Preserved Sheet Connie Rae

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resident astral asshole
Sep 27, 2014
Reaction score
wherever the wind takes me
i have no allegiances

Art by Pastelly, MonMarty, Gabriel and Samfari/Nekoii.

Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Conaédriël Nlossae Alqualondë Rhaevaern, although she prefers to go by Connie Rae.
  • Age: Fifty eight.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Nelfin of Avanthar birth, but Altalar upbringing.
  • Main Ambition: Making herself known and praised.
    • A side goal of hers is to seek out other Silveiralls and question them on their knowledge of the Vices and Virtues, which she's recently been made aware of.
    • Another side goal is to increase her material wealth - whether it be through stealing or her bardic work.
    • Improving her skills in Shadow Meld and Devoid Magic is also a priority of hers.
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Connie's hasn't been around in Regalia for too long, but she's gotten fairly accustomed to the city already, and has made a plethora of acquaintances already, and hopes to meet more. Not being the wealthiest, Connie doesn't necessarily have a proper living space, and sleeps wherever seems the best option for her that day. Whether it be squatting in an unoccupied home, the corner of a bar, or even an acquaintance's home. She plans to provide for herself a proper living space in the future, but she most likely won't follow through with her plans anytime soon.

  • Connie was born to Saerwen, the previous incarnation of the Vice Pleasure, and an unknown father.
  • Connie hopes to become educated on the Vices and Virtues, and uncover some of the secrets behind the rest of the Silveirall population in Aloria, as well as possibly discover if there are any gods of the Pantheon that roam in the Holy City. On a broader scale, Connie wants her name to be known throughout the Holy City, and develop a group of friends and allies that she can have around.
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Colour: Gold.
  • Hair Colour: Black.
  • Hair Style: Left down.
  • Skin Colour: A deep tan.
  • Clothing: Flashy, loose fabrics in many bright that allow for movement.
  • Height: Six feet and six inches.
  • Weight: One hundred and seventy one pounds.
  • Body Build: Acrobatic.
  • Weapon of Choice: Shadow magic; shadow meld. Mage level.
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Conaédriël's face is fairly ovular, yet somewhat small, with a rounded chin and jaw along with full cheeks, although her cheekbones aren't that noticeable at all. She has big, almond shaped eyes, paired with a somewhat stubby and slightly upturned nose. Her lips are fairly average, and naturally a brownish pink sort of hue. For the most part, Connie's face is symmetrical and youthful, given her Nelfin heritage, which she absolutely adores; it's as if she considers herself forever young, forever beautiful, outlasting every single other mere aging being on Aloria. If someone were to guess, Conaédriël would look around twenty six, at most. Though, due to her masquerading as a Qadir, Connie usually states that she is twenty four, a most desirable age, in her opinion, at least. Due to her parentage, Conaédriël sports deep golden eyes, which, even if darker in hue compared to other shades of golden eyes, contrasts to the brown and black tones of her hair and skin. Due to a general lack of care and interest for her hair, Connie's hair goes down to her waist, in thick, wavy locks of hair going down her back. While Connie's face is generally void of any scars, her pointed ears are cut down to appear like the normal ears of the Qadir, or more generally humanum, it can be quite evident that they have been cut if one were to closely examine them; a mistake that Connie greatly regrets, but has grown to live with over the years. She has three ear piercings on each ear, two on her earlobe, and one on the remaining upper cartilage of Connie's ear.
  • Due to her Nelfin heritage, Conaédriël stands at the height of six feet and six inches, with a slim, yet somewhat athletic and build. From what little muscle she has on her body, it's mostly located in her legs and lower torso; the Nelfin woman is built for dodging and running away from attacks, rather than directly engaging in forms of physical combat. Weighing in at around one hundred and seventy one pounds, Connie has a pear-shaped physique, and fairly curvaceous, at that. Conaédriël's skin tone is quite tan, having inherited the almost Qadir-like skin tone from her father. Connie has accumulated several tattoos overtime; she has two words written in elvish on each wrist, and together they read "Ullume mirima" meaning forever free in common elvish. She has another fairly recent tattoo, an intricate design starting at the bottom of her neck and finishing just above her hips. She has many more plans for tattoos in the future, hoping to cover both of her arms entirely in tattoos, although she is hesitant to do so due to her fear that people wouldn't find her overly tattooed skin unattractive. Connie has also come about a plethora of scars throughout her time in Regalia, including, but not limited to; deep knife wound scars dragging down from her shoulder to her wrist, a scar from a knife wound on the right side of her abdomen, scars from one inch nails dragging down all over on both of her legs, and scars all across her upper and lower abdomen from lightning bolts. She's also rather prone to having a broken nose.
