Archived Connected Worlds

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Gopnik of the North™
Jul 4, 2014
Reaction score
Winter Empire
I think that massive worlds are not connected enough and people can't travel from on to another. So, I think that they should be connected like when you would come to the boarder of each world, you would get teleported to the next one with invisible gates, like on the ships in Regalia. That would create a really massive world and make travelling more interesting.
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But the worlds are not connected, each are different continents.
I think that massive worlds are not connected enough and people can't travel from on to another. So, I think that they should be connected like when you would come to the boarder of each world, you would get teleported to the next one with invisible gates, like on the ships in Regalia. That would create a really massive world and make travelling more interesting.
There is only two lands that are connected, Ithania and Daendroc as apart of the Daendroc Supercontinent. Those are the only two that are connected and as billy said, the rest are different continents.​
Even though they are not connected, if you travel by ocean you could still reach them.
I like this idea and think a modified version could work... staff could make a set of 9 maps and connect them as part of the same landmass, thus (technically) increasing the size of said landmass. But otherwise I think that just adding some inter-world trading ships would do the trick, maybe one along each flat edge of the map.
I like this idea and think a modified version could work... staff could make a set of 9 maps and connect them as part of the same landmass, thus (technically) increasing the size of said landmass. But otherwise I think that just adding some inter-world trading ships would do the trick, maybe one along each flat edge of the map.
So... I somehow found this thread once again (it was the first thing I posted on here) and I think Mecharic's idea is great. Since connecting the edges of worlds would only allow a specific amount of worlds and would make it hard to add new ones and because it also wouldn't fit the lore map, I'd suggest making additional ports in every world, but some wouldn't lead to all continents, actually, almost none would. However, I do not think that is a very necessary update, but I'm pretty sure it's a quite fun suggestion that might make survival worlds more interesting.
I like this plan, it's not a super mega map that'll give everyone lag, but it'd make traversing the wilds far more interesting.
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