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Condemnation Of Heretics

Regnans In Excelsis
On condemnation of heretics.
Synodical Regency - November 8 305 AC

Preamble ( Skip this part as TLDR)

Through the power given by His Imperial Holiness, the Synod has appointed to administer spiritual and temporal punishments as each case severally deserves. The purpose of this is repression of the wicked designs of misguided men, who have been so captivated by the debased impulse of their evil purpose as to forget their duty to the Spirit, to set aside with contempt canonical decrees and apostolic commandments. They who dare to formulate new and false dogmas and to introduce the evil of schism into the Sancella of Union- or to support, help and adhere to such schismatics, who make it their business to cleave asunder the seamless measures against such men and their followers, and by multiplying punitive measures and by other suitable remedies see to it that these same overbearing men, them along to share their own error and ruination, contaminating them with what amounts to contagious disease. Any assistance that is lent to these traitors bear sin of themselves, should these collaborators turn themselves into the church with public declaration of their confusion and remorse, to their true selves make an unqualified withdraw their conversation, fellowship and above all obedience to such accursed excommunicates; by this means they may escape divine vengeance and any degree of participation in their damnation.

We, seeing impieties and crimes multiplied one upon another, breaking of oath and profaning holy ground growing in severity to speak against the Sancella as a Virgin Blade, who has been recognized not to have her mind fixed by pious prayers has instead thrice damned her soul.

The Sancella is compelled by necessity to take up against her justice, the Sancella in fullness of its apolistic power declare Iona of Heinrich a heretic and a favourer of heathens, and her adherents in the matters to incur the sentence of Damnation and to be cut off from the unity of the Sancella were they to assist or speak to her.

Henceforth Iona of Basta is a traitor to the Sancella and can not return to the faith. All who lend assistance to her or even speak with the woman damn themselves to equal degree.

The Sancella also declares Virathus Krupp, its subjects and people of his realm who have in any sworn oaths to him, to be absolved from such an oath and from any duty arising from lordship. Spiritual fealty and obedience; and we do, by authority of these presents, so absolve them to release them from punishment.

Virathus Krupp is declared under investigation and is beset by a writ of sin. Those who leave his side and return to the sanctity of the Empire, will be spiritually forgiven of all crimes.
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As this finds Iona, she is left hyperventilating in a corner for half an hour mumbling things about the creeds and her sudden recollection of holy sanctuary. Wondering if she could demand a trail or if they forgot that Heinrich was a noble house. If the second clause of their statement applied to the first, and if in returning to the Empire she would resolved of her sins. They had seemly left her no obvious routes. She found her faith to forsake her when she needed faith the most.
Juliette's mouth twisted into a smirk as she folded her arms behind her back, reading the declaration. "Serves him right." She declared finally as she read the second decree, flicking the copied paper from her hand towards her chambermaid.
Radoslav Bolshakov reads over the Sancella announcement with squinted, struggling eyes. The Vladno sorely missed the proclamations of The Grand Patriarch, printed in both Etosian and Mirnoye text. Nevertheless, the slavemaster pieced together the missive, written in the Sancella's Common Tongue, creasing a smile, upon coming to its conclusion.

"You see, it is very silly to let nun meddle outside of nunnery. Lock doors next time - maybe holy lady does not run away, if this is done, da?"

The Vladno would let out a cackle, returning to cleaning the counter of his bar, at the Boyar's Bludgeon Tavern.
Beloved Synod,

I ask only for a moment of restraint in your condemnation of my eternal soul, you have provided me without the chance to properly elaborate upon my situation. In light of such, allow me to Illuminate my moral quandary. While it brought me deep sorrow to rush forth in arms upon the stones of the Spirit, I had my duty to the Empire to prevent civil war. If to halt such an event that causes the blood of brothers to be shed in treason and ambition; I must sacrifice my soul? Then so be it, for there exists no more noble a cause. It can not be over looked, the bounds of office, our Proconsul has overstepped, for only the blind and the ignorant could not clearly observe these Infractions! I Beg you, synod, holy and righteous, to look over my sin and see the greater heretic hiding in its shadow. For he thinks himself the Emperor.

I implore you, give me the chance to adorn for my sins, for I now seek only Retribution. For fear of my soul I might wallow in agony, but for fear of my Empire I must act. Do not forsake me. I bid you only this.

Damned and Fruitless
Iona of House Heinrich
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