  • Connie loves to wear cheap, yet brightly coloured clothing in a multitude of styles, as to attract more attention to herself. Often times, if an outfit is too bland for her liking, she'll add brightly coloured ribbons, beads or lace as to make the outfit more appealing to herself and others. Examples. Conaédriël loves wearing bright, flashy accessories, only fueling her materialism. She wears big, flashy silver earrings, that she took off an aristocrat that she knocked out with her dream lyre magic, as well as several little studs on the remaining cartilage on her ears. From several years of accumulation, Connie has a multitude of rings on both of her hands, as well as a flashy anklet on her right foot, usually wearing bare feet to show off her flashy jewelry. However, sometimes she'll be sporting a pair of dark glasses to hide her eyes as a means of extra protection in addition to masking her heritage and pretending to be a Qadir to have an excuse for her golden eyes.
  • Connie's voice is on the higher side in terms of pitch, although she makes up for it by being loud, rough and playful, almost, with what could be described as singsongy undertones. Conaédriël speaks with a very faint, barely detectable Elvish accent, and usually speaks with a rather eloquent voice and excited demeanor. Due to her travels, Conaédriël has picked up a few words and sayings in many different languages, but can only speak two languages somewhat fluently, along with some half-decent Qadiriq, usually to pass herself as a Qadir to not raise any suspicions by being a Nelfin with golden eyes.
    • Common Elvish: Conaédriël's native language, and by far the one she's most familiar with. However, she's since slowly stopped speaking her native tongue due to the lack of it being spoken among the places that she travels to, and while not completely abandoning it, she rarely speaks it in Regalia or on her travels, unless encountering another Nelfin in which she needs to speak privately about something or someone.
    • Common Ceardian: A language that she slowly learned amongst her travels, Connie likes it due to its simplicity. Although she doesn't know how to write or read in common, she much prefers speaking it over her native tongue, common Elvish.
    • Qadiriq: A rather challenging tongue to learn, that she picked up during her travels to Farah'deen. While she is nowhere near to fluent in the language, she speaks it with a very faint Elvish accent as she speaks a fairly basic version of the language with a limited vocabulary, although she can hold a decent conversation in the language, with a few mistakes, of course.
Personality and Abilities (Required)

Personality Traits
  • Personable: Connie is most certainly no shut-in or introvert; constantly moving around from city to city and tavern to tavern in search of good company, partially due to her constant need for interaction with others, whether it be physical or verbal. She'll often be the first one to go out and seek company, whether it be inserting herself into a conversation or striking up a conversation with an intriguing stranger, Conaédriël is always on the lookout for good company. She isn't picky with who she talks to, and will usually settle for who or whatever is around the tavern or whatever location she is in. However, these interactions rarely go further than a chat, as she merely uses people as a means for entertainment; a filler, a mere distraction for herself as she bides time for whatever plot she's going to hatch. She's never really opened up to anyone, nor does she intend to, as she doesn't really see the need for anyone to confide in, anyone to truly trust or care about in her life. While she does keep certain individuals closer than others, she only really uses them for their talents and/or unique personalities.

  • Indulgent: She can't help it; Connie always wants something, and when it's available to her, she won't hesitate to indulge. Whether it be gambling, drinking, smoking or even a pair of flashy earrings on a noblewoman, she'll always indulge on whatever it is she wants. Conaédriël rarely weighs the pros and cons of her actions before doing them, and likes to do things in the spur of the moment, especially when she has her eye on something that in her opinion, should belong to Connie Rae, or if there is something that she would rather be doing than something painfully boring but useful, what's the point? Connie lives life in the moment, second by second, savouring every last minute and tries to make her life as enjoyable as possible. While she doesn't really care much if others indulge in their pleasures with her, she always enjoys a drinking companion or someone to gamble with.

