Conflict And Talent

Silence. Stillness. Twilight. The once powerful and lively castle was utterly still as night had rolled in following the excitement of the day prior, if that is what anyone was calling it. The whole presentation was, something otherworldly. It was something that every person who called themselves a true follower of Unionism looked forward to, but, perhaps not in this manner. The Imperial Steward had called for three days of common rest after the shocking announcement and overall display and while celebrating should have been occurring, everything stood still, at least for the Paladin.
A pristine steel blade which reflected in the moonlight lay on the ground beneath a statue of the now ex-Emperor, Cedromar I. Knelt on the tile before the statue and blade was a familiar pale-skinned knight. His head hung low, his hands fallen to his sides and his shoulders slack. Why did he seem so defeated with such a spectacular announcement? It is what the Spirit wills, yet, there he knelt. For hours.

Hours and hours ticked by but he did not move, nothing more than his chest rising and falling as he took long, hushed breaths. The hall in which he found himself in was silent, spare the scarce page or two which passed by without a word but casting a wondering glance at the static paladin. He heard no footsteps, felt no eyes watching. His mind had left him as he sat there on his knees before the one he had looked up to for so long. And now what was next?

The knight's eyes finally opened, his striking hazel eyes meeting the sight of the dimly lit blade before himself. His hand reached out but he suddenly froze as an outside hand met his shoulder. Jeremias glanced back to meet the face of one of the elders he had bonded with during his training and the many years after his graduation. He did not smile or frown as he looked up to the Elder, an aging, pale man whose hair had turned nearly entirely light gray, scarce dark patches remaining.

"You find yourself lost, Kaeppler, as do many this night." The Elder spoke, breaking the silence of the hall after so long. The knight still knelt, merely blinked, no words reaching his mind and thus the Elder spoke again. "You are too hard on yourself, young Jeremias, you know this don't you?"

"As all Viridians should be, Grand Elder." Jeremias had finally spoken, his tone hushed but coherent to the older figure that had now shifted beside him. The old man let out a throaty laugh, "And still in these times, you flatter me so. Rise, Jeremias, and walk with me." The knight hesitated but soon gripped the blade on the floor and rose to his feet. Once sheathing the longsword, the two began down the hall, conversing about what had occurred that day. It was not long before the pair reached the Elder's room, "Take your time and you will soon discover where your place is. These decisions do not find you overnight." He commented to the knight before entering his chambers. Jeremias placed a fist to his chest and bowed his head in respect, "Thank you, Grand Elder, I will keep it in mind. Find yourself rest this night and Spirit's blessings." The door closed and the man departed for the night, finding his chambers but likely finding no rest.
It was the days following that word began to spread of the new aspects and orders rising. These powers, normally unnatural and believed to be from the Void now given to us by the Spirit? Jeremias had trouble making sense of this as he learned of the new orders, however, one stuck with him. His dedication to his faith was strong and he was not going to merely stand by with the vanilla unionists. He would take the next step down the Great Way as the Spirit willed.