Archived Confirmation For Posts In General Chat

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Maybe there should be a little notification asking you to approve everytime you send a message to g to prevent you from wc'ing so often?

maybe im just dumb and should wc less lol
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
It would get annoying to have to approve every message in my opinion
Perhaps disallowing chat is General without the G: prefix? Its annoying to be chatting, then trying to say something else and accidentally sending in general.
Yeah but it would be annoying to constantly have to do G: or you'll just forget and wc elsewhere lol
We wc in other chats too. How would this fix anything if you're only editing one chat?
It makes sense to do something just for general chat. Thats the one that the most people are in.
Or we could type l: every now and then like my paranoid self does to stop making WCs where everyone can see it. Until it gets to funny moments screenshots.
Or they could like, reduce the time limit from 60 seconds to 15 seconds, for each player, prem or not.
ORR have a subcommand where you can delete your latest message, or able to do "G: WC" and there is no time limit for that text only when entering it
I really feel like wrong chats aren't actually that big of an issue