  • Materialistic: A trait that heavily ties in with her indulgence, Connie is very protective over her items, and could be considered a hoarder, at times. She rarely throws things out, even the least valuable of items. She starts and then never finishes little collections, and often has little trinkets and random objects lying around wherever she goes. Connie would never even think to let someone borrow one of her ever-so valued items, even if they just sit around and collect dust in her home. If anyone was to touch her precious trinkets, chaos would soon ensue. Somehow, the Nelfin woman manages to keep track of every single little trinket in her home. If one were to inquire why she cares so much about every single little bauble in her home and on her person, she'd give a simple answer: they're mine. It rightfully belongs to Connie Rae and therefore it is no one else's right to touch her things, even though that statement in herself is contradicting, as she constantly steals things from others, and more than half of her things do not rightfully belong to her.

  • Paranoid: Due to her being a Silveirall and using magic for a span of around four decades, the effects have started to seep in. Adding onto her already untrusting nature, Connie now isolates herself from having the chance to make any sort of meaningful connection, even if she might make it appear so by constantly hanging around others for cheap thrills and a little laugh, it rarely goes past that with the Nelfin woman's so called friends. She's never really trusted anyone aside from Yalathanil, but in her mind, he's warped into an enemy; her father, her mentor, is no more than a distant thought, and her trust is no more than an illusion at this point. She's wary and almost fearful of strangers, no matter how jovial and open she may try to appear to them. Her paranoia is not a trait that is apparent in her day-to-day life, but it constantly haunts her thoughts, every waking moment of her life; her struggle is enjoying herself, as she can't erase these negative thoughts from her mind, so she can never truly enjoy a drink, a smoke, a lovely song. Turmoil is constantly occurring in the Nelfin's mind.

  • Competitive: Connie has a compulsive need to come out on top, and often turns everything into a competition. From drinking, to singing, to anything you could possibly think of, the Nelfin woman is practically addicted to the ever-so sweet sensation of winning, even if it is the smallest and most insignificant thing, she can't help but get pleasure out of winning. Even if she does lose, she'll often twist the truth and make up some false excuse on how the other party was cheating, and that she is the true victor. This trait is also a part of Conaédriël's twisted illusion that has slowly warped overtime, and has undergone many changes over time, but it has finally settled on this: that she is a superior being, above everyone else, and that she must rise above all other living beings on Aloria in any and every way possible, for she must prove her worth to a higher power, although she hasn't determined exactly what this higher power is yet, for she has been exposed to so many religions she has mashed them into one.

  • Arrogant: Yet another trait that happens to be a side-effect of her delusion. Connie considers herself above everyone else, whilst being on some divine mission to appease a higher power. While she would never admit it, Connie often acts incredibly arrogant, though usually passes it off as a facade, a mere act to amuse those in her company. She's quick to suppress her arrogance, however, if people aren't too fond of it and start disliking her because of it, which isn't really too rare of an occurrence. However, for the most part, she places herself above everyone else, especially when it comes down to possessions and things like that, which is one of the reasons she lacks guilt for the things that she steals from others. Her simple analogy is: If I am superior to everyone else, why can't I take their things? They should be mine, because I am better and I deserve this more than anyone else on Aloria!

  • Playful: Connie finds a great deal of pleasure in amusing others, and often goes out of her way to entertain them the best she can, whether it be by playing music, cartwheels and cheap tricks, or merely making up a dramatic story to tell to further entice her crowd, which can often merely be one or two people, but nonetheless, she enjoys pleasing and entertaining others, as well as receiving material gain for all of her efforts in trying to amuse whatever company she is in, although this isn't usually the case, Connie will usually steal a little reward off of her company for herself. Connie favours herself above all, and if she must, she'll lay off the amusement of others if it means her own personal gain, and would rather be amused herself than to be exhausting all of her effort into pleasing the company around her, although it does come in a close second to her own gain and pleasure.

