Preserved Sheet Constance Norinn

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Apr 2, 2017
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Full Name: Constance Alarie Norinn
Nickname: Connie
Race: Ailor
Culture: Gallovian
Age: 18
Birthday: June 14, 293 AC
Zodiac: Gemini
Gender: Female (She/Her)





Constance is still young and developing many different skills. Something to note would be her interest in birds, which she happily pesters her family about. Her goal is to learn more about the skill & talent of diplomacy, taking every opportunity to learn more & forge connections. Her focus remains steadfast as maintaining & improving her House's image, hoping to use such ambitions for the betterment of the Norinn family.
She would often be seen trailing behind her older brothers, leaning on her kin for support as she adjusts to this new city life.





Constance is on the shorter side in regards to the other Gallovians in her family, standing at 5'5 and a slim build. Her hair is a lighter shade of brunette which she would be seen sporting a variety of different hairstyles, most commonly being a ponytail, braids, or simply worn loose. She has a pale complexion with pink undertones. Her eyes are a shade of cerulean blue. Constance tends to portray herself with a cheerful, youthful energy- Often with a smile adorning her face, alongside a subtle dimple on each cheek.





Strength: 3
Concussive Blow Pack
Diving Tackle Pack
Unarmed Expert Pack

Constitution: 2
Rebound Pack
Rage Counter Pack

Dexterity: 6
Sharp Reflexes Pack
Dirty Fighter Pack
Dagger Expert Pack
Cutthroat Dodge Pack
Cutthroat Evasion Pack
Cutthroat Tears Pack

Racial Specials:
Intuitive Ear

Destined Familiar
Maxwell The Golden Eagle





<> Gallwech (Parent Tongue)
<> Aontaithe (Fluent)
<> Common (Fluent)
<> Calem (Familiar)
<> Skodje (Familiar)
<> Lëtz (Mostly Fluent)
<> d'Ithanie (Fluent)
<> Dressalo (Familiar)
<> Droque (Familiar)
<> Anglisch (Familiar)
<> Breizh (Familiar)





Constance Alarie Norinn was the last born child of Baron Reynold Norinn and Tabithe Norinn nee Mainwairing. She was born to the couple in Sturnworth Castle on the 14th of June, 293 AC. She was raised in luxury alongside her four elder siblings, although being the baby of the family she tended to gain extra attention, being more spoiled than the rest.

By the time she reached the age of five, her siblings soon began to be sent off for schooling, leaving her behind and growing closer to her brother Edmund, as he was only three years older than herself. Once he was sent off to his studies she only further became her parent's shadow, specifically her Mother's.

She spent the majority of her adolescence studying diplomacy, linguistics, and politics, hoping to follow in her Mother's footsteps. Albeit, shortly after Constance turned sixteen, the Countess came down with a grave illness, passing away suddenly. Thus leaving her behind where Constance continued to pursue her studies with a greater intensity, as well as looking out for her Father who was shattered at the loss of his wife.

Only a few months after she turned eighteen, Constance relocated with a few other members of her family to Regalia, to join her eldest brother, the Count Lamont Norinn, & to assist in his endeavors. She arrives with curious eyes, eagerly wanting to make the most of her time in this new place.





Reynold Norinn (Father): Constance formed a closer bond with him after her Mother passed, most likely the closest to him out of the siblings. As time passed by and he retired as the Patriarch, he began losing what remained of his filter, at times causing Constance an immense amount of stress as she does not wish for him to end up putting himself into any unpleasant or dangerous situations.

Tabithe Norinn nee Mainwairing (Mother): She grew up aspiring to be just like her and was devastated at the loss when Tabithe passed. While her Mother was alive, Constance was her little shadow, admiring her kindness and independence. The two of them were very close, as Tabithe always made sure to give her extra love and attention once her siblings began to head off.

Lamont Norinn (Brother): Lamont being the eldest, and Constance being the youngest child, they only saw one another on occasion as he was off working on his studies. Although the two remained close, often sending letters back and forth. She clearly holds great respect and admiration towards her brother and his many accomplishments. She would often be seen near his side now that she has arrived in the city.

Edmund Norinn (Brother): Constance remains the closest to Edmund in terms of familiarity as they were the closest in age. She quite obviously holds a great deal of pride and admiration towards her brother as he continued his journey as a Knight. She would also often be seen near his side now that they both are in the same place once again.

Bronwyn Norinn (Sister): The two are complete opposites, and had not met prior to Constance's arrival. Bronwyn intimidates her slightly, yet even so she seems dead set on befriending Bronwyn.. As well as convincing her that Ducks really aren't all that bad, and perhaps she may even come to love them as much as she does herself.

Alyssa Norinn (Cousin): Constance faintly remembered her cousin, but since her arrival she has grown quite fond of Alyssa. Yet is still hopeful to convince her eventually to get a matching gown with her.

Gregory Norinn (Cousin): She has zero recollection of his existence, as she was so young the last time they had seen one another. She has yet to form an opinion, as they have only briefly reconnected. Although she has kept note that Gregory seems to be in her Father's good graces.


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