Archived Consistency Staff

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Firework Salesman
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Algaron, North West Deandroc
1. Massivecraft is a business.

2. Businesses handle themselves professionally (at least sucessful businesses).

3. Inconsistencies with a product or service are viewed as unprofessional to the public.

4. When the public is faced with unprofessionalism, they move onto a different business that can meet their needs.

5. Massivecraft has inconsistencies.

What on earth am I talking about, you ask? What you see above is just my abstract way of getting to the point: Several aspects of Massivecraft (Whether it's on the server or online) are inconsistent with recent (or not so recent) changes to our server.

For an example, signs in the info-universe talking about vampiric powers that are now outdated with the trait plugin. Small inconsistencies like that, or even spelling/grammar errors on our websites can take away from our professionalism. Will a few spelling errors kill anyone? Of course not! I would be shocked if they even stopped one player from joining our server. However, I strongly believe that fixing these inconsistencies could fill in a few holes in an otherwise amazing Minecraft experience.

My reccomendation: Designate one staff member (current, or new) as the Consistency Staff. Put them in charge of keeping our server/website consistent by edditing signs, posts, or lore as necessary in order to keep our server up to date on all fronts.

Questions and comments are appreciated!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I don't believe enough points would be available on a weekly basis for someone in such a category to upkeep a staff rank. That being said, to my knowledge this is part of the duty of the info department, to upkeep these various aspects of the server. Sometimes it is necessary for players to report such inconsistencies in order for us to fix them, however.
I thought it was PR staffs job to keep website and such up to date.

It is one of those, I just can't remember which off the top of my head.

That's fair, what's the best way to report inconsistencies?

You could either report it in game with a ticket or, while it isn't a bug, perhaps submit a bug report on the forums. The best thing would probably be a ticket though, as the staff member that takes the ticket can directly report it to the necessary staff members to take care of the issue.
For an example, signs in the info-universe talking about vampiric powers that are now outdated with the trait plugin. Small inconsistencies like that, or even spelling/grammar errors on our websites can take away from our professionalism. Will a few spelling errors kill anyone? Of course not! I would be shocked if they even stopped one player from joining our server. However, I strongly believe that fixing these inconsistencies could fill in a few holes in an otherwise amazing Minecraft experience.
I would like to learn about your observations, specifically on the website area. I am one of the maintainers of the website and generally players come to me with these issues via message and I take care of them quickly. Please send me a message and we can work together to making MassiveCraft a better place. :)
I think he's saying there are already staff on this but there are still errors meaning the current staff on that isn't working out well.
There is no rank3 people in PR. One rank2 and one rank1 (if I remember correctly). So I would guess they don't have the time. But putting information out many places makes it hard to keep it all updated.