  • Frivolous: For the most part, Connie is not a serious person. She's constantly joking and playing around, except when someone or something comes in the way of her own fun and pleasure will she get serious and start to get somewhat agitated. Aside from this, Connie can be seen as carefree and fun and always searching for something new to entertain herself on entertain her company. At times, it's hard to tell whether or not she is being serious, because she always retains the same melodic and sing-songy tone to her voice that makes it appear like she is constantly jesting or poking fun, even if she may be serious. The only time will she ever drop this demeanor is if someone pushes her to the very edge; if they touch her things in any way, shape or form will they suffer her wrath and will she finally drop the act of being so frivolous and carefree all the time to exact revenge on those who touched her precious, precious things.

  • Manipulative: What Connie calls friends could hardly be called such in the perspective of almost anyone else. She's quick to go back on her word, and only really gets close to people to take from them in the future, sometimes even mooching off some of her weaker-willed "friends", and usually keeps them in tow, whilst wrapped in the illusion of Connie Rae; a mysterious wandering bard with seemingly good intentions, which, for the most part, Connie is wrapped up in as well.
  • Shadow Meld magic - Connie's magic is the ace up her sleeve; her ensured safety lest situations get a little sticky. Currently, she is mage level in Shadow Meld and Student in Devoid magic, but focuses most of her attention on honing her skill in shadow meld. This can also help her travel into places that she cannot see, such as getting past locked doors or even pass through walls with enough concentration. It's her only true insurance of safety and an adequate escape plan if need be.

  • Excitable and playful - For the most part, her acquaintances are intrigued and amused by her happy-go-lucky, singsongy act, which only amuses the woman more. She's quick to twist her words into getting others to rest in her company, to indulge, and to gamble with her, even hopefully gaining their trust after a few other interactions. Nonetheless, her playful behaviour is either a complete success or a complete failure, depending on the person.

  • Quick decision-making - In the midst of a situation, Connie tends to be quick to decide what to do, but has no real process. While her decision-making skills can benefit her some of the time, she acts out of impulse and it is truly out of chance and luck that she ends up safe, or in more trouble than she started out with. Her decisive, yet impulsive behaviour could be considered both a weakness and a strength.
  • Impulsive - Connie almost always goes with her gut feeling when it comes down to it, and whatever seems right at the moment is the thing that she will do, either praising herself for it or immensely regretting her decision afterwards. This impulsive behaviour bleeds into almost every aspect of her life, causing her to be quite spontaneous and unpredictable, in most cases.

  • Greedy/indulgent - She can't help it; when Connie wants something, she goes for it, and for the most part, over-indulges in whatever she has the craving for, whether it be alcohol, opium, or anything, really. Food, sleep, or anything else that she takes pleasure from, Connie has it in large quantities, which can usually leave her hungover and sluggish after. While she regrets her decisions, she can't ever stop helping herself to whatever she desires.

  • Kleptomania - Connie has the recurrent urge to steal, or take anything around her. While it's not usually out of need for profit or personal gain, it can still land her in a fair bit of trouble, especially since she sometimes doesn't realize when she's stolen something or not. She rarely needs the items that she steals from her kleptomania as well, causing her to simply have more items to hoard.

