be business-minded and well measured, often calculating schemes and plans with and for the family. Constance is fierce when it comes to politics and she is known amongst the family for being tenacious and ambitious, traits that are extremely well hidden by her relaxed and comforting exterior persona.
  • Constance can be considered a Lawful Neutral individual who acts according to the law and regulation. She can be placed between good and evil, relying on order and organisation to guide her with faith in the predetermined hierarchy and patriarchy. Constance is honest and sticks to her word, never making a promise she can't keep nor aiming to deceive anyone, particularly her family.
  • Unionism is as much a part of Constance's life as her family, having been a devout Unionist throughout her entire life. The deaths of her brothers, husband, and son only forced her closer to the religion and she understands that it is the Spirit's will that they were chosen to die. She is a fierce aristocrat and lives without a care in the world for anyone outside of nobility - for Constance privilege is Spirit given, and her family's position has been earned and granted by the Spirit.
  • Languages: All Ravenstad women are raised to speak Common, Leutz, Ithanian and Alt-Regalisch, so during her years bearing children she made sure she stuck to learning those languages to a fluent level. Constance is multilingual in all four of the languages, often using one of the various tongues to scold her grandchildren.
  • Fashion: Having grown up in and around the Ravenstad silk and clothing business, it is not unsurprising that Constance has a keen eye and adoration of fashion. She is extremely careful and strict with what she wears, and has clear outfit designs in mind for almost every day. Constance hates wearing the same thing too often, also not being shy to comment on other people's clothing.
  • Gardening: Sometimes Constance likes to ditch the dresses and extravagant wares to retreat to her garden in peace. Her enjoyment of gardening is not well known amongst her family, being her own little secret of enjoyment over the years..
  • Tea: Constance loves exotic and foreign teas, particularly favouring a Chien-Ji tea which places a dried flower bud in boiled water, the flowering then blooming to create an extremely delicate and light aromatic tea.

  • Yellow: Constance hates the colour yellow, particularly when it is worn. She is never shy from condemning anyone ridiculous enough to dress in yellow.
Life Story

241 AC - 256 AC (1-16)

  • Born the third child of Rodolphe II alongside siblings Richarr, Charles and Cheldric Ravenstad in Vieux-Provence 241 AC
  • Constance is given less attention than her brothers due to their future succession as heirs but is brought up in a period of vast Ravenstad economic prosperity and is immediately immersed into the family businesses of Silk and Boutiques
  • The competition between Richarr and Charles is fierce even from a young age and Constance learns to adapt to mediate between the brothers to settle their disputes
  • Constance becomes frustrated with her limited attention and pleads with her mother to be allowed to be taught statecraft and politics like her brothers
256 AC - 271 AC (16-30)
  • Constance develops an independence and hopes to travel to Regalia to become a politician alongside her brothers however she is matched with Rolf Krier and is married at a young age
  • Constance gives birth to her first two children Bastian and Medard and remains in Vieux-Provence to raise them
  • Richarr, her eldest brother, is killed during the Drachenwald Crisis in 271AC and Charles took over to rule the Hinterlands
  • Constance's hopes of travelling to and living in Regalia quickly fade as her commitments to her children and the death of her brother keep her at home. She gets some reprieve by advising her brother Charles on the Council.
271 AC - 282 AC (30-41)
  • Bastian and Medard leave Vieux-Provence but their departures are soon followed by the arrivals of her next two children Klaus and Laudus
  • Only a year after the birth of Laudus, Rolf is killed during a Naval skirmish and whilst it temporarily breaks her spirits, Constance's devotion to her children never falters
  • Her older brother Charles' reign comes to a crashing end and he dies before Anton takes over leadership of the Ravenstad family. The Elder Council, on which Constance sat, appointed Percival as Regent but it wasn't long before he strong armed his way to taking over as leader of the family, dismissing Constance from the Council
282 AC - 305 AC (41-64)
  • Klaus and Laudus leave Vieux-Provence and Constance rekindles her obsession with politics and statecraft. Having spent most of her life in relative harmony aside from the deaths of her family, she feels she has wasted most of it raising children, particularly resenting Bastian who is disowned from the Ravenstad family
  • Constance leads a pious and peaceful life in Vieux-Provence but her tranquility is disrupted by the news of her son Bastian's death, news that neither shocks nor moves her
  • Constance receives a letter from Percival requesting she travel to Regalia to join the Ravenstad family. At first she convinces herself the letter is 30 years too late but she opts to travel to Beurg Eleng to rendezvous with her sons and family in the Summer of 305 AC.
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@YLMadness Review complete!

Overall, this sheet is extremely detailed, in both its formatting and its writing. I can find no lore inconsistencies or grammatical errors. Excellent work. Approved.