  • Cowardly - Connie abhors being hurt or wounded in any sort of way, and given the fact that she's rather weak physically, she is one to be considered a coward. She's usually the one to run away or hide from fights, relying on those around her to fight her own battles forward, and rarely frequents dangerous areas such as the sewers without someone physically or magically capable by her side.
  • Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • When Connie is nervous or scared, she usually fidgets a lot, no matter what is, mainly to distract herself; her fidgeting can vary from wrapping and unwrapping a lock of hair around her fingers to tapping one of her feet on the ground. Another side effect of her fear, especially in the more serious cases, Connie's hands begin to tremble, as well as she tends to mumble nonsense to herself in either common Elvish or merely the common tongue, although she tends to mumble no matter what the occasion. When she's particularly disinterested or bored, Connie usually hums a melody to herself, or practices different fingerings on the flute on whatever is near her, which is usually a twig or a low hanging lock of hair. She also tends to hum, and/or gently rock herself from side to side in tune with the music she's humming or picturing in her mind, in these cases, paying no mind to whatever conversation is actually going on.
  • Describe your character's skills; abilities they've developed, but not necessarily put at the forefront of their lives. For example, if your character is a good cook, but not a chef, or if they are a good horse rider but not necessarily a competition racer, you would mention them here. Feel free to mention multiple skills but try to keep your character from becoming over skilled.
  • Describe your character's talents, their inherent abilities that truly set them apart from the common population of Aloria. These talents are the kind of abilities other people would want to go to your character for to teach them. These are things they haven't specifically developed, but have a natural affinity for.
  • Alcohol - Connie could be considered somewhat of an alcoholic, though she would never think herself to be addicted in the slightest, nonono. She is at least slightly intoxicated more than she is sober, although, it's often hard to tell whether Connie is really drunk or not due to her constant carefree and frivolous behaviour. The first thing Connie will turn to when her paranoia and loneliness really begins to take control is alcohol and opium to allow her to forget all of her pains and worries that are constantly haunting her mind. For the most part, Connie doesn't really care if she is drinking alone or with someone, and, if anything, drinking with someone is more of a hassle; she can't miss out on the opportunity to take advantage of a drunkard and steal something.
  • Gambling - To Connie, gambling in simply another means of winning, and to prove her superiority over others, whether it be by her own blind luck, or using some form of cheating to ensure that she comes out on top to receive the rush and the pleasure that comes with beating someone, even in a trivial matter such as gambling. However, whether cheating or not, the Nelfin woman adores the thrill of putting things on the line for the mere roll of a die; she's often the one to propose a game of dice or even a bet on an event or scenario they may be witnessing.
  • Good company - Connie is always on the lookout for entertaining and otherwise good company, at least in her opinion. The woman spends most, if not all of her time around people, and she prefers someone who is easy to joke around with, or appreciate her music. While she usually prefers to surround herself with a crowd full of people, as it is where she feels the most comfortable, she doesn't mind sitting and talking with only one entertaining individual.
  • Losing - Being a highly competitive spirit, Connie cannot stand losing, and will go through measures that could be considered extreme to receive the satisfaction that comes from winning, and spare herself the pain of losing. It's something that she doesn't outright show, although she tends to be an incredibly sore loser in some cases, even with the littlest of things.
  • Limitations - Whether it be laws, or other rules, Connie despises limited in any way, shape or form, and sometimes goes out of her way to break whatever limitations that have been set out, usually out of spite and her own childish hatred of limits.
  • Violence - While she doesn't necessarily mind it being inflicted on others as long as it is not too gory, Connie cannot stand being hurt in the slightest, even if it is something simple like a scratch or a faint bruise, the slightest bit of pain can cause Connie to act a little out of character, in comparison to her usual happy-go-lucky, singsongy self, it's incredibly hard for the woman to stay calm when violence, particularly when aimed towards herself, is occurring.

Relationships (Optional)

Yalathanil Uevareth {Father figure} - Even from her earliest memories, Yalathanil is the only one Connie can truly remember, being the only person seen in a truly positive life for the young Connie. He was the one who put food on her plate, a roof under her head, which she truly did appreciate. She never even thought to realize that her only true, trusting relationship wasn't all what it seemed to be, as the only reason Yalathanil really took her in while her mother was giving her away was due to her golden eyes. Being a devout worshipper of Estale, the elven man thought that it was a gift upon him from the goddess himself, and treated her as such throughout their entire relationship. No matter how genuine she thought the relationship was, her feelings of a sort of familial love for Yalathanil had.

Erfaron Draylas {A little more than friend @Pebbles__ } Whilst their original interaction was most certainly unsatisfactory, overtime, Connie grew fonder and fonder of the flirtatious Shendar, who also provided her with a plethora of helpful information, of which she was quite thankful for. She particularly enjoyed his company for the fact that she could flirt and joke around Erfaron freely, although, things turned from bad, to good, to worse, aaaand then all the way back to good again. She's finally reached level ground with the Shendar, and has come to grow quite fond of his company and understanding after several encounters. Although, after a recent series of events, Erfaron only proved too much of a danger to Connie's well being, causing a falling out between the two. While she certainly used him for his abilities to protect her before, keeping him close proves too difficult in her current state.

Salvatore Valenti {Father, of sorts @Plecy } Even though they may be related, Connie hardly sees Salvatore as someone to trust, let alone keep close, partially due to his connection with Vane. She'll pry at him for help on occasion and most certainly want to follow under him lest situations turn weary, but Connie knows to keep her guard up around the man, especially since knowing his true identity, she'd much rather stick close to Salvatore in hopes that his other relatives don't target her.

Rhovanion Nhaeslal {Someone to keep on her good side @Suzzie } After finally finding out his true parentage, Connie knows to try to at least remain on neutral ground with Rhovanion - especially given who he currently works under. She finds him to be amusing company and a valuable ally against other silveralls, despite who he holds loyalty to and his coaxing to get on Gaelthar's good side; she sees him as nothing more than a tool despite his physical prowess, often showing off his clear ignorance and stupidity when it comes to things relating to the Attribates, which in Connie's opinion could most certainly be exploitable.

Llewellyn Yraudhen {Sister? @GhostOfToast } Connie holds a faint amount of trust for her sister, of sorts, but still remains weary of the woman given she knows next to nothing about her, let alone weaknesses. Currently, she still remains loyal to the woman given the power at her disposal, but keeps her guard up. After recent events however, Connie can't help but feel a bout of pity for the woman, especially after all the times that Llew has come to her rescue, she feels the urge to keep her out of harm's way, especially away from Rhovanion and Gaelthar.

Aedhlynn Leannain {Worrisome adversary @Rhuyne
} With her current knowledge of Aedhlynn's parentage, Connie's opinions on the woman are constantly fluctuating - and while she can be a source of help on occasion, she knows never to trust the woman no matter how dire the circumstances may seem to appear. She partially fears Aedh's tendencies and simply tries to keep her away, and half of the time she does succeed, but she knows that she'll never truly be gone unless Connie acts upon it.

Nadiyya al-Tufayl {Somewhat of a friend @iMcMuffins } Connie isn't quite sure what to think of Nadiyya - at first, merely considering her associated with the Pirates and Llew, but after acquiring knowledge of her working wit Erfaron against Gaelthar and Rhovanion, she hopes to keep the woman away to avoid the Mansuriya's incriminating wrath that she feels that she might face upon the discovery of Connie's aid towards the duo hunting after Nadi and the rest of the Pirates. Even if the Mansuriya might have come to her aid, she's decided to drop her as she did Erfaron for her own protection.

Irfan Vanelon {Intimidating acquaintance}
Gaelthar Daessalia {Frightening Nelfin}
Gwaedhiel Umerel {Dreadfully confusing}
Tafari A
detokunbo {Friend?}

Life Story (Required)

246 AC (Birth) - Born to the previous incarnation of the vice Pleasure, known as Saerwen, and an unknown father; a few days after her birth, the infant was claimed to be blessed by Estale herself, given her elven heritage and golden eyes, she was quickly whisked away by a devout Estale-worshipping Altalar and taken into his home.

249 AC (Three years of age) - Lived in her caretaker Yalathanil's rather large abode, as he'd come from an affluent Elven family, although dedicated his life as a music teacher, secretly practicing Shadow meld magic as well. At this age, Connie started to pick up her sticky fingers, picking up and hoarding anything within reach of the young Nelfin.

253 AC (Seven years of age) - Connie was finally given her first wooden flute, with intricate wooden carvings in the child-sized flute. Yalathanil began to teach her how to play basic tunes, often spoiling her with rewards if she played a piece correctly, which gave her incentive to practice almost everyday for hours on end.

255 AC (Nine years of age) The young Nelfin girl began to venture outside into the City more often, eventually trying out her pickpocketing skills on some unsuspecting bystanders, causing her to have been beat up in the streets. She'd been confined to the house by Yalathanil, with nothing but her flute.

258 AC (Twelve years of age) Began to be taught the basics of Shadow meld magic. She grew fascinated with the art, and studied it intently under the guidance of her caretaker and father figure.

260 AC (Fourteen years of age) Improved her pickpocketing skills so that approximately fifty percent of time she could steal a small object from someone's pocket without them noticing, although her skills were still quite unpredictable at this point. Connie also began to perform in various taverns and other public locations to show off her skills with the flute.

262 AC (Sixteen years of age) Ascended to Novice Level of shadow meld magic, only ever casting on Yalathanil under his guidance. She began known within a few frequent tavern goers in her hometown for her skills on the flute, continuously practicing playing regular music and casting shadow magic in the safety of her home.

264 AC (Eighteen years of age) Received a job as a permanent musician, and dancer at a local tavern, and became somewhat self-sufficient, but her employment also added to her worsening alcoholism and opium addiction.

267 AC (Twenty one years of age) Ascended to Student level in shadow meld magic, and began to learn basic acrobatics on the side to maintain her rather thin figure. Connie learned how to do a basic cartwheel and incorporated this in her performances and shows at various inns and taverns. She still hasn't cast anywhere outside of her home.

270 AC (Twenty four years of age) Began to dabble more in gambling, eventually learning more about scamming, and how to sate her need to constantly win; cheating. At first, it was quite difficult and often suffered repercussions for her amateur attempts at cheating, but eventually got the hang of it.

273 AC (Twenty seven years of age) Began to travel around the neighbouring territories, acquiring some spare coin and building up her habit of hoarding all of her items. She grew more and more possessive, and lashed out whenever someone moved or touched her things. At this point, she also had a proper house away from Yalathanil, although still followed under his instruction.

278 AC (Thirty two years of age) Ascended to Caster Level in shadow meld magic, beginning to learn more about the other sub school, although didn't dabble in it quite yet.

286 AC (Fourty one years of age) Finally left Ariye after a fallout with Yalathanil and after ascending to mage level in shadow meld, stealing a tome on devoid magic to study while she left. She set out for Farah'Deen in hopes to get away from the same old elvish culture.

289 AC (Fourty four years of age) Faced an odd amount of ridicule that she wasn't previously used to, given her praise and celebration in elven communities. This caused her to cut off her previously pointy elvish ears and go under the guise of a regular Qadir with the new name of Connie Rae. She also reached Novice Level of devoid magic.

292 AC (Fourty seven years of age) Travelled out to the Ailor-populated areas of Daendroc, mostly around Daenshore and Etosil, exploring the terrain and spreading her name as a wandering bard and a traveller. She continued to use her shadow meld to escape tricky situations and practiced devoid magic in private, although she could hardly do much with it.

296 AC (Fifty one years of age) Spent a short time in New Ceardia before returning to her home of Ríë, to further assimilate herself with elven culture and pick up on the language once more.

304 AC (Fifty eight years of age) Decided to permanently move to Regalia, the Holy City, in hopes for a new land of opportunity to learn about her eyes and to make herself known throughout the City as Connie Rae.
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Brilliantly done app, of course. My only concern is the Life Goal. You state that her goal is appraisal, but from what I can tell in the app, she doesn't have much going for that, save for what music she plays. Though appraisal is a pretty common goal for any Silvert, my concern is that without short term goals to actually aspire for IC, which are less vague and more tangible, you'll lose track of what you're really doing with the character. As such, I'd like you to go into further detail about what short term goals Connie might have in mind to achieve her 'appraisal'; or another set of short term goals entirely. Your call.

Feel free to tag me once the necessary edits have been made, and don't hesitate to ask any questions in regards to my review, @PonyoTheScroofy !~
Changed Connie's magic to Shadow Magic because I never really got to use lyre magic too much in roleplay and various other reasons. Life story, strengths, weapon of choice, and goals have been changed accordingly.